An £8 sandwich in Starbucks

Striker@lemmy.worldmod to Mildly – 712 points –

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Still a stupid price for a crap sandwich. As I said in another reply, come to France and you will get the same thing for half the price. However, it will be nice (can you beat french bread? I think not)

can you beat french bread

When it's a day old, you can definitely beat someone with a baguette.

Well that depends on the baguette. A cheap baguette moulée I agree. A nice tradition will be take around 72 hours to mature to the point it can successfully be used for violence.

I would say french bread is a close second to german bread. But I might be biased, being german and all lol

As an English person, a simple white cottage loaf cannot be beat.

But I also love French and German breads.

Fucking hell I love bread.

I may live in France, but I am English too. A simple white cottage loaf is great, that is indisputable. However the availability is laughable.

When I lived in Portsmouth, there were 2 bakeries on the whole island. 2!! in my little town here we have 4 artisan bakers, plus 3 supermarkets that all sell really good bread. Just round the corner from my house there is a farm that sells bread (made completely in house) every Friday afternoon and people take the afternoon off work and drive 2 hours to buy it.

French bread wins hands down.

However I agree with you on one thing: I love bread!

Wars have been fought for less.

In fact, it would not surprise me if an argument about bread was a factor in WW1.