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People keep acting like if we defeat him this election we are safe. Trump isn't the mastermind behind all these horrible policy changes. He didn't write "Project 2025". He is just the populist figurehead. The GOP has gone off the deepend and very election cycle will just be another chance for them to implement their BS. In the mean time congress will delay progress until they get their chance in the WH again.

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I am more concerned about why the Witcher 3 is featured on the car's screen. Does it double as a PC?

Edit: Spelling

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I don't consider myself as religious, but this is just such a bad take.

I too dislike religion, but judging people based on their beliefs and discrediting their views because of it is exactly the problem.

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So the neighborhood doesn't look like a getto full of people too poor to keep their boats in the marina like decent fokes.

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This really opens the doors for mass shootings at fertility clinics. The child density is way higher then traditional schools! /s

The truth and facts have left leaning bias. The right has no choice but to lie. Their policies are unpopular and unsupported.

Its about that a large amount of furries are IT profesionals or work in the Tech sector.

This content is the lowest common denominator. It is the easiest baby mode raid. You do not get end game gear (except for weird kinda quest rewards you get for beating the last boss on any difficulty). This is literally only there so someone who doesn't interact with people or cannot physically do the raid for disability or skill can expirance it and see the cutscenes. This is inclusion not erosion.

There is still a large community around the harder contents and if you want real gear you have to still group.

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I totally agree. However, I do feel like the market around AI is inflated like NFTs and Crypto. AI isn't a bust, there will be steady progress at universities, research labs, and companies. There is too much hype right now, slapping AI on random products and over promising the current state of technology.

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The crime that most people are talking about when referencing "crime" is violent crime.

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Trump's lawyers are trying to delay his other trials. Create BS arguments that require a ruling before his other trials can proceed, elevate it to Supreme Court, run out the clock, hope he gets elected before other cases find him guilty.

Edit: Spelling

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There was a post/meme asking women if they would prefer to be alone in a forest with a bear or male stranger. Idk if a real poll or what, but I have seen it saying most women prefer the bear. People came out of the woodwork talking about how dangerous bears are and asking why are they afraid of strange men to the point they started proving why women would would pick the bear.

Edit: wording

He's so close! Somehow his racism took him down a weird convoluted path and ended up with gun control.

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To me it's like the voice gets beamed into my head, bypassing my ears. I don't "hear" it, it doesn't "sound" like anything but the words are there. It can pronounce things different or with accents but it isn't a real voice.

I think you should watch this video. The orgional paper linking vaccines to autism was specifically made to further the authors ambition. He lied and withheld or manipulated data in order to support his work.

Drug companies go through extensive trials before bringing vaccines to the market. So who do you believe? Extensive peer reviewed studies or one guy clearly furthering his own agenda?

Were the others not fully electric!?!?! Like obviously they were but the title makes it sound like they built steampunk robots.

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I argue that someone's first Dark Souls run gives a viewer a great understanding of a person's true personality and how they deal with difficult problems. Like watching my stubborn friend grind out fighting the titinite deamon by the blacksmith for 3 hours with an unupgraded spear really illistrated how stubborn he can be but also the dedication for self improvement. Your playthrough can also be self reflective. I found that I am quick to search for loopholes or cheese strats on hard bosses rather than put in the reps to learn it properly. I noticed I did the same thing in classes. Not cheating, but more like finding tricks and short cuts to make it work now rather than polishing basic skills and getting a deep understanding of the problem.

Was very eye opening to me and made me realize that how and what someone plays can tell you alot about a person.

They did, they know it doesn't work, but they are already too far down in the money hole. Gotta grift and bullshit and spread bigotry until they make back the money.

Edit: Some words

Sounds like he is helping the FBI out on a sting operation in exchange for a lighter sentence.

Oh boy do I have news. God agreed with you and in 2010 "Touchdown Jesus" was struck by lightning and burned down. They replaced it with a more traditional version. Personally I liked the orgional more.

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I don't support Boeing, but I feel like this aritcle is sensationalizing a possibly mundane aspect of the manufacturing. Like none of us know the specifications for assembly. The tolorance for those specific gaps could be generous and a key card turned out to be an acceptable gauge. Automotive industry uses a variety of Go/No-Go gauges that are 3D printed which are far outside the accuracy of Feeler guages, because in some cases you dont need the precision. If the gap needs to be 2mm +/- .5mm and a key card is 2mm +/- 0.4mm or whatever then its fine.

Overall, what I am saying is that the issues with Boeing is systemic across all aspects, but one shouldn't be so quick to jump on details that make a eye grabbing article title.

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The alternative is absolutely unfathomable. Like I am an atheist and the fact we exist in any capacity is insane. Where did everything come from? Where will it go? People believe in religion because it's easier.

When I have an existential crisis over it I sometimes wish I was religious.

Carful, this deleted comment might resurface!

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The Left isn't going to any extremes. They do almost nothing and it is what is allowing the right to swing to their extremes. This "both sides" take is disingenuous at best. A better analogy is the american people are strapped to a guillotine, the right is ready to release the blade and the left is still trying to debate and dicuss the merits of not dropping it.

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I agree that all jobs need some training, but I think the termology is the real enemy. Like yes a cashier needs training but is it comparable to what is considered "skilled labor/trades" like qualified electriction, plumbers, welders, engineers, etc?

I think everyone should make a living wage and think the terminology is definitely used to oppress and divide but whenever I see these arguments it really feels like people don't see a distinction between the amout of work/time it takes to be competent in these jobs.

For his voters, his lies and fabrications are the truth. They don't listen to fact checking because they are conditioned to see it as fake and a goverment ploy to fool them.

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The justification people use is that allowing them to profit through "normal/legal" channels prevents them from taking bribes or seeking other forms of income.

Absolutely disgusting and boils down to the same thing. Very effective at preventing corruption too (/s). A normal person would be jailed.

Edit: Some words.

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What field would be the cut off? Is religion going to influence how a metallurgist analyzes microstructure? How about how a chemist developing new polymers? Who gets to decide? If a scientist allows their religion, or any external influence, to influence their work they are a bad scientist. Which is why we have peer review and reproducible results. There is no need to label anyone. If their work is shit there is mechanisms to correct it, which we are seeing in the article.

People's relationship with religion is not up to you, just how the opinions of the religious shouldn't get to dictate the lives LGBT+. They might be in it for community and don't belive the "fantasy". If an individual is spouting hate that is one thing, but judging individuals by their religion is the same persecution the religious zelots dish out.

Edit: some wording

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Put it in the orgional Hebrew.

Not the same as barking but wolf howls are complex and unique to species and pack. Atleast shows they may be something there.

He wouldn't have been able to get 8 shots off. Of course he missed but still.

Edit: I have not been able to confirm the number of shots taken. I will update this with a source if I find something.

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My understanding is that if the athlete is correctly undergoing Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) the biological advantage is significantly reduced if not removed. I am sure there are exceptions though.

Edit: Everything below

After looking through some studies it seems like Trans fem athletes do maintain some advantage, or atleast the current wait time is not enough for the edge to be eliminated.

Best example I could find

There are still waves. Imagine if the sea isn't calm. People already can't stay alive forever in the water. This might not be a "fresh" capable person after a long day of sun and swimming. Add the panic of rapidly being sucked out to open water. Even the strongest swimmers could succumb in certain conditions. Even if you get out how long can most people tred water and fight waves for?

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There are plenty of instances in anime where mechs (I guess not specifically Gundam) have wheels or skates/wheels, like Code Geass. I think its mostly so they don't have to animate walking on the ground or draw different leg movements/positions.

Edit: added stuff about drawing.

This design is similar but not the same as OG post. Although still shitty, its quite an improvement over the orgional.

I didn't even think about them trying to move product that would be hard to sell. I just thought they were dumb. Makes so much more sense.

There is a difference between feasibility hype and adoption hype. The hype about it being possible at all has passed. But the true hype relevant to the graph is when it is implemented in the general economy, outside of labs and research facilities.

I think Owlcat makes fantastic dnd games. They made Pathfinder: Kingmaker, Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous, and Rogue Trader. They could certainly do more than half as good as Larian. However, their big problem with pathfinder games is that they are stupid long and kinda bog down with so so so many items and talents in the late game.

A family of beavers should be released at every dam to provide continuous maintenance and patch any holes.

They are talking about employee retention not students dropping out to work at fast food. Schools absolutely "compete" for workers just like every other industry.