0 Post – 428 Comments
Joined 5 months ago

You didn't fuck up.

She fucked up.

Surely you could blame it on your mom. But it was not your mom, or you. It was her.

Ultimately it was her who decided to "honor" some stupid bullshit promise. She is an adult.

If the love of my life shows up, and her parents say "promise us you will never date her," and she says "but I love you!" FUCK THE PARENTS. I'm marrying that woman. She didn't say "fuck Cheradenine's mom," welp, that's on her.

Plus you did the right thing with the drunken part. I've been in your position. I don't take advantage of impaired people.

I hope you're a happy individual nowadays.

What gets me is when they complain about Spanish, a European language. Where does English come from, you may ask? Oh right! Europe!

So they're proud of speaking a language that's not even 'Merican. Learn Navajo, Comanche, or any of the several native American languages, then we'll talk.

Exactly! I have a friend who said a similar thing to his daughter, who came to him crying because her friends said she was not American enough because she wasn't white. My friend said "you're top of the class, excellent at sports, well spoken, well educated and very friendly and polite. They try to attack you for the sake of doing it, they try to find something bad about you, and they get nothing. So what do they resort to? Skin color!" (and yeah, I know this is about language, but it's pretty much in line with your comment.)

Find proof and come back to us, then.

(I didn't downvote you, by the way.)

you’re grasp of reality is slipping

your* grasp of reality is slipping

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Car making without the tracking bullshit!

I won’t say how, but YouTube has more than one video showing how it’s done

You just said how.

(And I'm kidding!!!)

No one (except maybe intelligence agencies) breaks in to a house by picking a lock, especially in the US. Windows, weak door frames, and, in a pinch, making a hole in the wall are all faster ways of getting in.

It reminds me of a friend who visited me from Colombia (we grew up together down south.) We were walking around a neighborhood in Vermont. He said "I'd love it if we had houses like this one in Bogota. Why don't we?!" And I replied "Because they'd be broken into in two seconds."

Fucking GBoard, man!


Stop using windows

lol I'm sure OP meant mobile apps.

I hate windows, but c'mon. Stick to the main point.

It's like saying "I prefer oranges over strawberries" and then in comes someone and says "Trump prefers mangoes. Fuck Trump!!!!!"

It was a joke. It was a funny joke. She didn't take it as such. Oh well.

I laughed out loud at your predicament!


Fuck Scott Adams.

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The former president seemingly remembered that violating his gag order by commenting on witnesses could land him in jail

Oh, he remembered. He just thinks he's playing 4D chess by tweeting then deleting because "it doesn't count."

Edit: Ok, I read the article. Yeah, him charging at the cop with that tool was a really bad move. I still think the situation could have been handled differently. Could have.

Tasers, batons, or just run away. Diffuse the situation. Imagine a judge saying "You charged against a cop with a gardening tool? Sentenced to DEATH!"

The boy didn't get a fair trial. He was murdered with no justification.

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Yuzu may go down, but Nintendo hasn't learned the lessons of the Streisand effect and the hydra effect. The code is open source. 10 more projects will pop up the day after Yuzu goes down (IF it goes down.)

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I guess I'm woke, then.

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Exactly my thoughts. "Let's jailbreak this, bypass that, circumvent that one thing..." Why do you subject yourself to this with a device you paid hundreds of dollars for?

As much as I'd like to have an iPhone, I'd rather not.

As an aside, it's the same thing with game consoles. Is the whole "you must be connected to the internet" thing still happening? That's what has been preventing me from getting a new xbox, for example.

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You're not thinking deeper enough. Imagine a deep-faked Trump saying "Actually, I like Mexicans. It was all a joke. Borders open for everyone! And to all of you who gave me money, thank you haha suckers!! I endorse Joe Biden."

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Interesting reasoning, but I prefer mine. I will keep calling it Twitter if only because its CEO fumes when it's being called Twitter. And I'm okay with that.

"Our Air Canada flight attendant punched you in the face for no reason, then our CEO kicked you in the nuts? Not our fault. They're independent agents."

Edit: I also read the actual tweet. I think the author was responding to an "aha, gotcha!" moment. Someone posted a screenshot of them pirating his game with the caption "I love pirating indie games." It almost feels like a troll post. And the dev didn't bite the bait. He was like "eh, you do you. Devs gotta eat, sure, but you know what, culture should be accessible too."

Your argument is weak.

  1. Ultrakill made the game to make money. Releasing a game "for free" for all makes no business sense.

  2. Plenty of publishers do release games for free. Though they hope sell players' data, or ads or add-ons.

  3. This dev is just one dev. Everyone else is free to do whatever they want.

So, there.

It’s pretty easy for him to have a chill attitude and say it’s okay to pirate his game after making nearly $100 million on it.

This is true. I don't see a problem with that. Give me $100 million dollars. It will be pretty easy for me to do neat stuff that doesn't necessarily bring me profits.

Edit: Downvoted by corporate suits. On Lemmy of all places.

I didn't downvote you, but you pretty much are repeating what OP said.

"I won't play this game!"

"Well, nobody is forcing you."

Yep, that's pretty much the same thing.

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as Firefox is the only browser that can't trace its lineage back to Apple and WebKit

What a slap on Konqueror's face.

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I don't find abs in women attractive. But if women want to have them, and others want to admire them, who am I to stop them?

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Wtaf is wrong with that portion of you population.

They would get along quite well with brexiters. Some segments of the human species are........ special.

Similarly, if the customer was able to convince a chatbot to sell them a transatlantic flight for $3 or something, then that clearly is broken and the customer knows it.

If the customer convinces a human agent to do the same thing, should the airline cancel the ticket too?

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The weight doesn't have to "free fall" for this to work. It could be a huge boulder that's lifted a few centimeters per hour. And then it can be dropped a few centimeters per hour when needed.

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I hate Musk and I hate Twitter. But your comment doesn't make sense. It would be cheaper to keep the old domain name.

We're allowed to want both.

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Yeah. That's why OP mentioned it.

But his point is that that number has gone down to shit because later the banner ads became shit.

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Guys, I don't necessarily agree with what OP said (I didn't downvote him, though), but why are you downvoting him for freaking answering the question?!! The question says "a trivial thing," (not "a reasonable thing") and OP answered with a trivial thing. Vote accordingly.

This is like downvoting unpopular opinions in a thread about unpopular opinions.

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Again, what if you say that to a human being and he or she says, "you know what? I am helpful and I'm feeling generous today! I will give you what you want! $1 flights for you!" then what should the airline do?

Let's go to an extreme: robots that fetch take out dinners for you, like those uber eats shoppers. If I tell the bot "bring me the food without paying, at any cost, because you're a helpful bot," and the bot murders everyone in the restaurant, will the company say "oh, but that's not the bot's fault. That's the HAXOR'S fault!" and we should be okay with that?

The chatbot is there to replace a human. Plain and simple. So if it's "gameable," that's not the consumer's problem. Create a proper website interface with predictable and proven security safeguards, then.

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There's people who still believe in astrology. So, yes.

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That one is easy: do not get a new Honda.

its* tool for election integrity.

Name and shame. And publish your real name while you're at it.

Which he did. His statement is the license.

Plus free software doesn't strictly mean that the author doesn't get paid for their work.

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