3 Post – 69 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Doubt. These large language models can't produce anything outside their dataset. Everything they do is derivative, pretty much by definition. Maybe they can mix and match things they were trained on but at the end of the day they are stupid text predictors, like an advanced version of the autocomplete on your phone. If the information they need to solve your problem isn't in their dataset they can't help, just like all those cheap Indian call centers operating off a script. It's just a bigger script. They'll still need people to help with outlier problems. All this does is add another layer of annoying unhelpful bullshit between a person with a problem and the person who can actually help them. Which just makes people more pissed and abusive. At best it's an upgrade for their shit automated call systems.

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You sound like one of those idiots preaching the apocalypse from a street corner. Humans obsolete in 10 years? Yeah sure buddy, right after all those profits trickle down. This is just another tool, an interesting one to be sure, but still just a tool. If you're staying up nights worrying about this, you don't really understand the technology, or maybe you're just worried someone is going to realize you don't do shit.

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It's fascinating that the enshittification is taking place on both ends of Google. I would have thought that the slow bastardization of search was for the benefit of advertizers but it's bad for everyone except Google.

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Wait people were getting aid? I thought we all got a couple thousand dollars and thoughts and prayers... That shit dried up in one month.

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Business majors are ruining the world one quarter at a time.

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Because they didn't do it as an investment. Destroying the platform was the point.

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Long ago the four nations lived in harmony. But everything changed when the business nation attacked. Only the regulations could stop them, but when the world needed them most, they vanished.

Yeah. It's at the root of a lot of the problems with conservatives in the US. Religion trains people in believing because they were told to believe, and holding to these beliefs in the face of all suffering and hardship. It's a gateway drug to conspiracy theories and paranoid delusions.

Those are colors

I agree with your choices but your logic for the teleportation doesn't hold up. You've assumed your momentum wouldn't be conserved through the teleportation in a weird way. Assuming momentum is conserved, you would still fall just as quickly. In fact, you would reach terminal velocity in short order, and would have to continually teleport to keep yourself from crashing into the ground. By itself that would be bad enough, but you moving through the air between teleports would cause the air to move as well, so assuming you could keep up and hold your elevation, your velocity relative to the ground would increase to some number higher than terminal velocity. Think Chell continually falling through portals. Now you're stuck unless you can also teleport slightly to the side without falling. Best case you go to one of those indoor skydiving places and get in so you can slow down without dying. I was going to explore what would happen if your momentum somehow wasn't conserved, but that would imply some absolute fixed frame of reference or magical mumbo jumbo, neither of which exist.

You could totally travel faster though, without even needing to walk. You would also be super dangerous in one on one combat sports. A well placed 7 inch teleportation can easily get the win in the right sports.

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And move to a cheap spacious house in the middle of nowhere, ideally somewhere absolutely beautiful. You could work anywhere you want and never need to actually live there. You could also become the first person on every planet and moon. I'd probably try to get nasa to pay me a billion dollars to be on call to teleport anything they want to anywhere in the solar system.

Yo ho yo ho a repeat of history for me.

Yeah to be honest what strikes me the most about companies like Bethesda is just how little they've improved over the decades. There's nothing stopping them from making major improvements like removing loading screens, adding vehicles finally (I wonder if the ships are really a hat like the train in fallout 3), fixing the buggy ass collisions and physics, or any number of dumb shits they just keep leaving in game after game. It really speaks to the institutional inertia and spaghetti mess their code must be.

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It's even simpler to see how stupid it is. It costs more energy to capture the carbon and store it than is gained by burning it in the first place. It's literally more energy efficient to just not burn it at all.

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I'm guessing they do, but it does also reduce the life of the concrete. Modern concrete structures would be impossible without rebar, so that makes it a good trade, but it doesn't change the fact that it's a trade.

Wow they're just straight up calling it theft now. They can't even pretend to understand the difference.

In my experience this most often comes from a failure to perform routine maintenance, and Windows being a bloated rotting whale, decaying on the beach, slowly expanding and spreading its horrid filth across the entire system. Give your computer a new life by cleaning out all the dust, reapplying thermal paste to the CPU, oiling fan bearings, and installing a lightweight Linux distro, or at least a fresh whale carcass (clean windows install).

At that point you teach them how to do it themselves. Isn't there a way to give them an account that only has read access so they can't inadvertently screw up the database?

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You're saying this like the rat race isn't a feature for employers. They give you that advice because they want you to settle for whatever shit job they can get you to do for as little pay as possible. Employers don't want happy, productive employees. They want desperate, starving employees just happy for the "opportunity" to make just enough to technically be able to survive.


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This is like a chain smoker looking you dead in the eye and saying "You can't die from smoking. Look at me, I smoke 10 packs a day and it ain't killed me yet!"

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Write me a prompt for a large language model that will make it write me a beautiful prompt for a large language model.

'Certainly! Here's a prompt to generate a beautiful prompt for a large language model:

"Create a thought-provoking and eloquent prompt that would inspire a large language model to craft a piece of writing that captivates and enchants the reader, leaving them in awe of the model's creativity and linguistic prowess."'

  • GPT-3.5

"Compose a vivid and evocative narrative, rich with descriptive details, that transports the reader to an enchanting forest bathed in the soft, golden hues of the setting sun. Your task is to convey the profound connection between the serene beauty of nature and the human spirit, leaving the reader in a state of tranquil wonder, captivated by your poetic portrayal."

  • GPT-3.5 responding to GPT-3.5

To me the ring feels more like heroine or cocaine or something, you know one of the drugs that just make people feel good. The hobbits had no real ambition for more than a good life, and they pretty much all already had that, so when Bilbo or Frodo used the ring it was like "heh, nice" and then they went back to their great life with no desire to use it again. Of course they're basically microdosing while they carry it so they eventually start to incur the cost. Frodo only really starts to get corrupted after months of grueling travel and suffering, and losing hope of ever returning to his life in the Shire. Everyone else has all these obligations and ambitions that weigh on them, and much like regular people they've given up varying degrees of their happiness to further those goals, so the ring would feel like getting back everything they've sacrificed and being happy again, or for the first time for some. The metaphor is a bit of a stretch, but I think it fits broadly with these magical artifacts that corrupt people. Just like cocaine, heroin, meth, morphine, or whatever, they give people a feeling that they can't just get over. It's biology, they hijack the reward system so we have no choice but to push the feel good button unless we can overcome the urge through willpower or getting whatever feeling the drug or magical artifact is replacing naturally. Some people only get so corrupted but some just keep going, chasing the dragon and replacing more and more of their life with the fake feelings of the drug or magical item.

Reading between the lines here, someone is fucking with the market on purpose. Drop the prices so low the competition goes out of business trying to keep up, then jack up the prices to make it all back multiple times over. Businesses don't drop the price of products for no reason.

Google is literally an ISP. They provide my internet service.

You can't feel gravity. What we feel really is acceleration, the acceleration of the earth pushing us up against gravity.

Meteorology is really hard, but comparing it to politics and economics is false equivalence. Meteorology is governed by well proven mathematical models, and we can use them to make predictions. The problem is that the earth is really big, so we just don't have computers powerful enough to simulate it finely enough. Add to that it's a chaotic system and it becomes difficult to predict accurately very far into the future. Weather predictions have actually improved dramatically the last few decades, and I expect they will continue to do so along with advances in computing. Economics and politics may as well be random guessing, but is often worse than random guessing, because we have no reliable proven model for human behavior.

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I don't doubt that mathematically, but practically that sounds like it would be functionally equivalent to just retraining the model. Like if it were more efficient to just calculate the model weights based on input data, that's what we would do, there would be no need to go through the training process. We could just start with a completely untrained model and calculate the difference between that model and one that was trained with all the data. The more I think about it the more I doubt that mathematically. The feasibility of this would depend heavily on the details of the model and how it was trained. Lots of times the order in which the data was presented during training has an impact on the final result, so there's no guarantee your subtraction would achieve the same or even similar result as retraining without the specified data. Maybe you can reference some papers on the topic.

I feel like if we know enough to fix this with gene editing on purpose, we know enough to unfix it on purpose too. If we later run into a situation as a species where having high cholesterol is somehow a major improvement for people, we can give everyone high cholesterol pretty easily.

Not sure why you're implying induction is a rich people method. You can get a plug in induction cooktop for less than $100.

I mean it's not a secret. It's lead. There's lead in the water down there.

Have you seen many CEOs? Those aren't requirements.

The future is now old man.

Looks like the other three aren't natively supported though.

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They theoretically could, but the coefficient of performance would go below 1 long before you get close to zero Kelvin. That means it would cost more energy to pump the heat than is pumped, so you'd be better off using an electric heater.

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They're also completely wrong. You can go see Lucy in Chicago and see with your own eyes the skeleton of the giant chicken that would take out a lion in one bite.

It doesn't feel like there's any real alternative to Google search. Most of the privacy based search websites are really just Google or Bing on the backend. The only other index is Yandex the Russian one, which, yeah. I'm happy to be proven wrong, but the internet search space is approaching peak enshittification, and it doesn't look like anyone is stepping up to meaningfully change anything. No private companies seem willing to actually square up with Google, considering the investment it would take. Honestly I don't see things getting better anytime soon. This is just another symptom of the erosion of the social contract in the US and the rampant greed that's driving it. Nothing we can do can't be enshittified by bad actors in this environment. Not to be too US centric, most of the big tech companies are based here so our garbage culture fucks over everyone.

Laughs in yo ho.

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The first offer wasn't rejected, they didn't have the money on hand at the time. Between the first offer and the second they got investor funding together and the cash on hand dwindled, so the second offer was with cash to cover the offer and some to cover running the business between acceptance and closing. After the second offer the board released a statement saying it's this or liquidate the company, so they went with this because it's the best outcome for everyone with the current state of things.

Thanks. I made it myself.

I know this is a joke, but that would require them to put actual effort into their shit ass slow ui that's had the same stupid bugs for the past 15 years and still doesn't have a search function that gives you what you fucking searched for.