
6 Post – 79 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Reddit refugee, looking for the curious parts of the web community. Location: Norway.

Those are the type of crimes I would give a death penalty exception for.

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Well, when else would they be used? The other case I see would be Russia winning in Ukraine and blitzing onward, so why not stop them in Ukraine.

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There's seems to be no end to serious failures of the Eurovision leadership. Jury votes, Israel and now EU flagban.

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Is it possible to set a roof on private wealth? Everything above put into public funds? Give them a "you win at capitalism" trophy and let them into some other game to play.

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According to Norwegian news the ambassador compared it to calling the Earth flat.

*And the Israeli Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir visited the disputed area of ​​the al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem on Wednesday and called this a response to European countries' recognition of Palestine.

  • We will not even allow a statement about a Palestinian state, said Ben-Gvir.
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I don't care about drawings, there are no victims, but if it's illegal by law it poses a problem.

Please crosspost to c/general@lemmy.world or c/reddit@lemmy.world or c/reddit@lemmy.ml instead of here. This is

intended for posts about the Lemmy.world server. That means announcements from the team, issues you see etc.

Also mod @sunspider@lemmy.world can you change the name of this community to Lemmy.world - Server or something?

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Filled with "alternative facts"?

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The quality of comments here is just as low as Reddit... It's enough with ONE thread of jokes.

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America I'm getting secondhand embarrassment

I was thinking of letting the victim's close ones do what they want to the demons for one day, but I'm not sure what that would do with their psyche afterwards.
E: The psyche of those doing the retribution.

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And what should I call the politics com for my country then? The complaint is that this is US politics.

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I think it was general politics in the begining, as the name implies. Holy fucking shit mericans aren't building a good rep with this one.

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Better in what ways? I think they are a bit more efficient, but emit more particulates.

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Yes. They have FPTP elections everywhere from top to bottom. Even state houses and senates are divided in blue and red because of this, WTF. They could really do with an electoral system update.

We did an akward block passing. "Go left, no, right, no, left, no, right."

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NSFW is an option in browser too.

I am perplexed by people who like him. The party has shown itself full of the same ilk, but Trump specifically is... After everything he has done I have to assume ill intent, otherwise would be to assume offensive levels of retardedness.

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Alright, time to test the block function guys.

Is this the point where we start UBI and start restructuring society for the future of AI?

Because it is named the very vague and general name in lingua franca: politics. I guess other countries will just use their own language for politics so the most impacted are other English 1. language nations. Tho one would think of world politics first on the internet.

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Not me, but my friend. Had a relationship with a girl he met in an MMORPG.The girl was still living with her ex-husband and had not divorced yet. And she lived in another country across the ocean. The couple were doing therapy. My friend had hopes this would be his chance at love. How could I be a downer when he was in love.

What kind of red line? Sevastopol is on invaded ground.

I wonder if they will see me coming.

Isn't that almost like a L?

Are you sure? 133 kilo is two of me...

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Ah, you might be right, that's where I'm subscribed. It is still conceited to not put US in the name, but I'll just block it and not think of it again.

E: Oh, that one is also filled with US drama. Guess I gotta put "world" in front then.

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That's allright tho.

I see you have two similar posts. In case you don't know, you can edit posts instead of posting a full new one.

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On dhat note, dhe English language is kwite inkonsistent on letter pronunsiashion. I think it kould do widh a refresher on how letters work or just do a round of simplifikashion on sounds instead of being a Frankenstein fokusing on where the word kame from.

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Gonna play Warhammer The Old World with old friends.

It seems quite some Israelis believe it's their God given land, and Hamas don't like jews. I think that puts religion quite up on the list.

Please crosspost by using the copy symbol between the star and flag to other communities as this is intended for server anouncements etc.

Here are some alternative communities
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So just the interactions with the posts are blocked, not the posts themselves? I find it a bit weird, but OK.

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The creator is a Netherlender.

It's a nudge at them being like nazis.

It does look like arabic text, but connecting it to ISIS says something about your prenotions.

I'd expect Panama to look a bit more tropical.

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We could create a new community to fix that?
Like a lemmy.world/c/all or lemmy.world/c/main

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I've been impacted by anime wind turbine pictures and think it is kinda pretty and optimist-futuristic. E: but the huger ones are prettier.