You arent stuck in traffic, you are the traffic. to – 571 points –

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insert lifted truck hogging 2 lanes

insert soccer moms with massive SUVs


Insert the guy in a Prius going 30 mph under the speed limit and slamming on his brakes for no reason.

Insert everyone in the passing lane that isn't passing.

What is this "passing lane" of which you speak? All I've ever seen in America is the fast lane and the slow lane(s).

The left lane is supposed to be for passing only.

And if everyone wasn't so fucking slow it could just be the passing lane.

And passing is still according to the speed limit.

Okay, so only use the left lane when you're passing. Speed limit has nothing to do with it.

It's really not. If you're driving the speed limit in the left lane when you could practically be in any other lane you're an asshole. What you're doing is legal, but you're still a dick.

Nope. You see there are two realities. One where the DOT exists and they write traffic laws for. Then there's the reality the rest of us are living in. Cops are not behind every bush or blade of grass so adherence to the rules is an optional behaviour.

People dogmatically sticking to the speed limit while there's a line of cars behind them are the worst type of narcissistic asshole. Even if they don't want to speed, they can pull over and let the rest of us pass them. But they don't. Because that would mean feeling shame and they have none.

Mfs hitting they brakes because they TAPPED the speed limit and dont want to go over

And all these far lane fucks that hold up an entire line of traffic because they want to pull into the far lane and can't comprehend using the close lane to pick up speed to just get over

Honestly “soccer mom” is probably a better use of street capacity than most usage of cars. One adult and six kids in a Suburban is much more efficient than three adults each with two kids in the back of three sedans.

True, but the vehicle in all likelihood was purchased out of "fuck you i'm rich/leveraged to the tits, I deserve a gas guzzler the likes of which Mansa Musa would find ostentatious" mentality.

While it’s probably true that most oversized SUVs are owned by people that don’t need them, “soccer mom” specifically refers to someone that would need that space, since they’re the one that drives their kids (and their friends) to and from soccer practice.

It's insane that anyone needs to drive their kids on a regular basis (unless they actually live rurally) though

It's insane that anyone needs to drive their kids on a regular basis

I take it you didn’t have a very active childhood.

kids here get around mostly by e-scooter/bike or bus, though obviously not e-scooters before a couple years ago.

It's so much nicer for everyone, the kids get freedom and to hang out with their friends while travelling, parents save money and time by not driving needlessly, and everyone else gets fewer cars on the road.

Most “soccer moms” only transporting a couple times a week at max capacity. Rest of the time it’s solo travel between work/groceries/“me time”. 💀

Even though your downvotes pale in comparison to your upvotes, who tf can disagree with this statement?

🚘 🧠 people, I guess. Most people are just born/live in areas where it’s nearly impossible to get around their area that’s not by a personal vehicle.

Getting groceries? Hop in the truck/SUV, drive 5+ miles to grocery store

Want to eat out? Hop into the SUV/truck, drive 10+ miles to restaurant

Visit friends? Hop into the SUV/truck, drive 10+ mi to friends house in the exurbs (and they already live in the suburbs 💀)

Going to work? Hop into the SUV/truck, drive 20+ mi to work.

Going to the bars? Call a rideshare, pay $50+ for one ride, get drunk. Most people probably think they can still drive while under the influence and get home safe.

Only describing 1-way travel, by the way.

These people trying to imagine there’s a more scalable and safer way to transport people is a foreign concept in their mind — despite the rest of the planet figuring out how to properly move people.

One photo of a truck hogging two lanes and I’ll believe it’s something you didn’t just make up.

drive on southern roads long enough. you will encounter them. Either they have 0 awareness that they are driving in 2 lanes (or swerving between lanes); or they are deliberately doing it to be assholes

Either way. Fuck them