1 Post – 72 Comments
Joined 13 months ago

Sysadmins have no idea what they are doing, we're just one step ahead of the rest of you at googling stuff.

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Original on Cory Doctorow's own site here

Sounds like you need a holiday.

Rent a log cabin with no cell service for 2 weeks and see what you feel like when you get back.

Disclaimer: my wife has a chronic neck injury.

Car! We've had Renaults for years, but last time we went for a BMW and the difference is night and day. My wife had to do lots of stretching exercises just to go and buy bread. In the BMW she can happily drive 5-6 hours with no (extra) discomfort.

Either your parents have serious problems or your mum is developing some form of illness. They need to see someone.

The problem goes back further. You say "another group owned it first", but Israel say they have had that land for millennia and it was given to them by God.

Palestine did not even exist until the British randomly carved it out on a map except for a brief period under the Romans around 0BC. The Romans called it Palestine in order to remove Israel's identity.

How far back do we go?

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Is the sort of parent who gives a 5 year old their own phone going really going to a limit the use? I think the crossover in that Venn diagram is pretty small.

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What you have just described could be ZigBee and/or MQTT.

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Laserjets up until generation 5 were amazing. There are laserjet 4s still trucking away churning out pages. I personally had a LaserJet 4MP that I sold when I got married due to its extremely low wife acceptance factor (it was huge, loud and ugly. We both regret that decision because 20 years later it would probably still be working.

Basically, what Brother lasers are now is what HP laserjets used to be up until ~2004. We can debate the exact switchover year ad nauseum, but you get the idea.

Yeah, for a living room TV the only option is either "digital signage" or no network.

I'll just stick to not connecting my TV to the network.

When Bush were at the height of their success, I saw them in a little 300 person room. It was brilliant and we should appreciate Lemmy while it is in that state.

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We have a daily SUM which is supposed to last 15 minutes. It is usually over an hour, but work makes up at best 20 minutes. The rest is just us chatting.

We also have regular calls with other teams which follow a similar pattern.

It is easy to have "water-cooler" chats while working remotely.

Apparently that wiped out species is the one that you slip on for comedic purposes in cartoons.

Also, the banana aroma in sweets is an incredibly accurate representation of what that strain tasted like.

I think we can blame our parenta for that (at least I do).

My dad criticised me for years over not buying. When I did, he did not believe how much my mortgage repayments are. I would have paid of his house in less than 2 years!

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Had project manager at previous job the same. Worked about 3" from his screen. He was the proof that a good project manager is worth their weight in gold though. Guy was absolutely brilliant.

Nothing wrong with being a landlord. There is a problem with being a tosser.

The landlord/tennant relationship seems to be different to every other business relationship. The landlord always seem to think they are doing the tennant a service by allowing them care for the house. The reality is that the tennant is exchanging large sums of money for a service.

  • Deep cleaning ready for the next tennant is the landlord's problem, not the tennant.
  • All maintenance of the infrastructure of the house (walls, water, heating, etc) is the landlord's problem. This includes modernisation. No rental property in 2023 should be without structured cabling and modern electrics for example.
  • The tennant is not there to pay the mortgage. The landlord may lose money at times and that is just the cost of doing business.
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Look into "digital signage" panels.

Not cheap, but they are basically a 49"+ computer monitor that is rated for 24/7 usage.

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Still a stupid price for a crap sandwich. As I said in another reply, come to France and you will get the same thing for half the price. However, it will be nice (can you beat french bread? I think not)

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I've had beetles on the forehead while road cycling. Even at 40km/h that seriously hurts. Wouldn't want it to happen at 100!

Kodi is what you are looking for.

Run it on Pi 4 or a NUC. We use Disney+ and Netflix on ours, although Prime video does not work (although it should, I just have not made any effort yet).

Sorry, but for the non-americans, what is HOA?

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Fun fact:

I went to a private school where some of the teachers were freemen of the city of London. Apparently, they could request that tower bridge be raised. None of them ever tried, but I believe it is some weird legacy law. They also had the right to drive their sheep across London Bridge, but that one has burnt down, burnt down, burnt down.

Then please do not be an arsehole landlord.

It is not the tennant's responsibility to pay the mortgage on your flat. Nor should they return it to you as new.

What you rent it for is the market rate, which hopefully will cover your mortgage+expenses. It may not, that is your problem, not the tennant's.

When the tenndnt moves out there will be changes and even damage. Just like your primary property will have changes and damage.

When the tennant highlights an issue, fix it NOW. They are paying you a lot of money and deserve a lot of service.

Tom Cruise begs to differ

I would do that to, but I work from home.

When you have to add the cost of a transatlantic flight it costs nearly as much as the inkjet we have at home.

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No need for poisoning. Where he was -30°C is normal at this time of year. Not giving him a coat would have been enough to kill him

Either Slackware or Red Hat Linux 5, can't remember. I do remember that when I first installed RH5 I used "Hick" for my language.

Wrong tool for the job, but if you want to order pizza, you can use terraform:

I suppose you could then feed your Terraform runs into Grafana and use it to track your pizza consumption.

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Do they still do the free tier that gives 10 pages a month?

50% of 0 == 0 :)

Shame, one of my favourite workplace proximity associates is called Kyle.

I have a statistical pool of 1, but I am 40 something, an infra specialist at a video game publisher and use Linux. So, I suppose you just described me

Easy workaround: live in the countryside with no neighbours.

I have one of those and it works perfectly from Linux using standard software. You can also go over the subscription, you just pay (still comparable to buying ink cartridges though, perhaps even a little cheaper if you're printing photos). It also worked for 2 weeks with no internet connection, although it did complain about that lack of an internet connection after a week.

It has also proved to me that HP are conning everyone with non InstantInk cartridges. After 3 years we are still on the same cartridges, which I am sure it would have claimed were empty if it were not InstantInk.

Disclaimer: I got the printer for (effectively) free and use the free tier subscription which allows me 10(?) pages a month with no rollover. It has cost me about €2.50 in 3 years. I would never have paid for a modern HP printer.

Edit: I am not defending HP's abhorrent business practices. However, in this case I found a loophole and was able to exploit it. It was also free because I had a awesome employer who gave out Fnac vouchers every year. I am also only able to exploit that loophole because I also have that little Brother laser that just works.

What do mean ?

Doesn't "touts directions" tell you everything you need to know? /s

Thank you very much.

Do you work on Loci too?

That's exactly what I am about to do in the house we're signing for in few weeks (waiting for the attorney to give us an appointment).

When I saw the phone jack's in every room, all terminating down in the garage, I just figured it would be rude not too. Seeing as we will have 2Gb fibre, it makes sense

No, I believe it just a really strong PVA glue

Wars have been fought for less.

In fact, it would not surprise me if an argument about bread was a factor in WW1.

pandemic taught people how viruses spread

Didn't every adult in the developed world not learn this as a child from their parents? Or failing that, at school? Are most people genuinely that stupid?

It boggles my mind that it took a world changing pandemic for people to learn basic hygiene! If people just washed their hands occasionally (start with after you go to the toilet) perhaps COVID would have never happened.