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i mean, isn't it a submarine, after all?

topologically, though, isn't that just the same as all speaking and listening? it's all mouth to ear.

if anything, force-fitting 69 seems unduly contrived. like if you shake someone by the hand, the top of your palm 69's the bottom of theirs. or if you give them a high-five, it's the forefinger and pinky.

or if you respond to this comment, we'll be 69ing each other's eyes with our fingers.

since when are nazis so against electricity? or is it that she personally prefers gas?

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all of this could have been avoided if only that one pesky 2000 year-old book was banned to begin with.

how would you feel about an article titled,

"This" word in article titles infuriates internet readers

for anyone else that felt they were left hanging by this šŸ‘† person's story:

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she thought she was Hermione. turns out she was just Malfoy.

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i put this question to my cat while parading naked in front of it.

i got no response other than a look of utter disdain.

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from what one hears about the pressure of these exams, i dont think the reasons for those measures are as wholesome as assumed in this comment.

these exams are amongst the most competitive in the world and their outcome provides only a single window which dictates the rest of your life. that is not a system worth boasting about.

quite ironically in this context, san jose is named after st. joseph -- he of the legal dad of jesus fame -- who was once famously told there was no room at the inn and had to make do in a stable.

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wait till you hear about their approach to roulette!

what have they replaced the X button on their controllers with, then?

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thanks to them for making my deredditification that much easier!

damn. how would russians watch unwanted ads now?

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they should have just made the air marshalls carry rocks. or stones for flights going to the UK.

either way, just avoid paper.

just a minor clarification. the court did not order the article to he taken down. the court just said that the article constitutes defamation.

it was Reuter's decision to therefore take down the article. in OP's first link, there's info of other media houses that have also pulled such stories.

blame the scummy lawyers protecting the scumbag and his predatory behaviour.

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ah, the british and their penchant for carving unwanted lines.

what was his crime? eating a meal? a succulent chinese meal?

what are the chances that it's the default MS Excel date of 01/01/1900 in most cases?

the 942 year old guy could be a mangled date format? maybe someone whose date was to have been recorded as October 1981 and the 10 and 81 got stored as the year?

yeah I'd rule out MS Excel date errors before really buying the conclusions in thia article.

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i don't understand why one would even broadcast such a find. just keep the cash and keep mum.

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that's so mean. just call them "politicians" like the rest of the world do.

why is this news, though? before contacts integration was a thing i created yearly-repeat events for birthdays of family and close friends.

i now get reminded twice! once for my manually-created entry and once more for the contact integration.

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and thus they appear to have "won".

and? so what? getting the last word in isn't everything.

you're comparing apples to oranges here. it has nothing to do with their generations per se.

the 6p had fantastic speakers; perhaps the best non-gaming phone speakers in all of phone history. only the pixel 2 series matched it for loudness and quality.

samsung's galaxy series really skimps on that front because they want to give you an excuse to buy their otherwise wholly unnecessary earbuds. they've a 2cm grill at the bottom of the phone coupled with a tinny earpiece. of course the sound from them is shit.

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it's not just the government. that's pretty much the response of any of the majority that voted for that government. it's embedded into our culture.

pointing out a mistake is greater sacrilege than committing that mistake in the first place. press freedom is the lowest it's been. and we have things like stand-up comics being arrested for "hurting sensitivities".

the OP is right. we indians will always sweep info about our mistakes under the rug and this country, therefore, will never improve.

did the site allow ranking of politicians or billionaires?

i am ashamed to say that i have driven when drunk. this was over a decade ago and i don't remember the 13km trip taken late at night.

i am thankful that the car was found intact on inspection the next morning and i hadn't hit anybody.

but that was the last time i drove drunk. i was a prize idiot to do so--as is anyone else who does so.

the KGB is the same juice as the CIA in a different jug. one may be marginally better than the other, but that's like saying Mussolini was better than...

goddammit, i didn't mean to invoke Godwin's Law this early in the thread.

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separately, imdb itself has been enshittified enough that, most times, i don't want the imdb page as a search result.

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She said Bishop was identified from footage afterwards...

also, he wouldn't stop walking diagonally.

looks like it's easy for their politicians to choose between Victor or Ban?

wouldn't those funds be better invested into developing a hard mode that makes you fly only boeing aircraft?

the hindi film industry is itself littered with corpses of stolen ideas from other film industries across the world for decades now.

seems karma's come home to roost if this story is true.

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the secret life of walter mitty is actually a short story written in the 1930s with its plot based on the captivating power of maladaptive daydreams.

stiller's film, fine though it was, wasn't even hollywood's first adaptation of the story.

sorry, OP, but to call a walter mitty story one about travelling the world to find oneself is to call star wars a movie about an interstellar truck driver and his huge dog.

don't worry, friend. it wouldn't be long before that ice sheet has melted and the rest of the world is virtually set on fire.

we'll all collectively give up mother earth so that you can keep your arse toasty warm.

hasn't the efficacy of this been called into question?

apparently, as a test, they scanned a business czar's chest. it showed nothing.

then they scanned a politician's head. again, nothing.

... if I had to see a discretely parked boat...

fyi: discreetly parked.

all boats are discretely parked otherwise.

to add an interesting anecdote, there is an archer in indian mythology called Ekalavya who apparently showed great promise. he practiced his craft in honour of a legendary warrior called Dronā(chārya), assuming him to be his teacher, imagining how he would teach, and learning thus on his own.

Dronā himself was semi-retired by then and was teaching the princes of Hastināpur (5 of whom form the principle protagonists and 100 more of whom are the primary antagonists of the indian epic poem "Mahābhārata") and, when he saw Ekalavya, he was afraid that this untitled prodigy would upstage his more royal proteges.

so he invoked an indian custom which states that a student must give a teacher whatever is asked of them and asked Ekalavya for his right thumb. his aim was to not let Ekalavya overshadow his charges since an archer needs his thumb to grip an arrow properly. Ekalavya cut his thumb off without hesitation and presented it to the teacher. Dronā was deeply touched by the willingness to undergo this sacrifice, as the story goes.

the relevance to this news article is that Ekalavya went on to practice drawing the bow with his feet instead and achieving aimilar levels of accuracy. this story in the OP is more than an archer overcoming her difficult circumstances; it's also about her reliving a celebrated legend.

(although, separately, why Ekalavya just didn't switch to being a southpaw, i don't know.)

yes, very threadtening design indeed.

in this part of the world, we are blessed with stray dogs who are also protected by our supreme court. it's quite literally against the law, for example, to prohibit the feeding of strays by animal lovers.

i once saw one of them shudder and whine at the sound of fireworks. its tail scrunched under and it pissed itself in fear and confusion. its plaintive moans were drowned out by the incessant blasts of the "mala" crackers (a literal garland of 10,000 or so crackers strung out in sequence that goes on bursting for an hour or so). the poor thing just did not know what was happening and it became a shivering ball of anxiety until the blasts stopped.

anyone who sees an innocent animal suffer like that will never, ever, want to light a firecracker again.

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