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How long it lasts. Year after year after year. No end in sight. No summer, winter or spring breaks. One vacation a year and a few sick days.

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Dynamically typed languages don’t scale. Large project bases become hard to maintain, read and refactor.

Basic type errors which should be found in compilation become runtime errors or unexpected behavior.

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It’s about time the ad hosts, like google and Facebook, are found liable for all this nonsense in a class action.

It would be easier to allow you to fully block the 2 instances it comes from.

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An environmental impact study on this would be interesting.

Cows kills more people each year than sharks.

I mean when did you ever here of a cow killing a shark.

In the short term it really helps productivity, but in the end the reward for working faster is more work. Just doing the hard parts all day is going to burn developers out.

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A lot of ads should be banned for environmental reasons alone. From junk mail, lit up signs, eyesore billboards, and all the power wasted in digital ads.

The entire health insurance industry too. That is likely over a million people.

There is no need for a separate sound card now, it is built in.

I fear the change from monthly to annual only subscriptions is on the horizon

Now he’s going to be on some kind of watch list!

Local mass transit should be free. It is already really heavily subsidized, often almost entirely subsidized, so it wouldn’t cost as much as you think.

It happened to me at the urologist. They were taking the piss!

While true when everything works, people don’t want to live near a nuclear power plant because sometimes there are accidents. They are rare, but severe when they happen. Also because nobody wants to live in sight of one, it affects how easy it is to sell land and property.

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In personal experience there has been a big rise of Linux on the server and more people being forced to get used to it. Docker is pushing this along even more now. We are seeing the continued rise in osx and improvements in the Linux desktop. Moving away from windows is becoming more acceptable now, even in corporations. This will continue!

Because car speedometers are not calibrated by law, and can be off a few percent. Changes in temperature can change tire radius as well.

After all that you then get into court proceeding of proving speed gun calibration has to be perfect.

If companies were looking for applicants there, it is clear discrimination.

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They’d be starving after waiting for 3 days.

I really wish there was a government program where you can simply opt out of categories of junk mail. I don’t need a mailbox full of catalogues trying to get me to buy stuff, credit offers, or “charities”.

Consider a site like arstechnica. Just tech news, less depressing crap.

Not disagreeing. We need more nuclear. Just saying people are scared of a major event than the constant low grade radiation.

A better reason to make all these free is that they are largely funded by taxes in the first place.

71% for the MTA in NY.

Save money by getting rid of the ticket infrastructure and enforcement and encourage use.

And there is a service fee!

Apple and google should add location based parental control, in addition to the time based. A checkbox ‘in a school’ would be easy. Let parents disable things they don’t need like Netflix while leaving them with their emergency communication device.

Not perfect, but it would help.

This is the same as the argument that tall people need more leg room on a plane, and shouldn’t be charged to upgrade their seat. Or that someone with a bad back should be able to fly business for free.

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If you fine people based on their bank balance, you end up fining careful savers, not rich people with shell companies.

The best way to achieve the same goal for the more major fines is with custodial sentences. E.G. 2 weeks for drinking and driving.

And for the more minor traffic stuff with points and bans. If every one has the same number of points and gets the same ban, it is fairer

This leads to weird bugs when you change indentation and miss a line or reorder lines. The logic changes. Not too bad when you’re on your own, as Python seems to be intended for. Add multiple developers and git merges and it is a recipe for disaster. With end tags at least you just end up with poorly formatted working code.

I have tried these. They are expensive to run as you need to burn through a tank of propane each month. They do catch some mosquitoes, but they make little overall difference.

Still looking for a working solution.

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If it were codified like this as law everywhere, people would accept it better. The rule breaking is what pisses a lot of people off. It would be much more predictable and safer too.

Add YAML to that for the same reason.

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Gerrymandering does affect the smaller races that choose the people that make the election rules. These rules then effect how easy it is for those who can’t afford the time off work to queue for hours in their populated city, vs. the rancher who can go to his polling place when he needs and there will be no queue.

Or things like this:

Our road system, retirement benefits, health system (except USA), public school system, national parks are all socialist.

This is untrue. If they earn less than minimum after tips the business has to make it up. The first $5 an hour essentially go in the pocket of the owner.

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Don’t tip if you’re standing up!

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It would be nice if you could block a community directly from the front page without having to navigate to it first. Whole instances would also be useful.

At what point can you tax deduct your phone as a business expense?

Everybody would fall over.

There are way too many stop signs in the US. Most should be yields in one direction and nothing in the other.
