
3 Post – 131 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

I'm pretty sure the main system startup bottleneck is me typing the disk encryption passphrase.

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I've just noticed that this is in c/piracy. I suppose there's lots of interest in the story here and everywhere else, but I'd just like to remind you all that ad-blocking is not piracy.

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It's a good thing Apple doesn't make cars. They'd put the gas pedal on the left just to be different, and claim it's more "natural" that way.

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Sort of. They can still see which IP address you're connecting to, which by itself or in combination with some minor traffic analysis is quite often enough to identify which website you've visited. Perhaps it isn't if the website puts absolutely everything through a giant CDN like Cloudflare, but in that case it's Cloudflare which gets to see all the sites you visit which isn't a whole lot better than the status quo.

Still, it's a little less information given away at least some of the time. Better to do it than not do it.

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It's a bank! It's a dating app! It's a video hosting service, a town square, a shopping mall, a floor wax AND a dessert topping! Why go anywhere else? Just stare at the middle of the big shiny X until it makes sense!

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You might think that things have changed over the years, but I was around in 1995 and I can assure you this looked exactly as ridiculous then as it does now.

I tried to submit it to addons.mozilla.org but they didn’t accept it.

It sort of looks as if they did accept it. If they were hesitant, perhaps it has something to do with the description suggesting that it's a broken and pointless temporary kludge, as well as calling Firefox "removed", and the ridiculously irrelevant screenshot.

I didn't realise it was that easy to build a simple firefox extension like that. Maybe I'll modify it to disable the whole clipboard api and some other stuff.

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It's what turned me into a Steam user. Still feels like a moral failing using non-free software, but it sure is fun.

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vastly expands the pool of potential victims

I'm not brave enough at the moment to say it isn't some kind of crime, but creating such images (as opposed to spamming them everywhere, using them for blackmail, or whatever) doesn't seem to be a crime that involves any victims.

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Linux popularity going up means the percentage of users who know what cron is goes down.

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The one Ukrainian Linux user without an adblocker started visiting a website that still has a statcounter widget on it, but he got tired of it after a while and stopped?

When X.com eventually gets around to making its own window system, they may be in legal trouble. Perhaps the resulting lawsuit can raise enough money to get X.org development going again.

I have two reactions: 1. The headline is rather silly. 2. There's no way this little script, although it might conceivably be useful to someone, needs to be a youtube video.

Laptop computers have made significant strides, and in 2023, they're better than ever. However, there are still individuals perpetuating a delusion: That a powerful gaming laptop is as user-friendly and productive as the Apple iPad, which is what everyone should obviously be using. After a few discussions on Lemmy, I believe it's important to provide a clear review of where these fancy "laptop" computers fall short as daily drivers for normal people like me.

PC gaming laptops will, most, likely, fail, for:

  • People who need the App Store
  • People that want everything to work exactly like it does on the iPad
  • Anyone who wants a simple way to install Angry Birds without trying to use needlessly complicated things such as a mouse and keyboard
  • Apple apps that won't run because you bought a non-Apple laptop
  • The performance overhead of that extra complexity costs at least 5-15% of what you'd otherwise expect from such a powerful machine
  • People who need to run FaceTime and whose friends won't consider any alternatives outside the Apple way of life
  • Serious scientific labs with policies that require iPad-only data acquisition
  • Musicians, artists, and customer service agents who've built their whole careers around iPad-only software
  • Developers and sysadmins, because you're probably administering Apple systems for which the iPad is indispensible

Laptop computers are great, I love them but I don't sugar coat it and I'm not delusional like you.

If one lives in a bubble and doesn't to collaborate with other Apple iPad users then PC latop apps might work and might even deliver a decent workflow. But once you've got to work with other iPad users it's "game over" — the "alternatives" just aren't up to it.

iPads aren't that expensive and they work right out of the box. Software runs fine, everything on the App Store is supported whatever you're trying to do and you'll be productive from day zero. There are annoyances from time to time, sure, but they're way fewer and simpler to deal with than the hoops you've to go through to get a minimal and viable/productive laptop computer experience.

It all comes down to a question of how much time (days? months? aeons?) you want to spend fiddling with a mouse and keyboard to set up things which simply work out of the box on the Apple iPad for a minimal fee. Buy an iPad! You know it's the only sensible thing to do and the ROI will be fantastic!

You can buy a second-hand iPad for around €4 that comes with everything you'll need. And every iPad comes with IOS for no extra charge, so why wait? Buy it! Buy it now!

"They hated him because he spoke the truth. I can't even get "simple" apps like Apple iMove to run on my PC. And there's some kind of "video card driver" that needs "updating"? No sane person could ever cope with this. No amount of googling or even the fabled tech support genuis of "chatgpt" was able to help me. It just won't work. This whole Internet is delusional, if they think that laptop computers are usable for the average Joe and I'm an Apple iPad expert so I know what I'm talking about. It's too much hassle. I just want to get things done." — Average Joe

Still thinking that 2023 is the year of the laptop computer? Think again. The Apple iPad is all the computing you will ever need.

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"full-disk encryption" is the search keyword you're looking for

France has no more right to compel Mozilla to incorporate censorship into its web browser than it has to force authors to incorporate a paragraph of text praising the French Republic at the start of every book they write. I refuse to believe that things are so far gone in France that this law will not be knocked over if Mozilla pushes forcefully against it.

One marketing executive's "super" is another man's "crammed full of crufty garbage that nobody wants."

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Alternative headline: Google is making it even harder for non-Google operators of mail servers to interoperate with gmail.

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It was added to the "exclude" list in an apparently unrelated commit three days ago with absolutely no explanation. Glancing at its front page I see nothing objectionable, just a lot of anime stuff. When challenged u/dessalines had nothing to say other than "no, that is full of CSAM" and just closed the discussion without further comment.

Unless some more info comes to light it does not look good. Probably as good a time as any to depart from lemmy.ml.

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Wow, 2015. Back when they had to hire actual humans to write bullshit like that.

Don’t believe any graph whose y-axis starts at any value but 0 people.

This one is pretty bad but that is definitely not the right lesson to take from it. The one thing it does show us is that approximately 20k extra new users suddenly showed up compared to the trend, and that would be much more difficult to see if the relevant axis did start at zero. The bigger problem is that it shows too short a time span. It's not clear how unusual this event was, or if it happens every week.

The other weird thing is that bottom-right axis does start at zero for some reason. I'm guessing it might somehow be trying to indicate "toots" specifically made by those new users? But that's not how it's labelled and it seems unlikely they could have that data.

Forget your ideas of utopia for the time being. First let's reduce the copyright term to something reasonable like 14 years or less, and abolish legal protections for DRM such as the DMCA. It's a big enough change to start with, and might lead to more people respecting the law. The absurdity of works being locked up by the heirs and successors of authors who've been dead for three generations is unjustifiable.

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I understand why they can’t have proprietary drivers

Who can't have them? 90-some percent of Linux distributions make them available to those who are unfortunate enough to need them.

I haven't pirated any actual software since the 1990s (too cowardly) but my hatred for Denuvo and the like burns with unsurpassed intensity. I will never knowingly buy a game that includes it. "Anti-tampering" indeed. I'm not sure if that shit should be legally allowed at all, but certainly not in ordinary mass-market PC games.

It does require you be online, and it is essentially a "rootkit." Its malware features are more polite and better hidden than some of the worst of what has been tried before, but that just adds to the danger that it might be seen as acceptable by people who don't know any better.

"Halved?" No. There should not be software patents. They are good for nothing.

It is if you redefine AGI to mean the thing that's already here, although to get away with that it helps if at the same time you overestimate what LLMs are capable of doing.

XFCE: we added some format options for the clock

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The "info" thing was a misguided attempt by a crazed bunch of emacs zealots to usurp the rightful position of "man". Probably GNU's worst idea. It persisted in having some popularity for a decade or more but is now mostly forgotten I think. Despite having used Debian for the past ten years straight I've only just now found out that info doesn't even get installed by default any more.

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"bat" seemed interesting, until I remembered that I'd just do a "git diff" if I wanted to see a diff. The rest do not strike me as substantially better than what they're trying to replace. Enjoy them all as you will, but I would recommend refraining from describing them as "modern unix" in the presence of any old-timers.

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Who are all these extremist wackos who don't already want to abolish capitalism?

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If there's an official account for Firefox on mastodon or elsewhere on the fediverse it doesn't appear to be easy to find.

There is a @mozilla@mozilla.social, but despite having twenty thousand followers it appears to have been inactive since June and has only ever made 7 posts.

AI that is used to monitor cameras and identify our faces to track everywhere everyone goes: Why would that concern you? Do you have something to hide, citizen?

AI that might be used to generate agitprop, competing with conventional advertising: HOLY SHIT we need a new international treaty right away!

I just tested my favourite cloudflare-blocked site and it still hangs on "verifying the security of your connection" in my figerprinting-resistant browser profile.

13% may not sound like a lot, but it includes almost all of the 10% who weren't complete idiots.

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If they have a rare piece of music history they're probably also seeding many more popular things as well, which are eating up all available bandwidth which might not be much.

I was mildly annoyed the other day by a conceptually similar warning about some software I was installing from F-droid. The annoying part was that unlike this flathub one it wasn't completely clear how exactly the app was using the dangerous features I was being warned about, but I had done my research and knew I wanted to install it anyway. Took me a moment to remember that for a lot of people it probably helps to be reminded of the risks.

Then I went to install the same thing on someone else's phone with Google Play. No warnings, but I had to scroll quite a long way down past ads for competitors and presumably malware-laden copies with confusingly similar names before finding the app whose name I'd typed in the search field.

the most toxic Redditors migrated over

Nah, the most toxic redditors will never leave reddit. Their souls will be consumed in agony as it collapses into a fiery little black hole of hate. The ones who made it over here can't be all bad no matter how stupid some of them appear at first glance.

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Well okay, since it's up to me: Let's have free software. Fully free Linux on every phone, including all "firmware" which has gotten awfully soft lately. No more proprietary driver blobs for ethernet controllers or cellular modems. No more proprietary DRM modules. No more "smart" consumer goods that come without source code. The free software revolution has gone pretty well in some respects, but we need to finish the job and put an end to all that garbage.

They train the children to know and accept that they will be watched closely by anonymous strangers for their entire lives.

They don't have a lot of locations yet, but by sheer good luck they do have one near me. Looks like an excellent way to get rid of some books when I some day get around to clearing out some space on a shelf.