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I wish these had been dick pics instead

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In Germany: Big car manufacturers do have round-table sessions where they share research informations with each other. However, they do not co-ordinate pricing.

When you feel like car manufacturers release models with similar specs within a short time frame, this could be why.

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I don't disagree with you that old-world car companies have corrupt practices, but this is not why Tesla is so popular. Tesla is popular because they make luxury cars that feel fun and because Elon used to be so ebullient and good at PR.

As for Tesla being better, how? The company is just as corrupt and their R&D into self driving cars is a bit behind competitors

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Some gas stations are also highway rest areas with restaurants and whatnot. The ones that aren't close to rest areas are in mixed used neighbourhoods, so possibly close to the customers' homes. If you take your car to the cinema in Germany, you're doing it wrong.


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My mother was a journalist, her heyday was in the 80s-early 00s, she covered the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as well as the wars in the former Yugoslavia. We had a long phone call last weekend where we ended up talking about Twitter, the online service that changed journalism. I explained to her that the current owner put a foot in his mouth and was forced to buy it at a higher price than the initial valuation while grumbling that it was not turning profit, she guffawed at this. She said, "When has the media ever made profit??"

The only difference between old media and new online media is that online media also sell user data to make more revenue (along with old time subscription models and selling ad spaces), and even with this they're still not making profit.

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But they're dried grapes and mostly without added sugar. We shouldn't need to live in a world where raisins are sold "now with less sugar". Humans spent hundreds of years cultivating eating grapes to be as sweet as they are...

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You forgot the best part. He hung out with a group of men and one woman, and the one woman wasn't any of the men's girlfriend. Conservative Christians would perhaps thought this was an unnatural arrangement.


The Sam Vimes' Theory of Socio-Economic Unfairness! Can we be friends? XD

Older companies are not stifling innovation the way you think they're doing, in fact, I think there are fascinating research being done these days. As for the fact that their CEOs are not on Twitter, isn't that a good thing? Would you want the CEO of a company to tweet something idiotic at 4 in the morning, wreaking havoc on stock prices and driving the company into firefighting mode, detracting energy from other parts of work?

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Most restaurants that germans go to don't have a parking lot nearby. Most restaurants are in the city. Although maybe some enterprising country inn/restaurant owners already offer EV charging.

You're thinking cities with single use neighbourhoods like in the US, where residency and commercial areas are usually separated. That's not the case in Germany.

Batteries, energy, computer vision, deep learning, and crash safety. I'm most excited about better and better virtual human body models reflecting actual human sizes (male, female, adult, children, obese, average sized...) being released for testing, instead of the old default-male crash dummy.

Having said all that, I only use my car on holidays. I bike to work and prefer to take long distance trains for work related trips. So, yeah, fuck cars and fuck ever expanding roads. Streets are for humans, not for cars and parking.

Now they're researching a time machine to try to create a conundrum where Musk simultaneously buys Twitter, runs it to the ground, but then in the past re-buys it from himself after he runs it to the ground.

What's this, a civil discussion on the internet? Well, I never... You're both so wholesome, if I were still on Reddit and seeing this, you'd both get a badge each

This is about the Americas, yes? I believe its original roots was in Calvinism, that is, the brand of Christianity in the reformation era that was brought over to the Americas by early European settlers/colonisers as proposed by the theologian John Calvin. It's something about how God chose its people and gave them the grace of worldly wealth. Wealth is good because it comes from God, so it follows, that poverty is due to a lack of God's grace = immorality (laziness, lack of personal qualities, wickedness).

I think I read about this in a book about US American economy a couple of years ago, but I can't remember which book it was.

You can view what Google "knows" about you on your account settings. I made my account when I was very young, I lied about my age and my gender, then it made assumptions based on my interests of my professional situation. I guess many people in my gender and age group, sharing my actual interests (tech, movies, culture, food) are also interested in the kind of content you described (Joe Rogan, Jordan Peterson, Yiannopolous, etc). I keep clicking "not interested", but the algorithm keep suggesting these videos to me. I don't mind that Google doesn't know my politics. I'm a feminist, but there's really not a lot of interesting discourse about feminism on Youtube, so I just read and attend real life lectures instead.

Roses are red

Violets are blue

Poetry is hard


I also want to know. Same with Tony Blair. Alas, I'm not a legal scholar.

I think the naysayers don't live in Germany, or at least are not used to the idea of mixed use neighbourhoods.

I think you're both on the same side of things but had a comm glitch on the word "fresh". You think of fresh as being totally unprocessed, Wols think of fresh as being minimally processed (I believe they count whole grains, legumes, and dried vegetables as fresh)

For a family trip? Toilet break, coffee, cakes for the kids, that's 15-20 minutes on a rest area. We do this on a weekend, so need a quick grocery run (our supermarkets are famously closed on Sunday), that's easily 30-40 minutes total.

Hear! Hear!

Really? But most consumer products work so easily nowadays.

What do you mean, I can plug this USB stick in and it works without me having to turn the system off and start another boot cycle? Then when I finish, I can just unplug it and it doesn't break?

It's like magic.

Sitting in a shitty room and not being able to go outside is torture enough for most. Remember how we all went a bit wonky in the head during lockdown? Like that, but for a lifetime.

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Rich white women of a certain age might have been the ones whose parents chose to not send to college over their brothers. Perhaps this goes for rich women of any colour. My mother's (now 68 yo) parents sent her brothers to college, not the girls. My mother got a vocational training, contributed to the brothers college funds, and then finally paid for herself through college. My mother's not white.

I believe that most people have a certain hunger for information and education, and if college wasn't an option, they'd look for these educations elsewhere.

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I was truly, genuinely, surprised at how much I enjoyed the philosophy of Free Guy. At first, I thought it was just a feel-good movie, popcorn flick, but I was happy to be able to go to the cinema during Covid, middling, middling, middling, and, lo, by the end the movie had completely won me over. IT IS ABOUT HOW WE FEEL ABOUT OUR LIVES, regardless of our place in the cosmos.

I wished it had gone deeper into the ethics of creating conscious AIs, but that would have been too much to ask for that kind of movie. That same year I watched Dune in the cinema, and I kind of like them both. Almost equally, but in different ways. About 6 months later, I went back for The Matrix Resurrections and was sorely disappointed. Free Guy should have been The Matrix 4.

I noticed this just last night. I wanted to watch an episode of a comforting show, and I've had it prepared to go. I only had to press play. Then I got a notification about a new video on a Youtube channel I subscribe to, so I started watching that instead. Midway through, I remember that my medicine cabinet needed replenishing, so I opened another tab to look for the medications I needed and I made a list of the things I was going to buy next time. By that time, about two hours had passed from when I prepared the comforting show, I didn't finish the Youtube video, and it felt like two hours where I did a lot but achieved nothing. It was as if my brain was slipping from my grasp and it was a scary feeling.

Which is sad, because the way for women of that milieu to have any standing in society or a disposable income is by marrying. And the way to "seal and secure" the marriage is to have children ASAP.

I had a part time job when I was in uni. It was a crappy job at a cinema (it was not crappy, it was actually a load of fun, but you know, "crappy"), but I'm a millennial. My mother's cousin told me she used to want to do part time at a store, just to have her own money (her husband had a flashy job), but hubby told her not to do it, because, "What if our friends visit that store? Where do we put our face?"

Saving face... pffftt. I believe this is still the sentiment in places like Hongkong, certain classes in India, in Indonesia, etc. Upper class women shouldn't work or study, lest it makes them look working class.

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Send them a head of white cabbage every week (can use an online grocery service.

If you have access to their dwelling, put all their bedroom furnitures in the living room

I have a hunch LMG will come out with a company reply. LMG is not Linus, and Linus is not LMG, despite owning the company. You can also see in the comments how many people get this wrong, some even going on ad hominem attacks on Linus' person.

It could be the case, that the forum post was Linus' personal answer and the other execs stopped him from running his mouth on a live show (WAN) and dig them a deeper hole. I don't work at LMG and I don't know Linus personally, but if LMG would want to be "taken seriously as a company", it should be a company statement, not a personal one.

Do you live in Swabia? You sound like you live in Swabia.

Old fashioned as I am, in my head Facebook is still an online forum/social network/social gaming site like MySpace, Orkut, Friendster and that ilk. And Google is a search engine. But you're right. Of course they're new media.

Here's my veeery slight pushback, Youtube doesn't seem to be that profitable for Alphabet and Facebook is pushing the Metaverse because they think they might need a turn left and start selling hard products (like VR headsets) to keep engagement. Media is tough business.

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Didn't the housing crisis start with bad policies and market deregulations? I'm not sure which government undid which regulations though

Good for you! I used to live in a flatshare, so I had a bigger bubble than most and that helped

The story was beat per beat inspired by Joseph Campbell's The Hero With A Thousand Faces. Campbell's metaphorical inmost cave was translated into Luke literally going to a cave in Empire Strikes Back.

Not to take anything away from Lucas' creativity, of course. But to me it was quite obvious that he read or at least was aware of Joseph Campbell's theory of stories and that Lucas read Frank Herbert's Dune

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You might be interested in reading "The Hero With A Thousand Faces" by Joseph Campbell. Also read the whole discourse and criticisms surrounding the work.

Yes, absolutely bonkers!

I think so too, but oh well, people disagreed and that's okay :D

Sure, why not ban books that exist in potentia? If we can trade real money for pork belly futures, why not place a bet to ban literary futures? There needs to be a market mechanism to make this happen.

This is sarcasm, btw, in case people reading have trouble identifying it as such

Coming from a simulation software company here, not everyone in my company will know how to deal with servers or IT security and I think it's ok. The programmers and engineers are brilliant, creative thinkers, all highly educated, but some just never bothered to learn this one thing. It's almost offensive how our IT department treat the engineers, as if we'll break anything we touch, but I get it from a security stand point.

As a student, I used to work part time in server maintenance for our uni, that's how I personally got that knowledge. But even people working in the "tech industry" don't all have the same sets of skills or tech interests.

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