6 Post – 269 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

The fact that a 2.9 mi car ride costs $50 with a tip is fucking insane. This country is absolutely backwards when it comes to transportation. Everything is nearly car centric. Minimal options for alternatives.

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The bug bash quests can be found in the Windows Feedback Hub, and partaking in the bug bash often concludes with a badge in the Feedback Hub that acknowledges your participation.

Imagine doing free QA for a multibillion dollar corporation. I hate Microsoft so much.

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.. and open source projects continue to list discord as a community option to discuss items about their project.

Counter point: If I didn’t hear how badly he runs his businesses, or how bad his company’s products are. I would have easily bought one or more of his products.

I have backed out of Tesla pre-orders because of the bad publicity, many reports of bad build quality, and terrible business decisions.

If this was a puff piece, I honestly wouldn’t have bothered posting it.

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Given that a conviction does not stop this person from running as a candidate for POTUS. I wish the media would stop giving this guy air time.

It’s all he wants. He didn’t show up to the GOP debate yet somehow still got equal mentions in mainstream media.

Even local news channels airing his prerecorded shit. Like bro, I want the traffic and weather updates. Not this bs

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Wow, he negotiated a contract with Uber only. Lyft drivers fucked. Drivers will probably flee to Uber for higher guarantees. Will Lyft compete to retain their talent or continue to pay the minimum? Or will they drop out of the city entirely and leave Uber as the de facto monopoly in drive sharing?

Mayor pretty much gave a middle finger to its people with the veto. I wonder how much the mayor was wined and dined to ignore 8 months of work by the city and consultants

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Seems like all Fortune 500 companies are laying off 5-10% of their staff every year to pump end of year report.

Have seen cuts across multiple industries. Not just tech.

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This guy could be 20 points down in some random poll. I’m showing up to the polls against him.

Just need to sneak in this code

if (facialMatch(elon)) { haltAndCatchFire(); }

Take video streaming. In search of better profitability, Netflix, Disney, and other providers have been raising prices

Piracy and buying/ripping physical media is back on the table bois. Been running my own personal media server secured with a VPN to access it. Costs are the symmetric gigabit connection, a simple raspberry pi for WireGuard, and old computer for media server. Plus some technical knowledge.

Any physical media I have has been ripped to digital form (4K where possible).

A 3-mile Uber ride that cost $51.69

Yet another reason why we need to have more diverse options in transportation. Public transportation is dismal in the USA due to suburban sprawl and car centric society. Alternative forms of transportation such as bikes or even walking is not accessible to a large portion of people.

Took a bus the other day and the total cost for 24 hrs was exactly $2.50. Don’t have to worry about psychos on the road driving to and from their deadass suburban home and deadend job.

Cloud promises are being broken

Fuck the “cloud”. It’s just another persons/companies server. Switched off major cloud platforms long ago.

Have off site backups take place nightly. No middleman scanning my stuff. No more upselling. Besides ISP costs, everything else is static or one time setup.

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So glad I ended up not working at Tesla

His most valuable lieutenants at Tesla and SpaceX had learned ways to deflect his bad ideas and drip-feed him unwelcome information, but the legacy employees at X didn’t know how to handle him.

This is fucking insane and would drive me nuts.

This guy really is a Space Karen

Israel government taking a page out of the Nazi playbook during the Holocaust

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Reading climate change articles always reminds me of this monologue from the antagonist in Westworld:

I think humanity is a thin layer of bacteria on a ball of mud hurtling through the void. I think if there was a God, he would’ve given up on us long ago. He gave us a paradise and we used everything up. We dug up every ounce of energy and burned it. We consume and excrete, use and destroy. Then we sit here on a neat little pile of ashes, having squeezed anything of value out of this planet, and we ask ourselves, “Why are we here?” You want to know what I think your purpose is? It’s obvious. You’re here along with the rest of us to speed the entropic death of this planet. To service the chaos. We’re maggots eating a corpse

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Google is just another whore for the all mighty dollar.

Israel government has deep fucking pockets and the US-Israel relationship validates selling cloud space to host their cyber warfare on Palestine.

The state of SCOTUS is abhorrent. We truly are on the verge of a second Civil War. The terrorists have successfully infiltrated all levels of government. And they are not the terrorists featured on your local Fixed News affiliate. It’s your neighbors and often times rural areas.

Democrats won the battle (ie, reclaiming presidency) but have lost the war.

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Hold up, you mean that market in the middle of nowhere (like Kansas) with “fresh caught” fish was not caught by my local fisherman.

Shocked, I tell you 😂

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The shift towards massive vehicles (SUVs) and trucks loaded to the tits with tech junk is to blame. Auto industry sold the idea to Americans that their fat ass needs a compensator instead of psychiatric help.

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This idea of feeling safe is causing us to regress as a society. This “feature” is just discrimination wrapped in a nice sounding name — “Women Plus Connect” and UI.

We used to be able to identify the predators in our communities and do some sort of action: jail them, shame them, beat them up, whatever. Now we are using fear of them to perpetuate discrimination and AVOID them.

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Bro I re-created that sub here a couple months back. Hasn’t caught traction yet


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Name and shame. Fuck this place.

Also “kids shells” for $22? Please tell me this is not macaroni and cheese.

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insert lifted truck hogging 2 lanes

insert soccer moms with massive SUVs


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This guy is a disgrace to the Kennedy family. The backwash of the gene pool.

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There is the “enshittification theory” —

Article specifically mentions TikTok but is relevant for Reddit.

Here is how platforms die: first, they are good to their users; then they abuse their users to make things better for their business customers; finally, they abuse those business customers to claw back all the value for themselves. Then, they die.

This is why parking spaces tend to have those horizontal blocks. It’s to stop dumbass drivers like those depicted in the picture from blocking the sidewalk.

Unfortunately, with the rise in insecurity compensators (“sports” utility vehicles and light duty trucks). Those measures are quickly defeated.

I live in the southern states of America and the amount of dOdGe RaM 1500 hD/f150s and “luxury” SUVs just blatantly blocking the sidewalks in urban settings (downtown) is too fucking high. If you are visually impaired expect to run into many of these idiot’s cars/trucks.

Fuck cars.

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Apartheid benefactor is now also benefiting from the hate from Nazi sympathizers and neo Nazis lol

US needs to regulate how data is collected by all companies. This shit is just gross. Is this perhaps one of the reasons why right to repair is opposed so strongly across industries? In addition to selling overpriced manufacturer repair they don’t want us to cripple one of their revenue streams.

From what I understand, right to repair would give consumers and independent repair shops the ability to repair their items and grant them access to schematics/repair manuals, specialty tools, and parts.

In theory, this should make it easier to develop aftermarket parts. And for electronics and software, be able to develop drop in replacements, flash aftermarket hardware, and that function of the car should still work.

In this case car manufacturers don’t want people to rip out their embedded spyware and thus uncouple them from using their data collecting phone apps.

Currently aware of at least one report of a couple of car manufacturers backing some astroturfing groups to oppose right to repair [1]


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What organizations are supporting Hamas? I have yet to see anything of that sort.

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Decades of rebuilding downtowns to accommodate vehicle traffic and commuters is the problem.

  • people commuting from the Styx often do not reside within the same county they work in. County/City budget revenues decreased
  • even if those residents happen to live in the same county or municipal area, cities were rebuilt to accommodate vehicle traffic. Highways cutting through urban cores. Areas where people once lived are replaced with parking lots/garages.
  • city budgets further decimated by having to increase coverage of services (water, electric, sewage, 
). Increased coverage requirement means new infrastructure. New infrastructure means more maintenance cost as the years progress. Also, first responders often stretched. Cities struggle to hire the correct amount of people to cover area
  • poorly zoned cities with single use zoning are largely to blame as well. Many cities have dedicated commercial or residential only zones. Thus creating this strong coupling on vehicle commuters to come to office, spend money on lunch, then fuck off back to their shitty suburban home. If cities rezoned and allowed for more diverse zoning (mixed use, higher density). The problem of businesses that relied on commuters becomes a non-issue since that is largely replaced by walkin traffic.
  • poorly designed cities replacing walkability with “vehicle accessibility”. This means the city has to maintain expensive road infrastructure. Also makes it very difficult to consider alternative forms of transportation to get to/from restaurants, entertainment, general living, grocery store.
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The effects of sea level rise from climate change have reached American coasts. Yet we continue to do almost nothing.

  • continued reliance on fossil fuels. As of 2021, reliance on oil, coal, and natural gas at 60% worldwide [2]

  • no desire to implement a diverse range of transportation options (ie, enhanced public transportation). Yet continued desire to widen highway infrastructure

  • no desire to rebuild cities to be more efficient and reduce dependency on car centric transportation (no, EVs will not automagically solve the problems with car centric transportation)

  • no desire to change lifestyle. The amount of meat this country consumes is fucking insane. GHGs from meat production alone account for a third of GHGs [1]

  • the suburban experiment in America and the “American Dream” is a complete failure. We need to stop ripping up diverse ecosystems that help shield or mitigate effects from Mother Nature and replacing them with monoculture suburbs and highways. Case and point: Houston, TX in the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey



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Looks fake. Probably why. Lighting is all fucked. Ground not consistent with massive sign lit up. đŸš©

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If you are poor with outlandish ideas, you are crazy. But if you are rich, then you are eccentric, entrepreneurial, or a maverick.

Feel free to x-post to ! 😀

Damn that’s some god awful placement. Please have Airbnb reimburse mental therapy fees

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Disgusting people. I hope the list of attendees is leaked.

Wow, an actual RICO case/indictment that’s not an organized crime family (like old school Italian and Irish mobs)

Also, hate how I recognized it was RICO even though GA district attorney used the full name in press release.


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Black fight back. Brown lay down. White good night.

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I’m gone for a few days and some assholes trying to fuck up this instance. Smh.

In order to save lives, USA needs to get off car centric transportation. More cars is not the solution. Neither is automating them in urban and dense environments. AVs belong on the highways only.

We are trying to solve a problem with “tech” that has been a solved problem by other countries for decades. Netherlands is a great example of how to move people around efficiently without using cars as the primary mode of transportation. Amazing public transportation. Towns and cities designed around alternative forms of transportation such as walking, or biking. Infrastructure is cheaper to maintain since it lasts longer and is not constantly pounded on by multi ton vehicles.

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I wonder if the same levels of pollutants are found in restaurants. Most if not all restaurants use gas stoves. The ventilation systems are usually multiple orders of magnitude better than what a typical household would have available.

Having worked in a few restaurants, the vent systems are usually placed above the stoves but the vent itself is kind of high up. It’s definitely capturing the fumes from the cooking process itself, but not clear if it’s also capturing the pollutants from the stove while it’s on.

There definitely has to be some spillage into the kitchen. More than using a laboratory grade ventilation hood but less than the typical gas stove in a typical household.

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Not just in the initial sale, but for every time my data is used.

Saved us a click. Thanks bro