45 Post – 213 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I saw some documentary that suggested that they used to chip straight through fossilized feathers and skin to get to the bones because they didn't realise what they were.

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Continue to contribute meaningful content too. :)

I believe this is a thing in Quebec.


In Quebec, the Civil Code requires parents to assign their child only one surname (either a single or compound surname) derived from their respective surnames. Compound surnames may not have more than two parts, with or without hyphens. Thus, a couple named Joseph BOUCHARD-TREMBLAY and Marie DION-ROY could give their children the surnames:

  • DION
  • ROY
  • BOUCHARD-ROY, and so on.

In Quebec, the law provides that spouses retain their respective birth names when they are married.

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Hi OP. I'm sorry that you were exposed to CP. Thankfully I didn't see it before it was purged, but I'm sure it was distressing, especially for someone who was a victim.

I feel that you post is important, but this is not really the appropriate community to raise it. Can you please re-post in

(…) cops have yet to ID a suspect.

Surely the could do it digitally?

Gettin' hot in here. Remember Rule 1 people!

People who engage in debate in good faith are welcome. People who abuse and name call are not. Doesn't matter what your political ideology is, BE NICE!

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Might be worth mentioning on !

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There have been many varieties other than that one. We must be getting to them before you see them, which is good.

Look up biblical cosmology on Wikipedia.

Lol. Brings back memories of all-nighters playing Doom in the computer labs. IT used to delete it from all of the desktops and we would just ftp it back again.

I came here thinking it would be a Reddit alternative. I stayed because I realized it wasn't Reddit 2.0, it was something better.

It's even better than that. It's a computer's version of a story describing how a computer wrote a story which was then front-paged by a computer.

The number of people who have been released after decades in prison after modern forensic techniques (e.g. DNA analysis) have proven the convicted person was innocent shows why execution should never be used. Better that a guilty person spend a life in jail instead of be executed than an innocent person be executed by mistake.

Maybe. Some discussion going on at the moment about how to handle it.

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Give us your best word origin.

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You forgot gen-x, who were the first generation to really have access to the internet at a young age but had to work at it.

I'm gen-x and have both my boomer parents as well as my 'digital native' kids come to me for help with technology.


Found the dev.

5.0: Lemmy.World consists of a large number of communities from all around the world, leading our federated network.

This sentence is a little unclear to a native speaker. Maybe change "leading" to "constituting".

I also suggest that maybe an extra clause could be added to pick up CP related content that may not be illegal, such as drawings, hentai and AI generated content that depicts minors involved in sexual or other inappropriate acts. It doesn't quite fit into 5.04 as it may not necessarily be illegal (IDK) , or 5.06 as it may not necessarily involve gore or violence.

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Love your attitude. Have an upvote.

I'm not surprised tbh. Having perused some of the text training datasets they were pretty bad. The classification is dodgy too. I ended up starting my own dataset because of this.

It's basically because they don't directly convert electricity into heat, they just pull it in from outside. It still takes energy to 'push the heat uphill' from a cold place to a hot place, but less than directly heating.

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You need to see a doctor to get your humanity checked. It seems not to be working.

To take my previous comment to the next level, have you ever put your finger over the end of an old-school bicycle pump and tried to push it in? If you have, you'll know that the pump gets hot. The reason is that you are not only compressing air, you are compressing the heat that the air has. This raises the temperature and we can use this phenomenon to move heat around.

Imagine you were outside where it was cool and you extended the bicycle pump and blocked the end permanently.

Then you went inside hour house and compressed the pump. The air (and heat) in the pump would be compressed into a smaller space, so it the air temperature of the air in the pump would increase. If you compressed it a bit, the air in the pump might go up to be the same temperature as the air inside your house. If you compressed it even more, it would get hotter than the air inside the house. If you then held it there, over time, the heat inside the pump would transfer through the wall of the pump to the air in your house. This would cause the air inside your house to warm up and the air inside the pump to cool down until they are the same temperature. In doing this you have taken the heat in the air outside, and released it inside.

If you then went back outside and allowed the pump to extend again, then the air would decompress and, because the heat previously left the air in the pump (when it was inside), it would get quite cold. Colder than the air outside. If you then waited again, the air in the pump would gradually warm up, drawing heat from the air from outside of your house. This happens because even though the air outside is cool, it's still warmer than the air in the pump.

Rinse and repeat. An air conditioner on heating mode, or a heat pump basically work in the same way. However, rather than using a bicycle pump, they have fluid running in a loop from inside to outside and back inside. The evaporator (outside the house) collects heat by allowing the fluid to 'expand' and cool below the ambient temperature outside. The condensor (inside the house) releases the heat by allowing the fluid to 'contract' and heat above the ambient temperature inside.

In this way, no heat is directly created from electricity. It is just moved from outside to inside. Believe it or not, this takes less energy than converting electricity into heat directly.

I've deliberately not talked about phase change here to keep it simple, that doesn't change the basic idea behind it.

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I'm only a mod, not an admin, but it's happening on other instances as I understand it.

I thought @draghetta made a good point in way that wasn't particularly shallow or dismissive. Not trying to stir hostility here, just throwing in my 2 currency subunits.

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This is a really good point. Should the community be for thought provoking questions or discussion provoking questions?

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I’ll have you know, one of my best friends is a stick.

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Firefox with containers for day to day use. Chrome for google docs. Safari for sites where I don't want to have to go through the login process every time I open a page.

There doesn’t seem to be any monolithic music culture at all anymore. Everyone has super customized spotify playlists.

I've noticed this too. In some ways it makes it harder to find new music.

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The seven habits of highly effective people. Sounds like a get rich quick book but it’s actually a very profound book about what it means to be authentic to yourself and in your interactions with others. This book completely changed my life.

Thinking fast and slow. This book will give you insights into your own mind that are science based and actually explain so much of what we observe in the behaviour of ourselves and others.

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It’s all base 2/8/16, which is a hell of a lot more sensible than base 10 units.

Debatable. I probably shouldn't restart the whole imperial vs metric debate, but I might just say that people who grow up with metric think exactly the opposite.

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Something similar to this is already in development.

It's written in Python and utilizes the Pylemmy library to access the API.

So far it:

  • Uses a deep neural network and a custom training dataset to detect toxic content (the training data out there wasn't really very suitable)
  • Has a hard-coded regexp flagging tool. It shouldn't be hard to make that more dynamic.
  • Has a probation list to flag users who are 'being watched'.
  • Will report comments/post for mod action.
  • Will send a message to a selected Matrix room.
  • Keeps track of previously assessed comments/posts using SQLite..

It's actively being developed and I intended for it to get a lot more configurable and feature rich.

Happy for anyone to contribute (I would actually really appreciate it).

PS: It's running on this community right now.

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I remember seeing a talk by Bruce Pascoe where he described how the published journals of the early white explorers had been censored to remove references to the extensive agriculture, grain silos and aquaculture except where they painted them in a negative light.

He also told off one journal entry where a cake given by a First Nation person was described as the softest, sweetest cake he had ever eaten. He made the point that this was a comment coming from an Englishman!

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Kudos for your wholesome response.

OK, I'm going to lock this post. People obviously didn't get the message from my previous comment.

My first point is that Lemmy/Kbin is a community run community. The moderators are volunteers, and so are the admins. Please keep that in mind. We have families, jobs, and other commitments. Moderating is something we do to contribute to that community, not something we are paid to do or have to do. It's not a power trip, it's a gift of unpaid labor.

My second point is that many posts/comments are clearly follow the rules, or clearly break the rules. But some sit in a grey zone where it's not entirely clear. Whether such a post/comment breaks the rules might be a matter of perspective, might require the mod to try to guess the intent of the author, or might require consideration of detail that is not explicitly stated in the rules. For a particular post/comment, the author might think it was reasonable, but what they may not know is that we received reports from other users. Ultimately, someone has to make that call, and that's what mods do. is the largest community I help mod, so I can really only talk about it, but from what I've seen mods try to moderate fairly, reasonably and in the best interests of the community. That's why sometimes you might see a post from a mod asking for community input into how to apply the rules.

Some of your recent posts, including this one, are examples of ones that tend to sit in the grey zone. The nature of the questions, and the way that you frame them could be interpreted as spam, or as enabling pedophilia, as astroturfing, or as in the case of this post outside of the intent of the community (I'll let it slide because it's important discussion about community governance). On the other hand, they could also be interpreted as entirely reasonable questions that fit the community. Only you know your intent, so the mods have to make a call based on what they can see on their screens. That tends to be done on the basis of balance of probabilities, NOT beyond reasonable doubt.

For this community, I disagree that topics are removed if they are controversial. They are removed if a mod thinks they break the rules, or the TOS, or are outside the purpose of the community. The moderation in other communities may differ however.

Not having to pay tax in the US when you don't live or work there.

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Keep it polite people. 🙂