7 Post – 231 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

How do SSDs and HDDs compare to optical disks in terms of stability in storage? SSD bits can lose charge over time until a lot of 1s read as 0s, right?

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It also stores a lot of heat in the walls of the tent, which will keep the air inside from cooling down too much over the course of the night.

Only one can likely be credited as directly causal to a human extinction, but I'd think several factors can end up contributing to keeping us grounded even if we stick around for several additional millennia. And we could to some extent experience several of them simultaneously. For example if it is necessary to successfully create one or more technically possible (unbeknownst to us) technologies, but they remain unproven for the entirety of our species span of life on Earth. And while this is attempted, we end up with shortages that make soace exploration and colonization politically impossible, as the resources are never allocated for the purpose.

In this case we'd have both problems, but solving either one of them would still not get us out there.

In another example, perhaps even the technology is proven eventually, but due to scarcity rhe window of opportunity temporarily closes, and then wars, plagues, and a few other factors set humanity back to the stone age with a small population. Perhaps some predatory animals end up very successful at hunting us to extinction. Or perhaps we're gradually finished off by several famines.

One could maybe point one cause out as more consequential than the others, but if the problems end up being such a quagmire I'd say they all played a part in filtering out humanity from interstellar colonization.

This idiocy will end this mistake of a planet. Might be for the best, if life were to spread through the galaxy from here, we'd be contaminating it with so much war, slavery and other miseries. Good luck to whatever spawns here next.

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When you're terminally online, it helps to be at least reminded that online culture isn't normal, especially not 4chan. But Reddit, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram are all full of their own weirdness.

Better than recognizing that would be to reintegrate into society fully and leave the internet mostly behind to sulk and moan.

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I'm gonna be honest here: It's not.

This is like someone posting "homemade is so much better than eating out" and then they post a picture of a pickles, spam and mayo sandwich.

I mean sure, homemade can be better, but what you just posted isn't. I'm sure you like it, though. But it doesn't have general appeal at all.

Look, there's a reason most of the canvas is blank.

But you probably like the lack of activity.

So enjoy it, I guess.

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Yeah fuck Unity, I'd love to see devs abandon them altogether whether they revert the changes or not.

I believe the exact same thing is true.

I have yet to see an employer even attempt to prove it wrong.

Showing up and working sluggishly is the most stable pattern. Getting it done quick and then relaxing only attracts attention and criticism, and as mentioned: More work for no increase in pay.

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It is in our democratic interest to vote against copyright law.

So why do we choose to keep copyright law, at least in its current iteration?

Are we really not interested in either abolishing or changing it? Is your brother, mother, uncle, grandfather, neighbor and colleague in favor of current copyright law?

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Land of the not even slightly free.

A point boomers, the children of WW2 fighters, intended to be driven into the backs of their own children.

Blunting that point, that's the point. Blunting it with "It's okay that you don't have to kill, it's good that you don't have to kill, your choice not to kill is good. I love you."

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Costa Rica
Trans community

The real G7

All of Lemmy and all of Reddit could comply with this without it making a difference.

And the last card I bought was a 1060, a lot of us are already basically doing this.

You have not successfully unionized gaming hardware customers with this post.

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Angry Birds is suddenly going to be a 60GB game with an open world, real flying, and large scale multiplayer raid fights.

Do what I did and weld your house out of 20mm steel plate and have tightly controlled, thoroughly monitored and analyzed airflow, with a single two-stage entry hallway for washing off and inspecting your terran exploration suit and all acquisitions before entering your home.

I can pull a serious vacuum on this bitch, nothing's getting in unless I want it in.

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There's some truth to that. They have something to fight for, the men were fighting to free their own sex slaves and ban their own vices, no wonder they weren't motivated.

It is a straight-forward interpretation grounded in a reality where many American homes are split by an elevated open hostility between parents and their adult children.

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Italians are fascists.

They're violently oppressive authoritarians.

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I can't imagine going through life being this sensitive to absurd sarcastic jabs. For the sake of my sanity, I have to cross my fingers and hope you were just badly joking along, too.

It's not "don't be a dick'.

It's "do as we want you to do"

Plenty of the rules are "be a dick, like this:"

Plenty of the rules are "don't do this objectively harmless thing"

Plenty of the rulez are "do this ridiculously pointless thing"

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The overall impression I get from peoples' replies to you is "natural food is to suffer blandness and dislike, just endure"

It's tragic.

To me it sounds best to go with the honey baked guy's suggestion, they seem to know what's up.

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Why? Because there are 100 or so moderately active instances with their own url? Or will you expect people who link to the fediverse to use new or obscure instances to indirectly link to things?

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It's good to see on lemmy that people are we continuing the tradition of reminding readers of rapist Brock Turner aka. Allen Turner, the creep who got off ridiculously easy in a uniquely egregious violation of justice.

He shall not find the peace the judge wanted to grant him.

That's cool, but the best trick is kissing during vaginal sex and blowing down her throat to get a nice warm breeze across your balls.

As far as I gathered, they claimed that allowing women in national parks meant losing control over them which led to some women not wearing their required head scarf.

They cannot tolerate the slightest slight, and don't think women should have any agency in the first place, so it's a very easy decision for them to simply imprison all women in the entire country to ensure they all keep their head scarf on.

But putting restrictions and practical imprisonment onto women for their entire life with harsh punishments for disobedience is hardly unique in Afghanistan.

The entire Muslim world is full of men who like to commit human rights violations of this specific kind. And a larger group; the vast majority of Muslim men, who favor this but don't act on it much beyond voicing their support.

Religion is horrible.

Islam is currently by far the worst one.

The mild existential comfort it grants to the weak is not worth the vast array of curses it comes with.

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US cops are the kind to pull out a guy's multitool, fold out the knife, put it in the guy's hand, grab their hand and hold it at their own throat.

Then waiting for them to twitch, so they can shoot them dead.

Trump's military followers don't give a shit about the constitution, they believe America and it's government is about what they as Americans (the real ones) want.

They act like they believe the constitution is a magical document able to agree with them no matter how they charge their opinion, adapting to internal inconsistencies and all. And if the constitution agrees with them no matter what, it doesn't matter beyond being an authority to appeal to for the sake of controlling others.

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Functional 1:1 models, of Power Armor!

Weird is nothing compared to what we're headed for.

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Pumped, dumped, done.

"Raul", "Rortugal"

The man does not understand the letter P.

It confuses him, it frightens him.

That's not how the American court system works.

A company like Twitter can bleed the CCDH dry and just walk away with a frivolous lawsuit and a minor (insignificant) penalty.

And the way that works is not by accident.

Welcome to the internet, version 2.0!
Anything those eyes of yours can pay for will be shown.
We've got banners, and pop-ups, and autoplay ads!
If some of it's of interest to you, you'd be the first!

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Sublime btw.

Idk how to program I just like the scroll bar.

She shelled a school,
He thought that's cool,
What more can I say?

Hah, I'm no good.

Suck on that.

That's the thing

Every new user should by default download the official Mastodon app and make a account.

Any other choice should be under an expandable Advanced or Custom Account Creation.

Techies claiming to have to idea what the problem is are really revealing a serious lack of intelligence.

People are primates. Chimps with language.

You've seen the video of the chimp browsing Instagram. That's what the user is like. That's how easy you need to make the UX.

Largely, they're clueless with simple motivations. They don't care about helping the fediverse be a viable and growing competitor to corporate social media. They don't share your goal, they don't care, they won't suffer through even the slightest inconvenience for this.

So make the decision for them. Don't present them with the list of choices unless they specifically ask for it.

Put horse blinders on them.

They need it.

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Hi David, thanks for your submission to the fun personal information sharing games!

Can I interest you in another game relating to your birth date? Or your last name?

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I've heard people correct this as "Unity didn't shoot themselves in the foot, they shot themselves in the chest."

And I agree, they didn't just fuck up and get badly hurt. They're dead. On life support if they're lucky.

Nobody sane will trust this company with their work now.

Belgians and Swiss being the premium version of France, once again. Seems like all the sensible French people packed up and left nonsense behind.

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