Man gets boat painted on fence meant to hide boat. to Malicious – 507 points –
Man gets realistic picture of his boat painted on fence intended to hide it

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For Christ sake, I'd go nuts if I had to see a discreetly parked boat everyday when I drive by on my way to work.
Good thing the homeowner association town had some common sense here. /S

all boats are discretely parked otherwise.

Interestingly this one was actually a town ordinance, not an HOA rule!

Corrected, and that makes it even more crazy IMO.

When HOA Karens actually move up in the world only to fuck it up for a larger area.

... if I had to see a discretely parked boat...

fyi: discreetly parked.

all boats are discretely parked otherwise.

I dunno, you "park" with enough velocity and you could definitely describe the location of the boat as a distribution.

EDIT: When I wrote this comment I tried to imagine how one would do this. Perhaps against a rocky shore, or falling off a trailer on the highway? But then these guys came into my recommendation feed and said, "nah, like this":

Etienne Constable, from Seaside, California, was told in July last year by local government officials that he had to build a 6-foot fence to hide the boat from view of his neighbors.

Good thing the homeowner association local government had some common sense here. /S


Yes I did actually read that, but it's so crazy I thought it was a typo, anyways I corrected it.

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