3 Post – 60 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Google’s search results are absolute garbage lately. It pushes the most advert-heavy spam sites first.

DuckDuckGo has more reliably been giving me the technical documentation I was looking for in the past year.

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PayPal have a habit of freezing accounts under suspicion of money laundering. I’d move funds to a bank ASAP.

Many software developers care even less about security than the people who use the software. Their attitude is that it’s just more work to do things in a secure manner. It’s only after a major security breach that they fix their security holes.

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Israeli government said they didn’t. Evidence suggests they did. Hmm. 🤔

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My hot take: Silicon Valley’s kids need to give themselves the illusion of progress with ever changing “best practices” and trends. 30% of my work was probably keeping up with deprecations that rarely truly improve anything.

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Telegram is owned by Russians and the server is proprietary closed-source. I prefer Signal.

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Rudy is h a c k e r m a n confirmed.

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That might be illegal in the EU under GDPR rules. They’ll probably be fined a few million.

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Only other source on this is Reddit, so yeah, probably.

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Nah, Facebook is a lot worse in many ways. Slack is actually usable and obeys the law.

War were declared.

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Less communist propaganda. Based on what I’ve seen, I don’t think these pro-communist kids truly understand what they’re supporting.

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Godot and Blender. /thread

If they handle their nuclear reactor like they handle their cloud infrastructure security, we’re doomed.

Or just install Linux on any laptop made in the past 10 years.

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Dirtbags. Compared to Godot, what incentive do people have to stay with this trash?

You mean Aliexpress isn’t a good place to buy Boeing 737 replacement parts?

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Who’s a good boy?! pets it

It’s alright, I already have Path of Exile. It’s free too.

I’m on Win11 and don’t have that. Think you need to turn off “Spotlight Backgrounds” somewhere in settings. While it gives you new backgrounds, it uses it as advertising.

An ex-con on YouTube showed how they could make DIY chargers that ran off any batteries. But also, they might only turn it on for 20 minutes a day.

Is this the last picture of her seen alive?

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He was a victim of project MK Ultra. Brainwashed by the United States government at the time. They ruined his mind. He was once a bright young student.

Depends on what you’re doing. I look up Linux admin stuff. DDG points to the Arch Linux wiki which is solid, even for non-Arch Linux stuff. Google points to random sponsored blog tutorials that are sometimes outdated or the author doesn’t have a full understanding of what their copy-paste terminal commands do.

Recently I used google to look up a Kotlin coding thing. It pointed to every source except the official Kotlin documentation.

Not saying the conspiracy theory is right. But I don’t think it’s unreasonable to consider there’s a chance it escaped the lab. Like even a small chance.

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They’ll take any good cause and repackage it into a product to sell back to you. 💀 I support LGBT but to hell with this product cashing in on a cause.

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Works great. You can even make it pretend to be Docker so you can use the Docker commands.

By getting stuck on certain invisible objects and walking back & forth on the spot because pathfinding algorithm glitched. Also, walking up and down a riverside because an enemy was spotted at the other side.

He was a victim of the CIA’s brainwashing experiments at the time.

Ok I didn’t know that.

£10,000 for one in UK and €1000 for one in Ireland. Better than nothing I guess. The response of some people is hilarious.


At least you’re creating more job opportunities for IT Security people. :P

whispers Ratmaaaa

Why do you think it’s a minuscule possibility?

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I have completely lost confidence in Bethesda.

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As a side note: I’m trying multiple apps right now and comments on this post aren’t showing in multiple. Only in the web browser. Maybe API changed.

The apocalypse.

Resorting to personal attacks. Nice job, Daisy.

Amazing that they haven’t been disappeared.

Think the wiki needs to be updated. It said Telegram is used by the Kremlin.