0 Post – 166 Comments
Joined 9 months ago

Yo whatup

The fact it's there at all is fucked. No thanks I'll pass

Thanks for well contributing to Lemmy but you sure are quite the annoying character. Now don't go and abuse your newfound abilities and remove the blocking feature <3


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JetBrains might not be my friend but they don't hold anywhere near the dev tool monopoly Adobe does for artists. Know what happens if JetBrains starts to blow massive ass? I finally sit down and figure out how to get my terminal editor working with my LSP. Yeah I lose some productivity but not as much as I'd lose by using Visual Studio or fuckn Eclipse.

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Just to remind ya'll we had this moral panic over TV, Music even Books. Is "social media" bad? Yeah, it's bad for everyone. Should kids be on social media? Probably not. Using a phone doesn't melt your brain it's what you do on it. I think it should be obvious playing for example Minecraft on your phone is a much different form of interaction than watching TikTok is. We need to ignore these people lumping all forms of phone use together as that's objectively stupid.

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I recommend you resist the urge to make a fool of yourself in the future then

Hey! That's exactly what Apple did when they came out with their third party repair programs! It's like the only difference between all these companies is how shit they are, not that they are shit.

I only looked into blocking ads sometime around like 2014-2016? I was perfectly fine with them for a very long time, they got more and more invasive and poor quality to the point I looked into blocking them. Haven't gone without an ad blocker ever since. No way in hell am I dealing with the current state of YouTube ads which are drastically worse than what pushed me to start blocking them to begin with.

Let's say only 500gb of video are uploaded every hour in this hypothetical federated YouTube (actual volume for the site looks to be ~200tb an hour). Are you honestly going to argue just that is even conceivably maintainable? You have to infinitely add storage space, multiple TBs a day.

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Unsafe Rust really just let's you play with pointers

This is the entirety of what Unsafe Rust allows

  • Dereference a raw pointer
  • Call an unsafe function or method
  • Access or modify a mutable static variable
  • Implement an unsafe trait
  • Access fields of unions
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It produces extremely long-lasting waste, on timescales humans are not equipped to deal with.

Very little waste compared to burning coal or oil which also produces waste we aren't equipped to deal with. See oh idk global warming.

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I think they mean somebody gains access to the server/s thereby they could look at the ram while it's still actively running.

Are you actually doing a "Look at the bright side of a child massacre the police did jack shit about"??? Wtf is wrong with you people why are your brains so broken

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Dude that's fuckn Miku do you have no idea how much work goes into Vocaloids?

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I'd only accept those video uploads/uploaders I consider quality content.

Cool, I like that idea unironically. So how are you going to do that? To accept only "quality uploads" you would have to somehow know, ahead of time if the uploaded content is acceptable. Sure maybe you have a white list but have fun maintaining that.

Okay so different idea maybe you let people vote on the video somehow and delete videos that are deemed poor quality. Great! So now you burn through writes instead of storage itself which is probably desirable though it only lessens the need for more drives. There's a flaw in this system though. How do you prevent a community from removing a video that's been voted to be poor quality (IE fake "bad" reviews)? Are these videos gonna be manually reviewed? Manually reviewing would have the same immense maintenance problems as a whitelist so again have fun maintaining that.

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Yeah that was a whole thing like a couple years back. The sad reality iirc is that the litter was for something to do with school shootings, perhaps to help clean up the blood...

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Sounds like the same shit those rare metal guys are always yapping about but with extra scams...

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Gotta love that monopoly money

Let's use an example from history, Alcohol. Is the alcohol you can purchase in the store safer than the stuff some sketchy dude will sell you in the parking lot? Probably right? Same goes for drugs, much safer when it's regulated because making it illegal clearly doesn't do a good job at preventing deaths.

Semantic whitespace is awful because whitespace (something that you can't actually see) has meaning in how the program runs. Braces { } for scopes gives you the ability to easily tell at a glance where a scope ends. Whitespace doesn't allow for that. Especially, especially when you can accidentally exit a scope (two new lines in a row with Python) and it's not actually an error (Pythons global scope). Yeah formatters and linters make this less of an issue but it sucks... Languages with legible symbols for scoping are significantly easier to reason about, see end symbols in Lua.

Sheesh they didn't completely shut down the possibility. They just said they think it's unlikely, and I agree with them. Whenever I've seen people suddenly jump out like this to make extreme claims it's been somewhat sketchy at best.

Or hear me out we let them block puberty because that's literally hurting nobody and preventing them from doing so very clearly does hurt people.

But also you know that kids don't think they are trans cause of puberty angst right? Come on man. If you were fundamentally unhappy going through puberty as a teen then sorry to say but that's actually not normal. Most people are rather content knowing their balls will get hairy or they'll grow boobs. We're talking about kids who've been dreading puberty since like they knew what it was. I'll again repeat if you dreaded puberty that's not normal.

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Always comment the why, not the what/how. Bonus of doing this is you only need to update the comments when the why changes

Wait are you telling me insurance is a scam because if you ever need to use it it'll cost more money? That's crazy dude, I feel so awful for the massive multimillion dollar companies that are forced to pay for it...

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So as a recent child depression/mental health issues are so much more common because the world we were born into is very obviously getting worse. As a little Elementary schooler we actually had like snow. Like snow days each year were expected. I remember playing outside in the snow, coming inside to some nice hot chocolate and grilled cheese. Do I even need to tell you how it's changed? The snow we do get is more extreme (power goes out) and for shorter periods of time. This year I believe we got about a week of snow you could reasonably play in, however you wouldn't want to do that cause everyones power was out or it was a fuckn blizzard.

We've got nowhere to go hangout. Malls are closing (not that you could walk to em) parks are okay but you STILL cannot walk to my neighborhoods closest park cause A: there literally isn't sidewalks the whole way and B: you'd have to cross two busy roads. Basically in short the world we were born into wasn't designed with us in mind, instead it was designed for the car. Course that brings up the fact that we aren't getting drivers licenses as often as earlier generations. We can get deep into it but frankly I don't care this comment is already too long. Instead I'll just tell you my personal experience and choice to not get a license. It doesn't provide me any meaningful benefits. I'd lived life up till 16 needing to be chauffeured around by my parents or a friend's parents to go anywhere which like all kids was something I hated as I knew I was a burden. So, as you'd expect the internet became our meeting place. It avoided the burden of being chauffeured around. Once I was finally able to drive, well, where would I even go? A friend's house perhaps but well, we can just join a voice call and do it like that.

Assembly probably? So low level you kinda just play with bits. That's all I can think of for an untyped language. Everything else I'm aware of is dynamically or statically typed

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Wow so brave 🙄

Jesus fucking christ buddy you are a horrible person

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Twitter is also bad

Every time I hear somebody mention that theory I remember that most people believe Elon isn't a massive moron

Course they are. Who else could possibly think that being tolerant of Nazis is a good game plan for a social media site

When it's easier to think about a system in terms of objects. The classic example is video game Entities/Game Objects. GUI stuff has also been very pleasant with OOP as buttons and the like are all easily conceptualized and worked with when seen as objects.

Good ol binary search.

Gotta say though VS Code sure seems more convient than a proper IDE, you even have extentions to do a binary search for you when one of your thousand of extentions to make it have the same functionality is causing a problem...

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Oh he showed his ass long before the Twitter debacle you just had to look beyond the fake Tony Stark persona that had many people entranced

That's not a phone issue, that's a place issue. Where can your daughter go (without needing to drive) to hangout with friends? Can she conceivably walk there? Can her friends? I've been hearing my entire life that I just need to go outside and Bla Bla Bla but I don't have anywhere to go. The closest park is a good half hour walk and now there's even sidewalks! How pleasant. There's nowhere for children outside, it's nigh impossible to walk anywhere and it's not like your parents would let you anyway since there probably isn't even sidewalks the whole way.

For perspective I live a very reasonable 10 minutes walk away from the elementary school I went to. I think you'll agree that's a reasonable distance for at the very least the older kids to walk. However it took them till I was a senior in high school before they put in the side walk. You literally couldn't get to the elementary school on foot without walking on the side of the road for ~4 minutes. Even now the experience is awful and the crossings are unsafe. This is the world us phone kids grew up in. It's not that we don't want to go hangout in person, there's just nowhere to go and by the time people can drive it's far too late.

Also the high school is about 40 minutes walk, there's even sidewalks the whole way (now (only on one side))! It's an awful experience as there's absolutely no shade and about half of it is down a stroad.

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She'll make all your friends nut blazingly fast

At least Tom won't be affected. He's a genius.

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Twitter was never worth anywhere close to the 40 billion he publicly announced he'd pay for it whether or not a "significant" drop before purchase occurred.

There's most certainly residuals, I've accidentally deleted then installed Windows on top of a bunch of my game saves. I found some random file recovery application and let it run for awhile. Guess what? Nearly everything was readable despite the fact it got wiped and then had a whole windows install.

NAND also experiences minor permanent damage on writes. Actually clearing the NAND involves a write as the charge has to be forced out (a write of 0s)

The cookie which stores the "Do Not Track" request is pretty essential don't you think? Cookies is just what we call a particular websites local device cache. You can store whatever you want in there but they are best used for user settings, what user configurable theme should the site use, maybe you have a login token in there. Essential cookies (cache) the site needs to function properly.

Cache isn't scary, it's the tracking info and other related data they use to sell you ads.