0 Post – 72 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

If only Clinton could have had muted mics against Captain Gibberish.

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Durham or chapel Hill? We got lots of libs over here.

I can tell by this comment why people don't answer when you call them.

No. It is equal to "if not B, then not A." You're welcome for doing your logic 101 homework for you.

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It's because native English speakers are seeing it in their All feed. If it's appearing in the All feed and the user has their feed set to English language only, then the poster failed to set what language their post was in. So they are downvoting the post for not setting the language.

I personally don't agree with this, I'm annoyed when I see a post in All in a language I don't know, but I simply block the user and move on. But maybe the persistent downvotes would call attention to the issue and encourage the poster to use the language settings in the future. As is happening right here.

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Retired neighbors with nothing better to do.

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What the hell is "X"?

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If you use the words woke agenda unironically, you are not welcome in this instance of Lemmy.

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What an insanely stupid reason to vote for someone.

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They get even more detailed information about your buying and spending habits. They can use this information to better manage their stock and sales to maximize profit, and probably more importantly, they can sell your contact information and buying habits to other companies who are in the very lucrative business of aggregating consumer data and monetizing it.

Exciting. Been playing DF for many years but never tried adventure mode because I didn't want to learn another Byzantine set of controls.

This whole article boils down to "some people are re-tweeting an article we wrote. Let's read some of the tweets together." A little disingenuous to say this means opposition is growing.


Leather working. I inherited my grandfather's old hatchet and knife from when he was a boy scout, these 80+ year old relics had their original leather sheathes that were totally disintegrating and stiff. After looking fruitlessly for replacement sheathes I decided it couldn't be that hard to make my own, and now I'm hooked. I have leather cases for all of my devices, leather bags for different traveling needs, and leather wallets and trinkets make the absolute best gifts. People are always blown away by hand made leather products.

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What is a moral win for a horse? Like, good versus evil? Pragmatism versus altruism? I think we'd have to know what a horse's ethical framework consists of before we could decide if an event was morally desirable for horses.

3 cats, two little robots. They're a hassle to get calibrated right but once you do get them set up they are great. I would buy them again, can't imagine going back to scooping every day.

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This ain't even close to world news. Spam hustle culture click bait ass garbage.

That's a great question.

This is a really excellent writing style.

He would not, because the executive branch does not create laws. He could ask the legislature to pass such a law or to amend the constitution.

Is Fox News a website we need to be reading?

I use this when the tone of my email would otherwise be, where's my spreadsheet motherfucker?? It's nice to modify the overall tone of the email to something more friendly. I have a very curt writing style so I'm often concerned my emails will come off as blunt or demanding if I don't include a pleasantry.

I work in a very friendly, informal field so I find myself doing little pleasantries to fit in, email-wise.

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Is this politics? Feels more like legal scholarship. Many things we rely on for truthfulness in court are pretty bogus. Eyewitness testimony itself is objectively unreliable yet we give it outsized weight.

He was the greatest American who ever lived.

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Where do you live? Share a typical grocery list and what you paid for certain items. Do you eat meat? Pre-made meals? How often do you cook?

Pretty sure hailcorporate-ass astroturfing accounts have been lurking in reddit for several years already.

Ya wrong.

If Tuesday, then pizza. And, if Friday, then pizza.

The contrapositive : if not pizza, then not Tuesday and not Friday.

What day is it? We're not having pizza. So it's not Tuesday or Friday.

Google contrapositives then holla back

Ah okay, you're not a conservative idiot, you're a liberal who is very bad at conveying sarcasm. Carry on.

There are dozens of us! Dozens!

At this point Idiocracy isn't a parody movie, it's a roadmap.

There are probably better places to post sports articles than c/news.

In a two party system, that would just make it so we switch governments every day.

I would guess if anything rich people dying is good for the economy. Retired people are generally sitting on their assets in the form of homes they're not going to sell until they kick the can and retirement accounts in low risk investments. When they bite the dust all of those assets get swept into taxes and to their kids, who probably spend it or at least invest it in the market in a way that is more stimulating than what their parents were doing with it. Old people are stagnant and safe with their wealth which is not good for line goes up.

O don't think this is a shower thought so much as a really really stupid app idea.

Substitute common sense terms. If I say "if it is an apple, it is a fruit", does it then follow that a thing is a fruit if and only if it is an apple? No. Lots of other things are fruit without being an apple.

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Why make such a complicated ass shape when a rope or thong of leather would serve the same end?

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Holy shit this is the cringiest title I've ever seen in my life

Tldr - the answer was domestic violence.

If a ps5 is $500, and a decent TV is $300, you could build a PC for $800 that will serve you for years and years. When a console becomes obsolete every piece of it becomes worthless. When a PC becomes obsolete every piece of it except the graphics card and processor will continue to be useful. In 5 years it will be far cheaper to upgrade an $800 budget gaming PC than it will be to purchase the PS6. A gaming PC is an investment, a console is a an expensive piece of hardware that will do what you need for 5 years or so, then become an expensive piece of trash.

Add to this the savings you will have by investing in steam games instead of proprietary console games. You already own a steam deck and have probably spent hundreds of dollars on games on steam. If you buy a PlayStation you will start from scratch buying PlayStation games. If you build a PC you will have a full game library on the day you turn it on which you have already paid for.

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I think you're answering your own question here.

Your blunt coworker has to explain himself or risks being taken as rude by people who don't know him. You yourself couldn't determine if he was being rude to you without some additional context.

Without further context, you don't know how to interpret an email that says where is my spreadsheet motherfucker.

In both cases, you're saying further social cues are needed to determine if someone you don't know very well is being rude or not. Hence, why people emailing people they don't know very well in a professional capacity include niceties to convey context and tone.