3 Post – 596 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

Your flaw is that you're taking the police at their word. Why the fuck would a 13 year old point a pellet gun at the cops?

If I see footage that corroborates their story I'll believe it. Until then, I'm assuming the murderer is also a liar. ACAB

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You love classifying differing opinions as those from "radicals". I hope to God you don't have any power over others in your life, because your mindset is dangerous.

I'm just curious, does it ever get tiring? I imagine doing anything 24/7 must be, but licking that many boots just sounds exhausting.

Do you realize there's a reason you're being consistently downvoted? Do you care to understand why your opinions are so frowned upon? Or do you simply conclude, in your tiny obedient mind, that the "radicals" dislike the police because we're all thugs?

This is a trend decades (if not centuries or millennia) in the making, of people in power abusing said power and lying about it. You defending them is a pathetic waste of your time.

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It's so painful to watch Biden attempt to recall accurate information, while watching Trump effortlessly lie.

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Meanwhile, I had higher expectations for Biden, and Trump's expectations are what I'm seeing.. This debate will not sway me away from voting Biden, but fuck is it hard to watch.

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Damn, phase 3 double blind randomized study showing 100% effective? That's huge

It's sarcasm lol. They're committed to the bit, I respect it

/s or right wing troll? It's hard to tell the difference sometimes

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I didn't notice the muffled mics, but I agree with you on all accounts otherwise

What the fuck

I'm a fan of this. It's better to offer content with context and education than to fully censor it.

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I don't feel comfortable with them essentially operating a monopoly that both consumers and artists detest. I don't feel comfortable with paying exorbitant meaningless fees if I ever want to experience a live event. It's never mattered what I'm comfortable with, I've always gotten fucked. I don't care how uncomfortable they are, I hope they get absolutely destroyed by legal fees and go bankrupt.

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Wow, the film makers Heineman and McNally are total pieces of shit. They were warned several times that people would be killed if they didn't blur their faces. Heineman and McNally said it would be fine, then said no one ever warned them, then said it's normal to show faces, then said it's really the governments fault, not theirs.

Heineman and McNally are responsible for this person's death, and are too cowardly to admit it.

As much as I love my android phone, I have to admit Apple takes privacy and security much more seriously.

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Damn that graphic on Mobile. "Kissinger dies, YAHOO!"

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He pleaded guilty to three counts of criminal solicitation of a minor on Monday. The remaining 32 charges were dismissed as part of a plea deal, according to a spokesperson for the Attorney General’s Office.

Criminal solicitation of a minor carries a maximum sentence of up to 10 years in prison for each count. First-degree attempted sexual exploitation of a minor carries a maximum sentence of up to 20 years in prison for each count.

What a nice judge. Don't forget to vote everyone.

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I'm shocked that multi billion dollar corporations would lie, take advantage of their own employees, and act like they're the victims.

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Even if, for whatever reason, a wheelchair was absolutely impossible to obtain, this was handled like shit. If I found out I had to tell someone we couldn't secure a chair, you can bet your ass that I'm going to ask that person how I can best assist them off the plane. I'm not going to have his wife drag his legs as he crawls past 12 rows of seats like a sociopath.

I wish I was rich enough to face no repercussions for my actions

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[in the US] your insurance dictates your healthcare, not your disease, deformity, symptoms etc. If your insurance pays for an allergy test, you're getting an allergy test (even if you came in for a broken arm). If insurance pays for custom orthotics, you're getting custom orthotics (even if you came in for a wart removal). We will bill your insurance thousands of dollars for things you don't need. We're forced to do it by the private equity firms that have purchased almost all of American healthcare systems. It's insane, it's wasteful. The best part is the person who needs the allergy test or the custom orthotics can't afford it, so they don't get the shit we give away to people who don't need it.

I would gladly kill myself if it meant we got universal healthcare, but private equity firms can't monitize a martyr so it would be pointless.

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Now imagine if you or I acted this way. We would go straight to prison.

I cannot believe how far we've fallen.

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conservative doesn't like being treated like an equal, decides to abolish the group that produced evidence suggesting equality

Sounds about right

It's a shame that they'll certainly prioritize nerfing this over fixing actual problems

Defending giant corporations profiting off of uncompensated individuals, while criticizing anyone who doesn't want to provide free labor to said corporations, is a disgusting take. Are you a CEO?

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I'm shocked that the police lied again to cover up their murder. Shocked, I tell you

This feels like one of those things /b/ started as a joke, and a few echo chambers took it seriously, and the media assumed or "assumed" it was far more widespread than it was. At least, I hope so

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He has the right to free speech, and advertisers have the right to walk. What's your point

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It's been bizarre watching everyone claim she's a senile old bat who should've stepped down decades ago, to hearing everyone praise how devoted she was. It's been a very disappointing journey for sure, the stuff of "boring dystopia" posts.

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She didn't "investigate", she threatened children.

God forbid we ever get universal healthcare / a single payer system

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So they're Nazis

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"it's shocking they didn't make a record of their illegal behaviors"

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Congratulations, you two just summed up the last 7 years of trump news!

China being China, this shit has been going on for decades

Surprised no one

I don't even check anymore. I get a credit / "your info was found on the dark web!" Email literally every week, what's the point. I've been fucked by giga corps and I have nothing to show for it besides weekly notifications of my compromised info

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2 years imprisonment for burning any religious text? That's insane

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A message saying, “I am not a killer, I just want to get into the caves,” was written on a wall of the women’s bathroom where the man was found lying on the floor, according to Garfield County Sheriff Lou Vallario. Nearby, officers found a handgun and explosive devices, some real and some fake, he added.

Geez :(

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They use both names in the article 🤦🏻

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