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Joined 1 years ago

I'm shocked, I say. Shocked!
The idea of an app being used to gather additional datea from a customer!

I've found this when trying to get a decent USB>9-pin Serial connector.

You think it's your software, or something weird going wrong. Then you swap over a name-brand adapter, and the thing just works.

I was eagerly anticipating "I'm looking for a gift for my aunt".

There is a bit of a chain of trust, however. Instance fills with spam bots? Defed.
Spam bots start making their own instances? Go to whitelists.

And as henfredemars says, because there is no financial incentive to grow the userbase, instances can slow things right down if the spam starts.

One of the first lessons from my instructor was to push the gear stick from the right with your palm for 1/2, top for 3/4, and left for anything else.

That way, there is less chance of shifting from one section to another. Useful when you car sometimes needs a downshift on the motorway, and 4th is adjacent to R.

Mike Ashley didn't actually want a game shop, he wanted people spending £70 on each football/COD release, then buying that season's team strip on the way out of the shop.

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This is good feedback, the Mint team could definitely streamline things, maybe even with a "help pick".

Because it's not immediately apparent which to use (Cinnamon/MATE/Xfce).
I'm not sure how the resolve the mirror issue, sadly.
The cost of serving the data directly would be very high, but doing so would avoid scaring people. Unfortunately, it's hard for them to 100% guarantee every mirror is safe (even though they are!), which means they have to leave instructions on how to verify.

Selling pre-loaded USB sticks would be very cool, but people would have to be interested enough to spend £20.

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I can't see how anyone involved with allowing this isn't complicit.
What possible reason did the police of a foreign nation need to be physically there for, other than physically removing someone?

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What a fantastic QOL improvement!

In most of the places I exist, I think of them like janitors. Doing appreciated, but not-very-fun work, to keep communities moving.

Honestly, if I was in a place with moderators that felt like adversaries, I might not stick around very long.

Simple solution:

  • Send the elephants to the uk
  • Sunak pays to have them sent on to Rwanda.

Botswana has fewer elephants.
Sunak can claim to have deported 20000 imaphants.
Rwanda gets a truckload of money from the UK.

I like to think of it as "better than".

They're not perfect, but they're better than what people might do instead.
I could swap my older car for a second hand EV, which would be an environmental improvement.
The current car does 50-ish MPG, about 1.5 miles per KWH. An electric would do 4+miles per KWH, which going in reverse is 100+MPG.

A bigger improvement might come from me getting the bus/train/bike everywhere, which is where the fuck cars argument comes from.
But I am disorganised, a bit lazy, and I don't want to shepherd 4 people onto the train, paying £150 to go 100 miles.

So for me, slightly better is better than no improvement at all.
The energy used can be green, depending on what the national grid is up to that day. But it's always more green than burning dinosaurs.
And the reduction in brake dust is always a nice plus.

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From the article, 79 million IPv4 addresses, 0.005/hour($3.60/month), and an estimated 30% utilisation. $85m per month, $1bn/y.

It kinda also sets a new standard price for IPV4 addresses. I'm looking forward to the day that IPV6 (or translation) is commonplace enough that things can be run V6 only.

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If you're serious, just remember the old saying "Markets can remain irrational a lot longer than you or I can remain solvent"

Ironic, considering how many members of the cabinet are being served court orders for their WhatsApp messages.

Same with certain home improvement companies that hope once you're on the line, they can close the sale there and then.
I swear they must make all their money off people who don't want to think about what the job involves, and just hand over a chequebook.

The water softener from Costco is £500, the one from ScrewFix is £400, but I'm curious how much the one from NameBrand is.
NameBrand website "Well, it can vary a lot depending on how complicated..."
Forum posts: "£2k including fitting and a year's salt, £1500 for the unit"
(Which isn't an insane price to just have it sorted, I just hate the bollocks excuses when everyone magically still comes out around £2k)

The physical staircase will cost me about £1000, then a few days of skilled labour for someone to fit.
I wonder how much one of those "we'll just handle it" companies in the back of the sunday supplement could do it for...Oh, that's 15 times the price, wonderful.

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I think the RPi has done it's job (cheap, relatively open hardware), and kickstarted the market.
Maybe they were struggling with "what do we do next?", and selling up to let the founders do new things is not the most terrible option.

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This is precisely it.
One other point is, some instance want to focus on certain things, and take the risks, where others don't.
Our community doesn't do nsfw, because it's not worth the headache for what our main focus is.
The guy running lemmynsfw on the other hand, is enthusiastically embracing the challenges involved, and more power to him!

And in the end, it works. We handle Mr. Brains Pork Balls, they can handle...other balls.

Hell of a way to bury the announcement.

Hopefully, someone is sitting on a root workaround, and will reveal it once the updates stop.

I'd buy a second hand one, if there was a way to use it without any meta involvement.

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"You know what would make you feel better? Clattery noises, excited people, loud carpet, bright lights, hard chairs, and fried food smells."

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I'm still of the opinion that the basic message app should only be SMS.
Then anything else should be its own thing. Mixing the two is a recipe for disaster, where it's a consumer product.

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Brains are very good at eventually becoming comfortable with a new normal.

They're also good at being distracted temporarily.

If you can keep yourself busy with positive things (self improvement, cleaning, exercise, cooking), you give your brain space to become accustomed to the new status quo.

Meeting new people is always a good thing to do too, something to keep the social part of your brain from wallowing. Maybe join a local social activity (walking/hiking groups are great).

The best kind of bike is one you can lock up and not worry about.

Admins that access the post through their instance can currently see the votes.

Someone explained it to me that a lot of the downvoting is people browsing all, then getting annoyed and downvoting when they see things they're not interested in :|

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Power usage is a massive one for me. I go by £1/W/Year for consumption of always-on devices. (I think it's more like £3/W/Year now!)

If the 20w new server can do the same work as the 100w server, and will cost me less over 2 years including the purchase price, then the old server is obsolete.

If I got an alarm every time a 433 sensor didn't check in for 10 minutes, I'd never get any sleep!

Seeing the flying foxes around Sydney surprised me.

The bin chickens, I simultaneously felt a little sorry for, and enjoyed watching.

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To be fair, we keep expanding what we class as the solar system. Poor old voyager keeps getting the goalposts moved!

When you mentioned it was only two people, I got curious.
Turns out, it's a small company operating out of london, and one of the directors lives two streets away from me.
If it wasn't weird, I would absolutely take a basket of sympathy cookies or something over.

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The nexus 7 was siesmic in the android tablet market at the time.

Previously, your choices were iPad, equally expensive (but often lacking) android tablets (galaxy tab, moto xoom), or really rather crap cheap offerings (I had a 7" resistive archos that cost me £70...I wish I hadn't spent the money).

When Google released the N7, it was a big change. It was a small tablet, with enough grunt, a good IPS screen, cohesive software, and was £150.

The fire-sale of the HP touchpad, imho, kicked google off on this. It made google realise that there was a market for a decent android tablet at a lower price point.

I've done voice acting before, and honestly, you're right on the money.
So many people don't even notice if the voice work in a piece of media is good/bad.
Playing one game, several of the main characters sound like they were recorded in completely different rooms.
And I'm sat here like a mug with a deadened setup, wondering why I bothered.

When that little detail is paid, I can see games absolutely jumping on the machine generated bandwagon.

Honestly? It's tricky to find communities that give you a spread.

I can recommend picking an instance that has a secondary alignment with you (for example, country/state), as they'll tend to pick up posts in All that may be of interest other than politics.

(Though tbf, our instance still leans left on whole. Just not so crazily)

Turns out Poole was a decade ahead of AI, with the self-destructing threads.

Generic orange juice is a commodified product (ie, you can order a standard 1 tonne of frozen orange juice whenever).

The freezing process destroys a lot of the flavour, so some rind extract is included to bulk up the taste.

Freshly squeezed still has the original flavour, and not the added rind flavour.

(I didn't look this up, mind, it's possibly I've just repeated an old wives tale!)

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Countries toeing the line to allow CCP China to save face, while also selling defense equipment to Taiwan.

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The thing is, they're not £40 any more (at least, the 5 isn't). A brief check here, puts the 4GB at £59, and the 8GB at £79.
Hopefully, they'll continue to make the previous models at a reasonable price.

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