4 Post – 58 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

idk but I'm here.

Do something active that allows for conversation. Things like movies are trash for a first date. You can't talk, there's no way to get to know the other person.

Something like a park, or a light hike is ideal. You get to experience something together in a conversational atmosphere. Where I grew up there's a nice park by the river. It's well lit, safe, and relatively public; while still being a beautiful place to visit. It helps everyone involved feel safe and gives ample time to chat and see the sights.

Apk support. Saves you having to get LDplayer or something. Would be great if you're developing android aps.

But yeah the juice isn't worth the squeeze in this case. I'm not switching till 10 goes eol and even then there's a strong chance I'll fully switch to linux instead.

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"I promise" followed by anything. That thing will 100% not happen.

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Recently I've taken to self hosting. It started with me just wanting a raspberry pi for pi-hole and has developed into a full hobby. Because so many of these services are FOSS and can run on a toaster it's helped me immensely with avoiding commercial fatigue. I also find that the communities for the hobby are insightful and, because the solutions are free, they aren't selling you on a product. They're just passionate about the service, distro, or setup that they use.

I've also learned a ton of applicable skills for adult life, so happy side-effects.

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I switched in November. I have no regrets. I rarely run into issues, and having the control to make decisions over my own computer is superb.

Speaking of plane tickets. As a man who flies to Korea to visit family every other year or so.

  1. Always brows tickets in incognito. Airlines may change rates based on whether you're a return visitor to their site and not having cookies can help.

  2. Start with Google flights. This will give you an idea of when (what days and times) tickets are cheapest. Though generally Tuesday or Thursday are the answer.

  3. Once you have your time frame use kayak or some other ticket agregator. This will let you find the airline and flight that you want.

  4. Take that flight number and time and go directly to the airlines website. Aggregate sites like kayak rates are generally slightly higher that the airline because they gotta make dollars somehow.

  5. Though not always I've found that some foreign Airlines charge native fliers less. E.g. if you're flying Korea air change .Com in your web address to .kr. This makes the site in Korean but Google translate page can help here

It's a bit of a process but I generally pay less than 1,000 round trip for flight to Korea and I live in a state with no international airport so I always have layovers.

Speaking of layovers. Use them. See a cheap ticket but it has a 24 hour layover in Paris? Fuck it, that's a day in Paris :). Just be aware that you need roughly 3 hours in customs depending on your destination. So a 5 hour layover is gonna be a boring 5 hours. Long enough to wait, not long enough to do anything.

Bonus tip!! If you have good credit. Look for a credit card that offers a huge bonus or mile's up front then immediately cash those in for a cheaper flight. Side note though on the ones that give you 5% cash back or whatever. You always have to book through them and it's almost always, in my experience, like 5% more expensive. Fuck you Chase.

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Me, scrolling lemmy on the toilet after eating beans... feeling attacked right now.

Naa cast-iron pan user. Throw that shit in a fire, melt away the bad and star it over.

Also kidding, but maybe.

You can also set up up so that it looks very similar to rif. The devs have been pretty active with updates as well. It's been my go to since leaving reddit.

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Well for me I have: RAM - 32gb ddr5 corsair vengeance MOBO - gigabyte b650 aorus elite CPU - AMD Ryzen 9 7900 GPU - sapphire Raedon rx 7900 xtx CASE - corsair airflow 4700d PSU - gol 850w can't remember the model atm COOLER - Ek nucleus aio 240

That should leave you well within budget depending on storage. I have 2 Samsung 2tb m.2s. But you may not need that much. I run popos on it and have had no issues with it at all.

I bought everything listed during black Friday minus the case and psu because I pulled those out of my old rig. Total cost for everything but the case and psu, but including storage was about 1,900 after tax.

Edit: I see you mentioned not being great with hardware. You should check out pc part picker. It's good for compatability. For the most part. It will NOT account for actual dimensions as they relate to the case, fans, RAM. Etc. You should absolutely read up on your preferred case dimensions, length of your graphics card, and fan size (especially in the case of using an aio liquid cooler). That said if you have room for it I do love the corsair airflow case. Plenty of room, good thermals, easy clean. Only complaint is that the psu slot felt small and it is a pain to get in and out. I guess Ideally you aren't taking your psu out often so it won't matter.

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I had been using Ghostery Dawn for ages. Got the pop-ups. Couldn't get around them. Switched to just firefox with ublock, no more ads. Can confirm it does work.

I would like to formally agree that this is annoying. I'm trying to retrain my brain but it is old and unwilling.

Under look and feel. You can set the post view to list. You may have to fiddle with some of the other settings there but it gets it close.

It can be. I'm actually headed there in 4 days. Tickets this time around were definitely higher than usual but I managed to get them for $940 ish. Not ideal since the whole family is going and my bank account is hurting. Also not ideal was having to choose a 3am flight with a trash layover in dfw... but fingers crossed cheap shopping while were there makes up for it.

I actually can't wait. And 3/22/24 is waaay sooner than I had expected.

I think that it does as of gnome 43+. Oddly enough Pop_OS ships with gnome 42.5. Which seems to have been the issue.

I've actually never heard of this one! Definitely worth a look.

Both the Fang and Brave system sound great. Particularly the later since you generally DONT want to fight in the open like that in RLs. What a cool idea!

This is it for me. In particular as my hobbies shifted to self hosting, linux, and my own privacy, I find that lemmy is an incredible source of info and insight. But I'm not really here to meet or follow individuals as much as I am things that interest me.

Of course its innovative, imagine the room this clears up for more ads.

Ignore my ignorance here. You're talking about something like Nginx?

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Got it, thank you kindly :)

You know, I never got into nethack. I can appreciate it's complexity but it seems just a little too much for me. I've played well over my fair share of crawl though. I don't mind tiles so much when done well but ascii is just as good.

I must admit I'm spoiled not only to auto explore but also to the numpad... dcss always hit that perfect balance of an auto that was fluid and purposeful without diving you into weird situations and feeling inadequate (looking at you Qud, I love your game but your autoexplore is garbage).

I guess I may have to check out nethack again though. Thanks for the suggestion!

Eyy!! Just saw the edit! No idea why those didn't show up when I looked! Thanks you very kindly!

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Both excellent games. Though not entirely what I'm looking for. If you've never had the experience of a traditional roguelike I would HIGHLY recommend Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup. It's free and has a tile version, and can even be played directly in your browser. It's complex and unforgiving at first but an excellent intro to the genre. And when it does start to click its one of the most well paced RLs I've ever played.

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I've never even touched rogue actually. Played quite a bit of ADOM though. Definitely a good time :). Also there's a post up above with links to RL communities :)

Yes! Exploring old forts and seeing the world you've built through that different lens is an excellent experience!

Rogue Fable is excellent! Definitely a good intro to the Genre for more casual play.

Speaking of, if you like more casual RLs, check out The Ground Gives Way or Path of Achra.

TGGW is a coffee break RL. Meant to be played in small 15-20 min bites. Simple, yet effective.

PoA is a RL almost entirely built on character theory crafting. The actual RL play can be done with 1-2 buttons most of the time. The character and build creation is... a lot lol. But if you're into theory crafting and build variety its a great time.

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Roguelikes are like beer. Often times you have to find one you like to get a taste for them. That said, beer is also not for everyone :).

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This. It's one things to disagree politically. It's another to think violence is an acceptable means of conveying that belief.

It's pretty fucked up in places but an excellent game.

Do you happen to know how I would find what port it's on and where I would change it? My Pi-hole actually defaulted to /admin, and when using my Searx instance I never had to use a port, so I'm not entirely sure where that info would be.

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Eyy! That got it! I think I'm still going to set up nginx to make it easier as I add more self hosts so I'm not trying to memorize everything's port. Thank you kindly for your time!

I generally do prefer containers. But I'll be sure to stick to them as much as possible. Thanks for the tips!

pavucontrol does seem to work well. Just need to choose an easier way to switch now. Thank you kindly.

Halocene, she does a bunch of covers of old rock songs from around the early 2000s. It's like fresh nostalgia straight into my ears. Her original stuff is also pretty good :)

Ahhh well then I should be good on 1g. Thanks for saving me some bucks though :)

There is for sure some tedium in RLs. I think what finally caused them to click for me was to not focus as much on what items I need to win, but on what items (or play style) I needed to reduce the randomness. Watching people like Ultraviolent4 made me realize that often it's about making better decisions, not the best decisions. Again, that may not be for everyone, but it was helpful for me at least.

Ohh I've heard of it! I think Roguelite Deckbuilders are one of my favorite forks to the roguelike genre. They consume more of my time and money than I'd like to admit to...

Now we're getting into some B Track RLs! I haven't played URR in ages! It's incredibly ambitious and if it ever gets finished will easily be near the top of the list in the grenre.

Thanks for the reply! Yes, having a clear upgrade path was a big part of this. Just being able to move forward when needed without replacing stuff for a bit.

I'll have to look at jellyfin I haven't dug too deep on the media host yet. Thanks for the heads up :))

Looks like 4 sata headers. So prolly gonna grab some hdds.

As for my network. I have a decent router, though I can't remember the model at the moment. I'm using a 1gig switch at the moment to split everything through my network. I'm planning to get that upgraded to a 10g next.

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Ohhh yes. If I wasn't down for hiccups I would have given up with nginx haha. Figuring out how to make the damn admin place for pihole not require /admin took me waaay longer than I'd like to admit haha. At any rate though. Learning is half the fun :)