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Joined 1 years ago

PS5 pro is a waste of money, but also lots of people don't want a PC to play games. Two things can be true at the same time!

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Pro tip, if you suspect the police are going to take your phone, turn it off. As far as I am aware, finger print and face id do not work on initial startup and they can't compel you to enter your pin without a warrant.

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Not counsel, compel actually. But either way, definitely not console! Ha

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Election season is right around the corner, join us! Lemonparty.org

Or better yet just don't use a phone at all! Can't make you unlock what you don't have!

Did I hit my head and wake up in 2002?

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A lot of these are kinda on the negative side (no judgement!), so I'll add a positive one. I met this girl, we started dating and we had been in that weird phase where like it wasn't exclusive but it felt like it was but it wasn't explicitly said you know? Anyways, I had these plans to go on a trip with a couple friends and some friends of friends and that same week me and the girl talked and decided it was official, nobody is dating anyone else, we're together/a thing/official.

Fast forward to that trip, and I meet this girl, I know nothing about her but she's cute and she's into me. We all get drunk around a camp fire, me and this girl go for a walk, and it's about as obvious as it's ever going to be this girl wants to hook up and I have the green light and I'm about to go for it. So I'm about to and then I remember...I shouldn't. I'm not single anymore. It doesn't matter if it's new it matters to me, I really like the girl I'm dating, we have a good thing going and it's dumb to risk fucking that up for some girl I just met. So I don't. I say I'm sorry I'm drunk and should go to bed and that's the end of that. We were cordial the rest of the weekend and I've never talked to or seen her again.

It's eight years later and that girl i liked is my wife of close to four years and we're just hanging out being boring together and I've never been happier.

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Because the average person is stupid and will pay $4 for fucking water because it looks like an energy drink.

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Call the spot, order it, and go get the food your fuckin self. Stop spending an extra 35% to have somebody working three jobs get it for you.

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They're choosing not to drive for the same reason they're choosing to be more thrifty, choosing not to go to college, choosing to live with their parents longer, and choosing not to buy homes. See if you can find the common denominator.

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and vaguely threatened to leave town.

Don't threaten me with a good time!

Pretty sure it's easier to find a phone with a mini SD slot than a phone with a CD player.

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About a week ago you decided to make your lemmy account. A better idea would've been to learn how to fucking read.

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How did you propose to your fiance?

We should really stop propagating this narrative that all bikes are expensive. Insanely sophisticated race bikes or gravel bikes that you could throw off a cliff without your derailleur getting misaligned are very expensive. A very good, reliable, and perfectly usable bike for the average person cost <$500. Even that is a lot for some people but it's a LONG way off from the $3k-20k bikes people THINK they need it worse people ASSUME is what all bikes cost. The best selling models of almost every major manufacturer are their lowest and middle tier entry level bikes, which is a slight step up from what you can buy at a Walmart or target. Those Walmart and Target bikes btw, will serve the vast majority of people just fine.

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Same with

No guarantees on pay, benefits or work rules.

This is also technically true - except your union is going to collectively bargain a binding contract which gets you all those things, and prevents you from being exploited or the employer from randomly changing rules to exploit you.

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Ironically, Viggiano and his team from the University of Tampa won a 2018 ethics competition

Best part of the article.

Meanwhile pirating content and streaming it has never been easier. Jellyfin and private trackers ftw

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Your first download should be a guide on punctuation my brother.

Does it hurt waking up this stupid or are you numb to it now?

Does it hurt waking up this stupid?

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Right? This is the stupidest fucking article. Like you can even have the car repossessed and the loan terminated.

Auto loans may legit be one of the safest type of loans available to students.

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What gets me about this change is that it hurts enterprise more than anybody. I don't use chrome anymore for anything in my personal life, and haven't in several years now. However, it's the only browser I can use for work. 🤷🏻‍♂️

Do you psychos not unsubscribe from things? Or mark them as spam?

Part of the reason you're getting so many is because they're making it to your inbox. That's enough. A LOT of marketers care way more about deliverability than click rate. If their email is getting through, they're likely to increase volume because it helps deliverability. Going to dead emails that never read them doesn't matter, it means they can get into boxes with the people who may actually read them. Everyone that doesn't unsub or mark as spam is helping their deliverability reputation, and keeps them off spam filters.

If you're getting emails you don't want MARK. THEM. AS. SPAM.

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Nvidia experience has gotten so bad that I actually download drivers manually from the site again. It should not take 3+ minutes to start a program that does virtually nothing and THEN make me login to even fucking use it - just to update the driver.

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I mean you could see what was on it before you bought it, that's on you dog. All you did was prove people will pay that much for a shit sandwich.

I still use reddit for some of the niche and sports communities that just aren't really present on Lemmy (or not yet at least). I only use old reddit, and I only use my front page or the multis I curated myself. One thing I've noticed a lot lately is posts with zero upvotes and usually zero comments appearing in hot, top, and best filters. Most of these are absolute trash posts that were clearly posted by a bot.

I do not understand what benefit they're seeking by shoving bad posts with no positive feedback into these sorting options but it's fuckin weird.

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There is absolutely nothing difficult to use in Firefox. If anything it's easier, as most of the settings aren't arbitrarily hidden to prevent you from changing them. There are also fewer bullshit settings because they aren't harvesting your data.

The way she says "That is correct your honor" the second time while trying not to laugh is like the perfect encapsulation of what being public defender is like. Most people would not believe the sheer amount of stupidity witnessed by PDs, and sometimes you just gotta laugh. Still, they show up and go to bat for you, even if you're doing the thing they're defending you against at the time.

My espresso machine. They're expensive. I do not know why they are, but they are. I hemmed and hawed for years about us getting one and finally decided fuck it. Im an adult, I want one, we can afford it.

In 2+ years the only times I have not made myself a cappuccino are when I have not been home to do so. It is one of my most used appliances. Espresso owns.

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So September 2025ish is when I need to decide which Linux distro to go with.

This will not directly answer your question but while perusing at work I came across darebee.com , which is a fitness website run like Wikipedia. There are no ads whatsoever. There's a video library showing how to do tons of exercises. Workout programs can be filtered based on your equipment availability and ability level, and everything is available in a PDF download absolutely free.

Really cool site, give it a look.

Phones also aren't special anymore. Like the days where phones were flashy and people needed the best/newest phones are gone. Everyone knows everyone has a phone, nobody cares what phone it is. It reminds me of like 2004-2008 when laptops were a big deal and then everyone had one and it became a tool and people stopped caring what you had.

I paid for Textra over a decade ago, and it's easily the best money I've ever spent. It's the best texting app I've ever used and I highly recommend everyone check it out. They still churn out updates regularly and the features are above and beyond most messaging apps.

If Reddit is toxic to you, then you must be one of them.

Well that's not very nice.

Hopefully he steps in front of a bus next.

Ironically, Nvidia shield is a dedicated streaking device that can be swapped. Don't kid yourself, Roku is just as bad with the ads. They recently updated their UI to pack more apps into their home grid, so that they could show ads for other apps and shows. Recently mine says "continue watching" Supergirl in one of them constantly.

We've never watched Supergirl and don't even have the app it's on installed.

Use a calorie counting app like lose it. Log everything you eat. It's very tedious at first but pretty soon you get really good at judging how many calories are in things. Don't stop logging! Track your weight. When you hit plateaus zoom out on the time scale and look at your trend line going down and feel good about yourself.

The trick is being honest with yourself. There are no free calories. Those 2-3 little cookies you had at work? They count. The extra scoop of rice? That counts. Most people have no concept of how many excess calories they're really taking in.

Over COVID lockdown my wife and I both gained 10-15 pounds and I was already a good 20 pounds over where I wanted to be. We both started this and never stopped. I lost 40 pounds in about 9 months (230 to 185) , she lost 20, 155 to 134, and we've both kept it off for the last three years. We log all our meals and we exercise. Exercise becomes rewarding because burning extra means you can cheat! Did you bike twenty miles today? HAVE YOU A FUCKIN DONUT THEN!

The apple watch also failed to sell well initially. Now just about everyone has one. I don't own a single apple product, but the one thing Apple has going for it with new tech is that they invest in their ecosystem and don't give up on products too quickly.

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I knoooooooow. I know arcgis is working on it at least. I'm a geologist, a ton of our geospatial programs require windows.

But I'm about ready to experiment with a dual joot for my home set up! I really never need windows for that anymore

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