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So, stop using Chrome ffs, ublock and Firefox have zero issues

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How about people pay attention to local elections? The reason we are not seeing funding for EV infrastructure is most small towns can be bought by the local dealership family who would rather see continued profits from ICE vehicle maintenance and not investments into EV infrastructure, then it conviently sides with this bullshit narrative of nothing can be sold and we have no infrastructure so give up on EVs.

They are domestic terrorists following an insurectionist. Let's not give them any more branding

It's ok, I'll say it, billionaires are greedy fucks killing our society, individuals who should not exist in a functional society.

How about bitch about the actual wasteful military spending instead of scientific research into physics and understanding the dynamics of sonic booms. Nasa has like .1% of the military budget ffs.

When internally, you have multiple teams competing, you get the following lmaoo

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All of Star Trek, end of story.

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Honestly fuck the dude above acting like it's some superior morals to coddle a scumbag. That's how you reinforce their behavior and teach generations that being a corrupt piece of shit has no downsides, as everyone has to be nice to them anyway. It's a lie that keeps masses from revolting against corrupt politicians/rulers/governments etc. Fuck that shit let's remind those at the top its us at the bottom who support their little lavish lifestyles and can take it away in a damn instance.

And I'd like to see that contract hold up in court lol

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They are domestic terrorists. We need to stop beating around the bush they have even declared themselves as so much in conferences.

Eh you are forgetting the spot where the conservative snowflakes also just started buying different beer from anheuser-busch because they don't know how companies are structured and thought bud light was a whole company. They haven't lost money here just the share of money coming from bud light in north America has shifted to other beers they own.

Ffs it's nasa not blue origin. Do we really have to fight anti nasa shills now ffs, it really is like Nixon all over again after Trump ffs.

Sure you do, is it going to get continued support due to a big enough player base? Is the game gonna get a sequel from its popularity? Are there plenty of guides out due to the player count?

There is definetly more nuance to showing player numbers ffs.

Edit: fixed my do due spelling errors

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No as ublock has stated you are using other extensions that are tripping detection, ffs 😑

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Realistically because they could care less about opposing the dems if it keeps their power. If they actually tried some reverse psychology shit like that the GOP would happily let it pass and show how they are more bipartisan than those 'filthy' liberals. They aren't all complete idiots, they are fascists trying to dismantle our democracy.

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Na I hope he has a very painful and suffering filled decline full of mockery so shitstains like him understand they will reap what they sow. Treat them like anything other than that and you create a system that is ripe for abuse as we see today. Enough following the bullshit rules of power that allow corrupt greedy narcissists to remain in power because we should treat them kindly even though they are not treating others the same. That just rewards corruption and abuses of power, and I do not fuck with fascists.

Least we forget the US is like the only country who won't recycle their nuclear waste. We have enough sitting to generate power for like 140 years. Waste isn't useless it can still be reprocessed...

God can fuck himself if this world is the best he can make.

Imagine Israel's response in Gaza if that wasn't the case.

Still enacting a genocide? You want peace go in aid the Palestinians, incorporate them into your economy, allow them jobs, education, and a better life then under hammas direction, the Palestinians population is mainly young and stuck in an authoritarian regime help them help you ffs, you don't bomb them to create more hammas fighters and complain. Nor do I give justification for genocide in any bearing, especially not because this one is less worse than what they would do unabated ffs....

For fucks sake, it's not some superior morals to allow a corrupt abuser to die or suffer for the agony they caused. It's a lie to keep a power systems masses docile and in check. It's even worse morals to know what this guy does and hope for the best for him instead of him dropping dead. Fuck that, and fuck all this shit that allows corruption to remain unfettered because oh we need to be kind to the fascist narcissistic egotists or what we have to deal with them like we always have. You should be aware of how they act and be ready to address that shit from day one when it's called out. We know we need chemo to kill a tumor why the fuck are we acting like we should be feeding it and nurturing these shit stains who are actively cannibalizing the human races ability to survive over greed. Cut the tumor out or fucking irradiate it to death. Any fucking fascist peice of shit should be getting the same treatment. You don't want to be mocked and laughed at as you die in old age? Well than start by giving a fuck about others first and maybe we will return the favor. I treat others based on how they treat others, fuck around like a shit stain get laughed at and paraded around like the shit stain you are.

Go ride supply side Jesus a little harder, and evaporate your critical thinking skills in favor of authoritarian fairtales. Talk about being an idiot, as if those same religious institutions did not lobby for the privilege to not disclose, but sure this isn't because of religions being able to lobby for laws and buy politicians, sure bud.

Don't forget if you can get them to ipo, open a family office and setup some equity swaps with the bank to short over the float of the company without having to report it and rake in profit as they collapse from your untenable growth targets as well while letting the ip get gobbled up by your big chips and find the next sucker pitching his 'big idea'.

It's because they all have assets in corporate real estate, have massive amounts of debt that they just refinance latter and get more investors on board so they can ignore the problem. Now we have real pressures that would kill their inflated corporate real estate assets turning that balance sheet upsode down and they are in a panic because they haven't been effectively doing the job they are supposed to. Fuck them

But ofc it makes business sense to blame it on us trans people, like this was anything, like Budweiser ever did shit for us in the first place...

You realize it's just more rage bait right? The parent company here complaining has seen increased growth in subsidiaries like Corona because the lot getting bent out of shape over bud light just bought other bear made by the same parent company. They didn't lose money it's just coming from different beers now. Fuck the wall street noise here

People in extreme poverty world-wide are less than 10% and lessening over time. The majority of people don't have an intolerable or abhorrent life.

Ah yes when you state the world extreme poverty level at $2.85 a fucking day. What fucking fantasy world do you live in??

Neither do majority of people work more than 80 hours a week

Are you just retarded? The majority working over 80hrs a week are low skilled laborers working multiple jobs to make ends meet, tell me all about there amazing life when 2/3rds of the work week is just straight work which doesnt yeild enough time for a proper 8hrs of sleep when accounting for getting ready, eating, commuting or taking care of family?

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We can tell it's already effecting you by trying to suggest nasa is a waste, when we spend 100 times it's budget on wasted military contracts or the fact we do have a tax bracket that allows someone to even become a billionaire instead of taking back excessive wealth stolen from workers in predatory labor markets. There are other areas we should be getting this money for the public and it sure as hell shouldn't be from aeronautic or space research ffs.

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A progressive society does not need to retroactively change history, it can accept the imperfections of the past in the knowledge that we've already changed.

How is pointing out the heinous shit changing history? If anything, it's accepting the imperfections of the past and acknowledging we have changed by calling out the callousness of its prior implementation and calling out what to avoid..... you are literally contradicting yourself.

Ah like the Christian nationalists are so far gone they don't represent Christianity right? Such a dismissive take against the reality of religions and their point to be a source of control over a population and society.

When are companies gonna understand that growth for the sake of growth every year is just not feasable?

Depends when we actually enforce and support the SECs market reforms instead of defending them. As it sits once, that 5% target is no longer consistently hitable the naked shorts will start to come from maket makers and hedge funds allowing wall street to make just as much money in the growth stage as in the desth stage of a company plus when Google eventually gets to that point they can buy up all the IP during the bankruptcy process for their next unlimited growth candidate to usurp. Shit is absolutely fucked, plus congress has basically called out in their deals to keep the government running that the SEC can't use any of the budget to further market reform, so your gonna need to vote in candidates who support Markey reform, and proper reform at that sense baring indivual household shareholders from being able to participate and get accurate disclosures on off market trade data, equity swap data, or just widening the gap between wall street and retail investors access to data is also considered market reform by those corrupt individuals supporting wall streets mess.

propylene glycol or pg is the same vapor base used in medical inhalers, fog machines, and regular vapes. It's not harmful. The bad standards of carts way back when caused other chemicals to be introduced as well as black market carts using similar packaging bought of Amazon and super bad refinement processes caused lung issues. That's why you only want to get carts from a reputable dispo now a days.

He made the same mistake Madoff did

Also what the fuck are you talking about here? Madoff turned himself in because no one in the SEC would look at the DTCCs books. Not to mention his other fleece of payment for order flow is now an industry standard for almost all brokers and market makers.

What a relevant username

I mean it's ideals definetly started with people getting fed up over how money was getting aggregated, then it started getting tied to religion and the Roman empire coopted it to control any narratives, turning what was probably the first instance of eat the rich into we shall just wait to be rewarded. Like the turn the cheek phase was not meant to be submissive, it was meant to tell you how to make sure the slave owner when beeting you left a mark which was a way to earn freedom at that point in time. That got coopted into meaning to take punishment and not complain, which is fucking nuts. Guessing it's why there are so many Jesus like story's from that time frame about a dude born from a virgin, walking on water, etc. they tried numerous times to coopt the movement till it worked with Christianity.

You also had them redefining what a recession is so they can say the US is not in one. For the longest time it was defined as 2 consecutive quarters without gdp growth. Now that's only the case sometimes according to them, at least i think the article still states that its a new US opinion but the edit war on that one was insane. We need more accountability for this for sure.

Have you ever tried out the game ECO?

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Which is why those ideals were coopted by a religion and taken over by the Roman empire to manage and add authoritarian control by making it a God who said all this with their emperor being the only one able to appoint a pope who could clarify the messages in favor of how they wanted to rule.

Oh, no, educated workers who don't want to be taken advantage of and know their worth, maybe companies should value their employees if you want company loyalty.

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Wanting to see the assholes ruining our world be put down like a rabid dog is not some fucked thought, these people are actively killing the planet and our opportunities for their greed while fueling culture wars, may we soon collectively stand up like the French did. These fascist fucks need to be reminded who actually does work allowing this world to function and its not billionaires. The sui shit is definitely not good, though, so I'm glad you were able to get through it.

This right here, we could more easily transition to nuclear from coal/oil while building up the infrastructure and scale needed for renewables. In time we can phase out nuclear but at least we could have a stop gap fix in the meantime.

To be fair, they haven't really had much actual power recently, we never really have enough dems in the house and senate to actually get things pushed through without bipartisan support which know won't come for anything that benefits the people. While there are definitely corrupt people in the democrats, as a whole their inaction ties more to stalled efforts which needed bipartisan support vs. not trying to push for changes. When you know you won't get enough traction to get something done do you waste resources there or try and find something that's workable.

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