✨Abigail Watson✨

@✨Abigail Watson✨@lemmy.blahaj.zone
5 Post – 81 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Accounting is a goddamn mess. There's lots of mistakes in accounting, finance, banking, etc but we're supposed to act to outsiders like they never happen. Publicly traded companies (US) get audited every year, but no audit company would give a paying customer a failing grade. New grads are funneled into working for public firms - the 10 or so companies that cater to the world's audit, tax, and consulting needs. They're supposed to teach discipline, but in reality they only teach you security theater. You're worked to the bone until you either burn out or agree to perpetuate the system to keep your job.

And the only reason it continues to work is society's social contract agreeing that it has to work because we don't have any other options. All it takes is the rumors that the idea is failing - like in the silicon valley bank run - and we're all out of luck. With the speed of information these days all it takes is a few minutes for a situation to spiral out of control. It's bonkers.

I got into accounting because I enjoyed bookkeeping in high school. Now that I'm in it I refuse to work for anything larger than a mid sized, non public company.

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At my org, edge for all outlook links rolled out last week. Not only does it not let you use your default browser, half of the screen is taken up with a popup asking to make edge your default every time!

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Can I just say thank you to all of the journalists protesting against reddit with the tools they have available? Most articles I've seen are pro reddit community or barely neutral. Dozens of news sites are involved, from left and right news sites, to finance magazines, to explainers like Reuters and NPR. Multiple articles a day are keeping this at the forefront of everyone's mind - especially spez and potential investors - as well as ensuring the whole thing stays transparent. I've seen a few articles that link directly to lemmy and kbin signups too 😊

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Absolutely! A lot of people seem to think a protest is shooting yourself in the foot and complaining about it. No, a protest is causing a ruckus so that everyone - protestors or not - get frustrated with the target of the protest. The point is to screw up search results on Google. The point is to make the "front page of the internet" an empty shell.

I went on reddit briefly to see if anything I subscribe to is polling to extend their blackout. r/DCcomics had a poll filled to the brim with "stay open, I'm slightly inconvenienced!" comments. These guys have clearly never been a part of or needed to protest for their basic rights before.

Hey, Abigail here. I just want people to know the reason this guy got banned is likely because of a deleted comment not included in that thread. OP called me autistic for not liking politics. THAT kind of behavior is not acceptable on lemmy.blahaj.zone, so I reported the comment and let Ada handle it. Ada tried in good faith to reason with OP but it was clear they just wanted to fight. So yeah, they got banned. Ada's a fantastic lady who's been great at keeping the trolls at bay.

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I'd change everything! Women's fashion has so many different sewing techniques and styles - maybe 10% of those are in men's fashion. Give men lettuce hems and dropped waists! Princess seams and tulip sleeves! Make fashion unisex!

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My roommate is big into magic, but he refuses to spend a lot of money on it. He makes counterfeit cards of whatever he wants and gets a deck custom printed for $40. He's also part of a discord group that makes cool fake cards or changes artwork on existing ones.

They're not allowed to have the official back but since he uses sleeves no one can tell. He's really up front about it and talks about how he couldn't get into the hobby or make the decks he likes if he had to pay for real cards.

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Edit: you guys, stop feeding the troll!

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When I worked in electronics manufacturing, production engineers were frequently out on the floor. Common issues were:

  • a machine was placing a part incorrectly
  • assembly workers couldn't understand blueprints
  • materials were getting damaged in a process that shouldn't have been a problem
  • a custom design tool/rig was not acting like it was supposed to
  • there's something clearly wrong with a process (like it was designed for one person and not an assembly line)

If anything major (or potentially major) came up, production completely stopped until the problem could be assessed by an engineer. Assembly workers weren't allowed to fix things and they couldn't estimate the cost of continuing to run a job with defects. Our engineers didn't work 2nd/3rd shift though, so every time a job had issues we'd have to drop it and leave it for first shift. A downed line for 8+ hours is a LOT of money and for a bigger company would warrant calling someone in.

(I think the bigger issue is not "work ethics" like the article said or "need" like you said, but that the US has rules and pay requirements for on call employees)

I've always wondered what that means. Did they start an LLC and do nothing with it? Fall for a pyramid scheme? Write phishing emails?

Usually when someone owns a business, it's a point of pride and part of their sense of self. "I run a restaurant" or "I'm a patternmaker" or something. As an accountant myself, I find I use this gif way too much:

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Me, who's saving up for a house

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If an employee delivering pizza harassed me, they would be fired. They couldn't be hired at that same pizza place again - they'd have a blacklisted ssn.

If a gig work worker harassed me, they could easily resign up using someone else's info. In fact, that's a common method for harassing women - they sign up with a fake woman's profile so you let your guard down.

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300? The tracking site is still showing 5k.

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@ada@lemmy.blahaj.zone fyi, the defederation list may need to be updated due to the upcoming instance migrations.

This is brilliant. Instead of advertisers making sponsored posts that are ignored or trying to sneak an ad into a community, they can outright buy engagement. Utilize subliminal advertising, then advertisers buy their own "tips" (or whatever they end up being called) and they get back a portion of the money spent. There's been an uptick in those types of posts lately and reddit's just leaning into market trends. Not to mention that bots can earn real money by reposting top/all time content!

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I had to lie to get jobs too. I left home at 16 and worked full time through high school/college to support myself. After getting my degree, I watched as all my classmates got good paying jobs while I didn't. Eventually after 20 or so interviews I lost my cool and asked why I was getting turned down. "Well, we don't want a laborer handling our accounting records. Maybe work as a receptionist or executive assistant for a few years to prove you're capable of office work?".

So I started lying. I took all of my previous work history off my resume and advertised myself as a fresh college grad. It worked... At first. Once I started talking about basic work things in the interview they knew I was lying and wouldn't go further. So I took a different tactic: lie about my unofficial title being higher than what a background check would say, but "admitting" that I couldn't get promoted because I was a nepo hire.

Oddly enough that worked REALLY well. Everyone loved the idea that I got jobs through connections instead of my own hard work. They loved that I walked, talked, and dressed like someone who breezed through life. My only guess is that I came off as one of the "popular kids" and they wanted me at their table. In just a month I had a dozen offers across the industry.

I absolutely agree with you. If you're trying to dig yourself out of unemployment or poverty, lie, lie LIE! Interviews are notoriously bad at determining whether or not you're a good employee. Do everything you can to play into people's biases and let them fill in the blanks.

When I was in middle school, a girl did in fact get a bug bite on her eyeball. It was blood red for a week and she couldn't see well, but long term she was fine.

I love that he was labeled "SHONK" for most of it. Also kudos to the person/group that went around incorrectly labeling things.

Last I checked, most of my content on r/all was r/aita and clone subs, r/weddingdress, and r/doordash, over and over and over. A lot of the subs that used to be on all never recovered from the blackout. My personal feed pretty much died because subs that would get 20+ posts a day went down to 1-2 a week.

Chris Pratt used to be well known for never using a spit bucket. His body and career have changed a lot.

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  • there's half a dozen sewing communities, but no one posts in them
  • fashion communities are also barren
  • pretty sure I'm the only person posting in !DCComics@lemmy.ml out of 200 subscribers. I'm not a mod there (the og mod is an empty account with no comments/posts) and it's not a community I want to recreate on my instance.
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I was browsing random stuff on Spotify the other day and found some really relaxing music. Just the best music to listen to while chugging along at work. Eventually I looked at the album name... It was literally waiting room/elevator music.

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I've been using the internet since the 90s. Originally I was very pro ad, since it meant that we wouldn't end up with paying subscriptions for every site on top of internet utility bills. But around 2010 or so I got malware from an ad I didn't even click on - all it had to do was load on the page. The site issued an open apology but it's not like they were going to pay repair costs for everyone's computers. After that I knew neither websites nor ad suppliers were vetting what they display to users. Companies only get more complacent as time goes on, and once the option was out there bad actors would only get more creative. I've used ad blockers ever since.

I kinda miss flip phones? These days phones are too big for my hands and pockets. I find myself buying cheaper phones just so it's a little smaller.

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this hyper-attractive girl

I swear, it's actually really difficult to make ai women that AREN'T yassified. Is all the training data for what "real" women look like from Instagram?

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Where I live we call it "Minnesota nice". As a transplant I can't speak it well, so I have no idea what anyone thinks of me. It's pretty frustrating.

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  1. Honestly, the most surprising thing is that most people hate it. I'm an accountant because I love numbers and organization, but didn't want to go into engineering. Every company I've worked for has an accounting department of very sad people. They talk about how they wasted their lives going into this career, "but at least it's a stable paycheck, y'know?".
  2. The pay! I had a few different careers I was considering, but went with accounting because at the time it was one of the only careers with legitimate online degrees. I've been in the field 4 years now and make $100k. That puts me at the top 5% of household incomes where I live.
  3. The lack of actual work. I'm here for opening the books at the beginning of the month, closing at the end, and not much else. 75% of my days are a whole lotta nothing. At my current job we bring in video games on Fridays and play at the office.

Bookkeeping is easy to do from home, and since you've had some experience running a business you'll have a leg up. If you ever wanted to get an accounting degree (which is also possible with reputable fully online schools) you can easily get to $100k (US) in just a few years.

LGBT and chronically ill checking in. So, the biggest reason (in the US) is because the chronically ill haven't had their civil rights movement. I think a lot of history books gloss over just how many riots there were pre 2000s to gain basic human rights. Pride parades are not just a big party - they're a commemoration of the stonewall riots. Protests were held annually for years, and cities began sponsoring the marches so they'd become peaceful protests. Now we have parades. It was a constant uphill battle with people fighting against their very existence being illegal. For being jailed, tortured, or murdered for showing their sexuality. For being blamed because someone who's repressed or in the closet considers someone who's out to be "temptation".

LGBT rights are much closer to black and womens rights than they are to chronic illnesses. We don't see people being jailed for needing a wheelchair, or murdered for having an auto immune disease. If you can get a large number of people to riot for the right to work from home, you might get results. Until then we'll have to wait until things change through the legal system.

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😂 leave that shirt as it is. Use it to decorate your house, and as a reminder of your hubris.

I had an email go to spam in the middle of a discussion with my insurance company. Even though I had already had 5 exchanges with them.

Actually, you're right. You said I had ASPD, not ASD. Sorry about that.

In all seriousness, that's too much. If you are going directly after eating you've got some gi issues going on. Going that frequently can also mess up your gut flora and exacerbate whatever else you've got going on. Are you able to see a gastroenterologist?

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Small gatherings! I joined a gaming group on meetup that averages 3-8 people a week. It's not required that you go every week, so there's usually a unique mix of people. Board game groups seem to be the millennial version of going to the bar every Friday.

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When I Google "how to jailbreak iPad 1" there's lots of results. Is it a problem with the operating system being too old?

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In your android settings, go to network & internet > advanced > private DNS and paste the link dns.adguard-dns.com into the box. All ads will assume you have no Internet connection. Doesn't appear to work on YouTube, but covers anything from the Google Play store banners/videos/etc.

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Whoops, based on that prompt I was expecting the topic to be self help books. I will say The Seven Habits Of Highly Effective Teens (based on the adult version) changed my life when I was 13. "Begin with the end in mind" is such a simple little phrase, but it applies to EVERYTHING in life.

  • Should I buy this shirt at the mall? Well, what esthetic do I want my wardrobe to be?
  • should I eat this ice cream? Will the satisfaction outweigh the extra exercise I'll have to do later?
  • where should I move to? Does the neighborhood have the activities I imagine myself doing?

Basically, picture yourself at the end of the process and figure out the steps you need to take to get there. Work backwards until you get to the beginning, and that's where you start. I feel like I have more direction in life because I'm working to be the person I see myself as 5 years in the future.

I always unlock developer settings on a new phone to fix my Bluetooth volume. Android assumes Bluetooth devices have adjustable audio, so if they don't it sets the default to max. Then you basically have two settings: "kinda quiet" and "I'm slowly losing my hearing". Disabling absolute volume makes it so your phone only registers your phone's volume buttons.