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Joined 12 months ago

They just need to get through this week

As a wise bartender once said, "If you allow one Nazi, you no longer have a bar. You have a Nazi bar."

The US economy literally depends on 3-4% of the workforce being so desperate for work that they'll take any job, regardless of how awful the pay is. They said this during the recent labor shortage, citing how this is used to keep wages down and how it's a "bad thing" that almost 100% of the workforce was employed because it meant people could pick and choose rather than just take the first offer they get, thus causing wages to increase.

Poverty and homelessness are a feature, not a bug.

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You'd be surprised by the number of ads you see that were created by a dude who grabbed a bottle of whiskey, did some cocaine, and locked himself in his office for the night.

Actually, based on the quality of the ads out there, maybe you wouldn't be surprised at how they come up with them...

Yup, it's the same old song of fascists and cultists.

"Are you lonely, sad, angry, or just generally dissatisfied with your life? Have you tried blaming your problems on a minority with less power in society than yourself? Act now, and I'll throw in a second minority, free!*"

*Just pay shipping and handling.

There's a screenshot elsewhere in the comments of him saying he was specifically removing transphobia and homophobia as punishable offenses from the rules because those rules "were being used to silence conservative voices." That's a pretty clear stance to me.

Sheer spite is a perfectly valid reason to continue to get out of bed in the morning.

Nobody on their deathbed has ever said, "I wish I spent more time in the office."

A battle you don't have to fight is a battle won. But if you do have to hurt somebody, hurt them bad enough that they won't get back up. Otherwise, they're very likely to come right back at you.

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It's also a very clever and awful propaganda strategy. They misuse words with important meanings until they become useless reactionary buzzwords. Like how woke, and politically correct before it, originally meant "to be aware of the unequal treatment of minorities in society" and "politicians should be aware of how the language they use affects people," and now they both just mean "anything that I, as a conservative, don't like."

Because these 2 things are not the same, and by conflating them as such, you pretty clearly show what side of the fence you fall on. Debating on whether or not minorities deserve the right to exist is not the same thing as arguing about which brand of magic sky-daddy you subscribe to.

"Anti-LGBT viewpoints" fall along a pretty clear line. The same one that "anti-Jewish" and "anti-Black" views fall on. That these minorities don't deserve the same rights granted to white people, or even that they shouldn't be allowed to exist period. There has never been any other view presented by "anti-LGBT" people. They seek to exclude minorities from everyday life and eventually kill them off entirely. The arguments they use today against trans people are the same they used against gay people, which are just rehashed arguments they used to oppose equal rights for black people. There's no politeness to be found there. Might as well say that we should hear the Nazis out on this "final solution to the Jewish question," so long as they're polite in their arguing their case.

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And it's not just the tourism industry that's suffering, but construction and anything that requires freight shipping as well are already feeling the effects. There's been videos for the past several months of completely empty job sites with half finished houses and condos because DeSantis has made it a crime to drive undocumented workers, who make up almost the entirety of the construction workforce. A vast number of freight truck drivers also said that they won't deliver to Florida for similar reasons, though I don't remember exactly what law caused them to refuse to go into the state.

You can kindly go fuck yourself. By assuming people not only aren't doing anything about the state of the world because they complain about it online but also assuming that they are in a position where they can do more, you are part of the problem. Especially by giving such polarized statements that simply shame people and have no clear, actionable suggestions on what to do. The system is designed to isolate people and prevent them from utilizing the power that they have to change things, and here you are, whining that people aren't utilizing their power to change things. You're just as bad as the people you're complaining about. You're not changing anything other than the number of people in the world who want to punch you in the throat.

There's a reason that historically, most protests in the US were centered around a core group made up of college age kids, up until the past 50 or so years. It's because that demographic has (had) the most free time and least financial burden. It's the reason that college is so expensive nowadays. It was retaliation against the college kids who protested against Reagan when he was governor of California. The lack of free time and financial pressure on the workforce ensures that we'll be less able to exert our power to change things.

If you actually want to help, you can help get people to the polls, especially for state and local level elections, or help aid groups that support striking workers. The reason old white people control so much of the state and local level government isn't because people are sitting at home whining - it's because their boss told them that they'll be fired if they take the day off to go to the polls, and their district is so gerrymandered that it wouldnt make a difference anyways. The racist retirees are the ones who go to every town meeting and show up to all the hearings and community polls because they have all the time in the world while they live on their pensions. So, if you want to change the world, start by driving people to town meetings and to the polls on the local election days. Fight to ensure that people have the time and can afford to exercise their rights to make the world better. Or you can keep whining on the internet like a baby.

...I ain't one to yuck on somebody else's yum, but that's definitely a Valentines Day style heart she's holding...

Your average consumer grade 3d printer cannot print in metal. I looked into this at one point for jewelry, and you need commercial printers that cost thousands upon thousands of dollars for most metals.

Having said that, yes, 3d printing guns has reached a point where people can make 100% 3d printed full auto guns in pistol calibers. In fact, that's exactly what the Burmese resistance groups are using to fight back against the genocidal regime in their country. Because nobody in the international community cares enough to support them with military arms, but they can get 3d printers to print enough guns that they can kill and loot soldiers for better guns.

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They're calling it "financially paired" now? Republicans really will do anything to avoid calling it gay marriage...

You forgot the part where they also want women to carry dead babies inside them until they rot and kill the women.

I'm somehow in a similar yet completely different boat from you. My feed under all is made up of like 5 communities - memes, lemmy memes, 196, linux memes, and programmer humor - with guest appearances by politics and technology. Regardless of what I set the filter on my feed to, I have yet to see a single piece of porn crop up; and I had to specifically find a search tool on my pc to find some communities to subscribe to like an r/foodporn equivalent just so I would at least have some stuff pop up on my phone with some more variety related to my interests.

This is probably all related to Lemmy being new and not knowing how to get the most out of the app I'm using (and that being new as well), but as of right now I'm largely using Lemmy the way I used to use Twitter X or something rather than how I used to use Reddit. As a time waster rather than a place where I got invested in the communities I interacted with.

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I've seen people make the argument that no matter what you do if they successfully break adblockers, Google stands to make a profit, but it could actually hurt advertisers.

Obviously, if you stop watching, then that's less overhead for them, and if you pay for premium, then that's literal money in their wallet. But if you start watching ads, Google can leverage more money from advertisers for the increased views. But people who use adblockers are unlikely to click ads, so advertisers pay more for their ads to be shown to people who weren't going to click on them anyway.

Ironically, it's in both our interest and advertisers to stop Google from breaking adblockers.

It sounds like your job requires no talent and you could be easily replaced. Is it so?

Just because there are other people out there who can do the same job as you (or them) doesn't mean that it takes no skill, nor that replacing them can be done at a snap of the fingers. But nobody is irreplaceable. That's how companies see their employees. Even you.

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I think both drag performers and Broadway actors have the perfect skill set for reading books to kids. It's like the difference between reading the lyrics to a song and hearing a musician sing it, regardless of whether they're a country singer or an opera singer or a movie music composer. An actor, whether Broadway or not, would know exactly when to pause to create dramatic tension, be able to give characters their own unique voices or personalities, etc. And the fantastical, exaggerated costumes of drag I imagine just make it all the more exciting for the kids.

As for how drag performers reading books to kids started, I have no idea, but somebody else said it started from people volunteering to read books to kids at local libraries, and the LGBT community got into helping out in that way, which led to drag performers doing it. And that makes sense to me. The LGBT community seems to be heavily made up of people who want to support their communities. Probably because they've often had to band together and create their own.

"That is not dead which can eternal lie, and with strange aeons even death may die."

Seems appropriate considering these were found in Lovecraft country. How long until we start seeing the fish-faced people?

Basically, we're only allowed 2 parties per year, and if you want any more, you have to buy a subscription, or else the party police will take away your party privileges. We're hoping that with enough complaints, they'll allow us another party before having to pay.

And the irony is that people switched to cable for the exact same reason. They got tired of the nonsense that broadcast TV pulled with subscriptions for different channels and all the ads and everything, and went to cable because you paid one bill for every channel. Then, everyone moved to streaming because you had to buy 50 different cable packages for the one channel on each you actually cared about, and there were just too many ads to deal with, etc.

Something something, those who don't listen to history are doomed to lose profit margins or whatever.

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There are two kinds of dog people. They are both in this thread.

*Their individual right and freedom to infringe upon other people's rights without consequences.

Yeah, there's been a number on both surgery and HRT, as well as plenty of studies on the effects of supporting trans people - especially trans kids.

I even remember a series of studies that found that HRT had a 90% success rate among patients. 90% of people in the study said that there had been either an improvement or at least no change in the quality of their life after they started compared to before, and of the 10% who didn't, many of them cited outside factors as being the cause of their issues. Stuff like unsupportive family and harassment/hate crimes were some of the most common factors, and post HRT regret being the least common factor. The majority of that 10% said they would be starting HRT again as soon as they were in a position where they safely could.

This is the big one to me. It's much more difficult to search for specific content if it's isolated amongst communities on different servers, all trying to fill the same niche and splitting the potential userbase for said niche up between them.

If there was like a tag system in place that communities could use to tag themselves as being for a specific thing, like cooking, for example, and then you could aggregate/search posts from all communities under the cooking tag across all servers federated with yours, it would greatly simplify finding content for less tech literate users while also increasing the resilience of the entire network by allowing more communities for a specific niche to exist, which would prevent content loss if one server goes down without discoverability being an issue.

I by no means have a raging hate-boner for Epic or anything, but they've definitely done enough to irritate me to the point where I haven't even bothered with the store for the free games.

It started off poorly with the store launching in such a bad state that it would've failed the HTML class I took in high school (it didn't even have a cart. How can you launch a shopping site without even having the ability for people to buy more than one item at a time? I learned how to program that in 2007!) and it went downhill from there with stuff like the exclusivity deals and that sale they did where they marked 30% off on games that hadn't even released yet, without even telling the developers or asking permission. Then they've rushed to embrace pretty muchthing I've praised Valve for refusing to deal with, from NFT games to AI that may or may not be violating copyright laws with the stuff making up the learning databases.

Plenty to criticise, but I'm getting tired of watching them try to shove their foot back into their mouth.

You could always buy a second copy to gift to a friend. Then you'd be able to play together on top of giving them another sale!

The worst part is that Boston is ranked like #3 for public transportation in the US (yes, even including the fires). The average commute time on a route is like 30 minutes faster than the national average for public transportation, and somewhere around 50% of Boston's workers use the T to commute every day.

Why do you people keep talking about "the right to exist"? That's nonsensical. You either exist, or you don't. No one can take your existence away from you, it's not a right that can be granted by others.

Because that's exactly the kind of "anti-LGBT viewpoint" you're asking about. You don't have to go far to find people claiming that being Trans is just a fad, or a cult of pedophiles trying to groom your children, or just mentally ill men, or a nefarious group trying to destroy young girls' wombs through dangerous surgery. The list goes on and on, and that's just the recent anti-Trans crusade. These are the kinds of views that they want to bring to social media sites and claim their free speech is being censored when they're punished for it.

And these views are having real-life consequences. It's now considered a sex crime for a man to wear a dress in Florida. For several years, transgender people were more likely to be the victim of a hate crime than black or Jewish people in the US, and there's been an increase of hate crimes against both of those groups as well in the past decade. 8 out of 10 trans women in the US will be victims of sexual assault. LGBT people are one of the most likely groups to be refused medical care, often under the excuse that "it goes against my beliefs." Some of these groups have even outright said that their goal is to "eliminate transgender people from public life, and eventually, existing entirely." Some have straight up called for a trans genocide.

These same kinds of arguments have been trotted out for gay and black men - "they're a bunch of pedophiles coming for your kids!" Or for lesbians - "they're just damaged women." Or my favorite, said by a 20-something year old coworker to a 16 year old lesbian coworker, "you're not a lesbian, you just haven't had a dick in you yet."

To the neutral observer, it's quite clear that certain online communities cough are echo chambers that refuse to engage in honest discussion regarding LGBTQ topics and vigorously attempt to expel and shame those who do not adhere to the party line.

I could not have said it better myself. Time and time again, science has shown that not only do LGBT people exist, but also how damaging the anti-LGBT rhetoric is. And yet, the "anti-LGBT" jam their fingers in their ears and scream about "woke indoctrination" before returning to their echo chambers. And eventually, that's what these kinds of "free speech" platforms become. Echo chambers for hatred, as these people harass and drive off anybody with opposing views. As a wise bartender once said after kicking out a skinhead just for being a skinhead, "You allow one Nazi, and you no longer have a bar. You have a Nazi bar. Because if you allow one, then they'll bring their friends, and eventually, they'll force everyone else out."

Also, you seem to have fallen for the "both sides" rhetoric they use to make themselves look innocuous while villifying their opponents. Stuff like the people encouraging those who who called in bomb threats to Target and threatened their employees for daring to have a line of Pride themed merchandise by saying it was protesting - that it was the same thing as people marching with signs against police brutality. You talk about the in-group and out-group bias of LGBT people while conveniently ignoring the exact same thing from the other side. Ignoring that these "anti-LGBT" people think they're being unfairly persecuted and anyone who disagrees with them is a "woke" communist or whatever.

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And only end up being farther back than if they had just stayed put, as everybody else had the same thought, making the new lane the slower one.

And this is why Republicans are so opposed to higher education. My dad grew up in a conservative household - like, so conservative that my grandad would respond to the question of who he was going to vote for with "I'm a Republican. I vote for the nominee," and it wasn't until he went to college and met people with life experiences that were different from his that my dad began to question the things he was told about the world when he was growing up.

It's a lot easier to convince you that your life sucks because Jewish brown immigrants are taking all the jobs and women won't date you because, actually, they're the sexist ones (and it definitely has nothing to do with the fact that you treat them like sex toys) if you've never been beyond 40 miles of where you were born and have never been outside of a town where everybody looks like you.

There's a reason they're called "Human Resources" and not Human Relations.

Far-right extremists stop telling on themselves challenge: impossible

Reminds me of how something like 60% of video games only exist as emulators, because companies never bothered to preserve them in any form. There was even a remake of a game in the past few years that still had the Skidrow logo in it, because the devs had to go and torrent a pirated copy of the game since the original code was gone and they forgot to remove the cracker's logo. There was also the infamous GTA remake that was made from the phone version of the game for the same reason.

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As I always say, we fought a war over this. The whole world was involved.

I've actually considered making other accounts to separate content out by blocking different communities on them, but I've never really felt the desire to filter out the memes enough to go through with it.

Ender3 Estradiol .4mm any% speedrun

Fun fact I learned at a recent exhibit on Hokusai: that painting is the only piece of art that has its own emoji. 🌊

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And I want to cull people like you. A shame we don't always get what we want.

Cats should be kept indoors for a variety of reasons, including that they're one of the largest threats to native species in the world and that they live longer indoors anyways due to the lack of picking up parasites and are at no risk of being preyed upon by larger predators. But to say you want to murder animals en masse just because they don't understand property laws and do their business outside like... some sort of animal would is absurd, bordering on psychopathic. Might as well sit on your porch with a shotgun on your lap in case somebody's dog decides to pee on your bushes.