An £8 sandwich in Starbucks

Striker@lemmy.worldmod to Mildly – 713 points –

At least post some original content!

No. Steal the shit out of Reddirt. Idgaf.

I'm just disappointed they didn't do the proper conversion from USD to GBP. Should only be about £6.50!

And in the UK is actually costs £5.10.

This is just a lie, and people are (ironically) eating it up!

Exactly. A repost is a repost but this guy just Good Will Hunting and "pawned it off as his own".

People here arent usually on reddit. So its nice to see things crossposted here

No, you could not be more wrong. We did not leave reddit just for the admins, we also hoped to leave low effort posts and outright lies behind, there's no karma here so what's even the point of OP?

Also I feel like this is a stealth ad for starbucks, because that doesn't look half-bad, and now we're all talking about it

That looks dogshit for £8. What are you on about?

I'm hungry and that looks like a generous amount of protein on a toothsome ciabatta, but fuck me I guess

It all comes in frozen solid, so their food isn't very good.

Who cares? Aren't most memes posted on here coming from other places? Nothing wrong with showcasing content from across the Internet.

Welcome to Lemmy/Reddit. Reposts are lazy and low effort. If it didn't happen to you, why are you posting it? You don't even get karma on Lemmy.

That crazy part he did it for no reason. I am so glad to not be chasing karma no more. Unfortunately I still will go back here in Lemmy and see all my posts and comments see how they are doing.

Didn't realize just how addictive I was to those stupid upvotes.

Memes are fun. That a reason to post them. Karma is a reflection of people enjoying what you post.

I started deleting my reddit account and creating a new one every year because I found myself becoming too involved with my karma level. Fuck that

I never would have seen this without the "repost". I don't get why people are so offended about seeing something again. Don't like it? Saw it before? Keep scrolling then.

Don't you?

Not aggregate in the official lemmy webui, but some apps have chosen to add it up.

What's the URL, sorry I'm new to Lemmy. Is it Lemmy.World?

I'm not sure what you're asking? By the webui I just mean the default web interface of any lemmy instance (i.e. not through an alternative frontend or app)

Thank you. I'm with you now. I just migrated over because I used Boost on Reddit and received a notification Boost was now available on this new platform 👍

I'd just like to point out that OP is either lying or has been scammed.

Starbucks have consistent pricing and the most expensive sandwich in the UK is £5.10, technically 5.25 for a plant based breakfast item, see here for full menu prices.

But people like getting angry at cost of living issues right now (understandably) so this will get hundreds of upvotes despite being a lie.

Lying. They reposted from a Reddit post that shows an eight dollar Starbucks sandwich.

Still a stupid price for a crap sandwich. As I said in another reply, come to France and you will get the same thing for half the price. However, it will be nice (can you beat french bread? I think not)

can you beat french bread

When it's a day old, you can definitely beat someone with a baguette.

Well that depends on the baguette. A cheap baguette moulée I agree. A nice tradition will be take around 72 hours to mature to the point it can successfully be used for violence.

I would say french bread is a close second to german bread. But I might be biased, being german and all lol

As an English person, a simple white cottage loaf cannot be beat.

But I also love French and German breads.

Fucking hell I love bread.

I may live in France, but I am English too. A simple white cottage loaf is great, that is indisputable. However the availability is laughable.

When I lived in Portsmouth, there were 2 bakeries on the whole island. 2!! in my little town here we have 4 artisan bakers, plus 3 supermarkets that all sell really good bread. Just round the corner from my house there is a farm that sells bread (made completely in house) every Friday afternoon and people take the afternoon off work and drive 2 hours to buy it.

French bread wins hands down.

However I agree with you on one thing: I love bread!

Wars have been fought for less.

In fact, it would not surprise me if an argument about bread was a factor in WW1.

£5.1 is slightly less but stil outrageous for £0.30 of food

£0.30 of food

how cheap is food on the other side of the channel?!

Maybe more than in the UK, but here in a supermarket that would be 0.20€ of ham, 0.10€ of chese and 0.30€ of bread. Considering the volume starbucks has, I don't think it's unreasonable they would pay half of what you pay in a supermarket.

Of course these numbers I'm all taking our of my ass, but I think they are a close estimate. There's a reason if Starbucks is so profitable

Starbucks is a union busting piece of shit organization, regardless of their piece of shit food, fuck Starbucks.

I've clearly eaten too many lunches from food vendors (including SB) inside convention centers because I expected see maybe 2 slices of ham and 1 of cheese for $8 (in 2023 money). And maybe a lettuce leaf that is probably a recycled hot coffee sleeve dyed green.

Actually, you were right. This sandwich contains 2 half slices of cheese and 4 half slices of ham.

The ham is folded

I don't think it is. Look at the second slice from the top. There's a hole on the left edge. If it was folded, I would expect to see a layer between the hole and the third slice. If it is folded, every fold is so perfect that there is no overhang on any edge. You cannot possibly fold irregularly shaped ham slices with that kind of precision.

Source: I sandwich.

I mean you could see what was on it before you bought it, that's on you dog. All you did was prove people will pay that much for a shit sandwich.

You're paying extra for the love they put into it.

Don't forget the chit-chat and the greetings. That itself is £7.

And they served it to you on a Dixie paper plate? I call bullshit but idk why I'm even posting here because you just reposted this in pounds instead of dollars LOL

Why do people still give them money?

I get the sentiment, but most places don't have even halfway decent coffee shops. Everyone gives starbucks shit (rightfully so), but the fact is if you walk into a random cafe in America, it will most likely be inferior to starbucks. The level of quality in American coffee is just abysmal. And if you're traveling, you won't know if the cafe you take a chance on is a hidden gem (spoiler, it never is). I was in Austin one time and I found this hipster place that had great reviews on google. The interior was really nice, nice place to work, spacious, etc. The coffee tasted like dog water. It wasn't mediocre, it was trash. I'm sure Austin has great cafes, but unless you live there how will you know? Starbucks is a consistent mediocre coffee.

Reviews are a bit of a shit show with everyone being used to Starbucks as the "standard" now. I still give the local places a shot when I travel. I find them rarely worse than Starbucks for a latte and quiet often better. Plus, you know not giving money to Starbucks and their horrible anti-union leadership...

I guess living in Seattle has spoiled me.

I went to Niagara falls the other day and they were selling $10 pizza slices, my wife got one. I went to the grocery store across the street, bought a large roll from the fresh baked ones. Got cheese ends and ham ends at the deli aisle, and grabbed salad cup. It cost me about $8 but I got a much better, massive sandwich compared to what my wife ate.

What is a cheese end? The end of the block of cheese that is sliced off?

Ham ends too, what are these terms?

Canadian, probably? Niagara is on the usa/Canadian border

Grocery stores sometimes sell packs of mixed cheeses and deli meats from the ends or trims.

That's a great idea and I would like to see it here, but America has no real laws preventing billions of dollars of food waste, so companies never do anything like this.

Shoprite here in Pennsylvania does that all the time. TBF the shit is nasty and still costs about as much per pound as proper deli meats and cheeses.

We were at Niagara Falls earlier this year and we did the same thing. Food prices there are insane.

$10 for a slice of pizza? And you paid it? What in the world? No wonder food prices keep going up.

No they keep going up cause we have shitty governments who side with corporations and don't give a shit about us

Tourist hot spots are insane. I was having a cup of coffee in a small cafe at St. Mark's Square in Venice and it was 6.50€ for the coffee and a 12€ cover charge. Rip-off.

Just slap a label on it like with artisan bread and any hipster out there will grab it up yum.....

People giving money to Starbucks only tells them they can continue to charge what they want. I've never been a customer because coffee gives me the shits, but I'm constantly amazed to hear what people are willing to pay for a single beverage. Most Starbucks drinkers pay what I would pay for an entire meal drink included for their one drink.

FWIW most of those Starbucks drinks have more calories than your entire meal. So from a purely energetics standpoint they're winning.

You don't buy Starbucks food for the value. You do it cause there's one on the way to work/school.

This is not a sandwich.

Maybe they should call it "Ceci n'est pas une sandwich" and charge £12 instead.

This is sandwich, but not for 8£ maybe 20 whatever they use in UK I'll just say cents or even less than that

No, it's just bread and cheese and ham.

The most popular sandwich in France is the Jambon-Beurre, which is just butter and ham

I'd call that buttered ham. A sandwich requires bread!

And it cost less than half of this one at Montparnasse and is much nicer

1 more...

two slices of bread + something inbetween = sandwich

How about a folded piece of bread with stuff in the middle. Is that a sandwich?

How about a sub.

How about a taco.... is a taco a sandwich?

no, and neither is a hot dog, wrap, burger, baguette nor a bagel

1 more...
1 more...
1 more...

I've been to a Starbucks once in my life and that was in August of 2012. I have never been back since I never plan to go back. I absolutely do not understand the appeal.

It brings that consistent Seattle blandness everywhere it goes.

Neal Stephenson said it best in Snow Crash :

"In olden times, you’d wander down to Mom’s Café for a bite to eat and a cup of joe, and you would feel right at home. It worked just fine if you never left your hometown. But if you went to the next town over, everyone would look up and stare at you when you came in the door, and the Blue Plate Special would be something you didn’t recognize. If you did enough traveling, you’d never feel at home anywhere.

But when a businessman from New Jersey goes to Dubuque, he knows he can walk into a McDonald’s and no one will stare at him. He can order without having to look at the menu, and the food will always taste the same. McDonald’s is Home, condensed into a three-ringed binder and xeroxed. “No surprises” is the motto of the franchise ghetto, its Good Housekeeping seal, subliminally blazoned on every sign and logo that make up the curves and grids of light that outline the Basin.

The people of America, who live in the world’s most surprising and terrible country, take comfort in that motto."

Now I have to re-read snow crash. Such a great book.

All these beefy Caucasians with guns. Get enough of them together, looking for the America they always believed they'd grow up in, and they glom together like overcooked rice, form integral, starchy little units. With their power tools, portable generators, weapons, four-wheel-drive vehicles, and personal computers, they are like beavers hyped up on crystal meth, manic engineers without a blueprint, chewing through the wilderness, building things and abandoning them, altering the flow of mighty rivers and then moving on because the place ain't what it used to be. The byproduct of the lifestyle is polluted rivers, greenhouse effect, spouse abuse, televangelists, and serial killers. But as long as you have that four-wheel-drive vehicle and can keep driving north, you can sustain it, keep moving just quickly enough to stay one step ahead of your own waste stream. In twenty years, ten million white people will converge on the north pole and park their bagos there. The low-grade waste heat of their thermodynamically intense lifestyle will turn the crystalline icescape pliable and treacherous. It will melt a hole through the polar icecap, and all that metal will sink to the bottom, sucking the biomass down with it.

My main reason to go to McDonalds on a business trip is, that you can eat there on your own without looking lonely.

Thanks but no, I can't eat anywhere without looking lonely.

Snow Crash is one of the greatest books ever written.

It's a little game I play whenever I am abroad to go check out a chain place to see how different it is. Very anecdotal

7-11 is all over the place. Prices and what they have will vary by country.

Starbucks is consistent on high end drink items both in price and what they make.

Dunkin is pretty much the same everywhere except you can't seem to get drip coffee in some countries.

MacDonalds is the same with maybe one local item. Kinda cool getting a beer in Germany with some French fries.

Same. Been to a few places in southeast Asia and Starbucks is pretty much the same everywhere there. So I can step off a street full of stalls selling all sorts of food items that I would class as "extremely adventurous" into a store with recognisable sweet/savoury cafe food options. I can relax in consistently dark-hued wood decor with a consistent assortment of tables/couches/chairs/charging points, and a consistent range of coffee drinks that each have enough calories to sustain a local family for a week.

It is consistent, has bathrooms, and they don't bother you if you sit there for a while. I have been avoiding them but you asked and I answered.

You literally bought it, stfu

Because in Starbucks, you get to look at the sandwich before you buy it... oh wait that's not right.

So u buy stuff without looking at them?? HAHAHA? Nice flex bro HAHAHA

You do know how prepackaged food works right? You buy it, they take it out of the package and heat it up or serve it to you... it's behind the counter. You don't get to pick one out and ask for it. Dumbass...

U buy stuff without knowing what it is but im the dumbass one HAHAHAH daddy is paying it's alright, spoiled brat

The parts I like are the attention to detail on the size of the bread being perfectly rectangular, the cheese slices being perfectly equally sized, and the consistently overlapping slices of ham that span the exact length of the bread. Then that all combines to form a shitty looking sandwich. Perfectly optimized sandwich designed by accountants.

"Have a day." - Starbucks

Now that's something to give you a big ol' case of the fuck yous.

Wait, is this real? No way.... I make better sandwiches in the 2 minutes time that I'm late for work.

No, it's not.

This is a £5.10 item in the UK, the pic is taken from a reddit post complaining about spending 8 dollars in the US. Which is still a lot but not £8.

So, the pictured is still a legitimate Starbucks sandwich?

That's twice as much cheese & ham as the ones in the U. S., which cost about the same.

Bought a cold sandwich at a quick-service place in England.

There's your problem. This one has a certain appeal, though. I'd pay eight pounds just to be spared the usual pile of cucumber slices, old egg, and obscene quantity of mayonnaise.

I too am impressed they managed to not include tomatoe, avocado, bacon, lettuce, or a sauce of any sort, while simultaneously not bothering to interlace the cheese between the meat for a more interesting texture profile.

It looks like prison food.

That's genuinely shocking.

It's not shocking for me. They don't make real coffee, how would they know how to make food?

They don’t make real coffee

The coffee at Starbucks is real, I've seen it in person

The sandwich itself ain't that bad. I would like some sauce/oil/whatever wet but apart from that looks ok. The issue is the price...

That's like $13 up here in Canada. But I'd assume they have the same sandwiches here. But wow, that's outrageous.

Don't they make the sandwiches to your specification in the UK?

Edit: I'm stupid, I read that as Subway.

I paid 6$ CAD for brie and ham with pepper jelly from the grocery store

Enough meat, one slice too little of cheese. But why is there no butter nor salad on it?

A whole bread, a block of cheese and a ham is not even 8 bucks. Just make a sandwich at home, it takes like a minute.

I could make that for 80c but I won't because it looks gross.

Sandwiches made from garbage out of the supermarket dumpster look a lot better than this.

The last time I bought a latte at a coffee shop it cost about as much as a POUND of coffee beans from Costco.

Stop. The. Insanity.

Still not a high enough price for animal abuse.

Are the animals humans? And is the abuse the act of eating that sad sandwich? If so, I agree, that is animal abuse.

You're a union hating boot licking nazi cop if you support starbucks

As a supertaster and inveterate picky eater, that actually looks pretty good. Could use some mayo and/or mustard though.

As a normal customer with the lowest standard, that actually looks pretty disgusting. Could eat a shoe with some mayo.

Disgusting? It's a few slices of ham and cheese. It's basic, but you find ham and cheese to be disgusting?

Too much ham, no mayo or dressing, and nothing green like lettuce.