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Joined 11 months ago

Me before reading the article: It's got to be dates. Excel thinks everything is a date.

Me after reading the article: Even the workaround is halfhearted. Jeebus.

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“We prefer to be called ‘housing providers’”

Landlords provide housing like scalpers provide concert tickets.

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Thank you, CaptObvious. know, your username makes it difficult to sound sincere when addressing you.

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It's more likely than you think.

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Next headline: "The economy is doing super duper awesomesauce but Americans keep saying shit's fucked: Economists baffled"

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"The only moral drugs are my drugs!"

  • my alcoholic pothead benzo-popping mom
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In this timeline, the edge is so far gone that it's faded into myth.

Anyone else think it’s cool to just fly solo as a good human, no religion attached?

Religion does not have a monopoly on morality, despite what many preach. Be kind, and believe what you want.

Netflix, what are you trying to do? I can't cancel my subscription in protest if it's still cancelled from the last time you did something boneheaded.

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We also don't need yet another self-obsessed septuagenarian calling shots that will have ramifications long after they're dead. Especially one who owes their wealth and influence to fucking coal.

They're already learning this.

I am in a solidly blue district. 4 out of the 7 school board candidates, ALL of the non-incumbents, were running on some sort of "family values" or "parents' rights" platform. A couple of them were within a few hundred votes of taking a seat last year. This year, their statements to media were highly scrubbed because they knew to tread carefully and avoid the dog whistles. And this week, one of them unseated an incumbent (and the only POC in the group). I'm glad the trend is going in the right direction nationally. But I wouldn't call for a victory lap just yet.

Til all are one.

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I never would have guessed that Musk is a billion times worse than Lex Luthor, but the math is right there. Terrible.

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they just can’t help themselves ... wanting the rights of others removed

This seems so familiar but I can't quite put my finger on it...

No thank you, I just ate.

Not only that, but the item description tells you that cooking them has a cold resistant effect. The old man also gives a way to combat the temps.

Alabama doesn’t care. It’s the armpit of the south.

Mississippi in shambles

...more than usual, at any rate

Im sure that there are other lifeforms in some other system just not the flying sorcerer type.

Ugh, I hope you're right. Flying aliens would be bad enough. But if the bastards can muticlass and use magic as well... we'd be doomed.

That's how they get you.

But we need strict financial oversight on medical services. What if someone tries to use it improperly?!? That's fraud!

/s because Poe's Law

To paraphrase a wise owl, when you look at something through rose colored glasses, all of the red flags are just flags.

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All of the design talent and experience has been purged from their ranks in the last 10-12 years. They are a trash tier developer and have burned all the nostalgic goodwill of their past successes.

What's crazy amongst all this madness is whatever skeleton crew they stuck in a closet to tend to the corpse of D3 has been knocking it out of the park lately. It's like they got a green light to do whatever and started ticking features from the community wishlist. It won't last much longer as after next season it'll just be cycling through previous content. But at least for now, someone over there appears to care.

Stare them dead in the eye and growl, "What did you DO?!?"

I got bit by this earlier in the year. I needed a smaller TV for the bedroom. I narrowed down the line I wanted. Target and Best Buy were the only two local stores to carry it. BB had the 2023 model, Target had a 2022 model with a sub-designation that was $50 cheaper. I went with Target because I didn't care if it was an older model, just needed something good enough. Well, it wasn't good enough, not even close. The color accuracy was so bad that the tint adjustment was useless — it was both too pink and too green no matter what. I dug out my old calibration disk and tried to adjust the color by isolating red/green/blue channels. The best-effort adjustments made it better, but still awful. I even connected it to the network (hardwire only, fuck "smart" appliances) just in case a firmware update helped. It did not, so back it went. Had to wait, multiple times in line and for someone to pull from the back, for like 45 minutes because they "don't do exchanges" so I needed to do a song and dance to get the sale price on a replacement purchase. Got the replacement home, same deal. At that point I suspected it was leftover Black Friday junk.

Took it back and went to Best Buy. Spent the extra $50. Perfect color out of the box. Lesson(s) learned.

"A HA! We knew it!"

they are sprawling complexes built smack dab in the middle of the suburbs with NO amenities or public transport within walking distance.

One of these behemoths went up near me, after a nightmarish yuppie shopping center had already been established. (It's "walkable" but also "drivable" and doing either makes you feel like you're going to get aquatinted with the other against the will of all involved. But yay amenities?) The only way in or out is via one moderately trafficked road and one extremely congested highway. But hark! A train station! Within walking distance! Except the train station was built decades ago and only designed to be accessed from the other side of the tracks. It's all fenced off. The only way to get to the train station is by driving a quarter mile through the shopping center to the highway, getting on the highway for a quarter mile, going into the shopping center next door, and driving another quarter mile through that shopping center. Then you can park and wave at your neighbors. Theoretically you could walk or ride a bike... but there's no pedestrian lanes on or along that highway.

It's stunningly awful.

Successfully pulling off a lift-and-move like that was huge. I wish more niche/fandoms had followed suit instead of staying put.

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iT rEgUlAtEs ItSeLf

Because interest rates are insane trapping people in homes they no longer want but can’t afford to leave?

I'm in this comment and I don't like it.

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But there were some other headlines that said "people think the economy is bad but they're spending lots of money so that means it's good hahaha people are so dumb."


But it's not perfect, so we can't possibly do that.

- Signed, people scared of possible improvement threatening their position

Fund the IRS

You can't fund the IRS. The IRS is a government agency. And those are awful. Watch, I'll prove it:

starves agency of funds for years

See? They suck. They can barely function. Time to make more cuts in the name of fiscal responsibility!

see also: EPA, USPS, ED, HHS, DOT, DOL, FCC, FTC, etc.

Her brain sure isn't.

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I think you just described "business" in general.

IMO, HDR makes a bigger difference than 1080 vs 4K.

They're like the dog that caught the car it was chasing. All proud of themselves but have no fucking clue what to do with it.

God. God cares. He loves everyone and is omnipotent, but also really judgy and bitchy because reasons. And he's watching you so closely that you can reach out and touch his bloodshot ethereal eyeball. Well, if it wasn't ethereal, anyway. So don't ever let that aspirin fall from between your knees. He'll know if it does. And send plague of Karens to shame you. But only because he loves you and demands obedience.

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This is about as coherent an argument as you're gonna find on the topic.

When my fiancé was shopping for a car a few years ago, I asked the salesperson "so how do you turn off connectivity?" while they were showing off the whiz-bang infotainment systems. Nobody could answer the question, and most didn't understand why anyone would want to turn it off.

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Paul suggested that the U.S. is secretly planning a European Union-style merger with Mexico and Canada.

This kind of shit is a pet peeve of mine. Some version of this tripe has been floating around the right for 20 years if not more.

  • Step 1: Invent some ridiculous premise and declare it an existential threat
  • Step 2: Rile up your base
  • Step 3: Produce exactly zero evidence
  • Step 4: Move on to something else for a few years, occasionally reminding people about Step 1 (but glossing over Step 3)
  • Step n: Bring up the nonsense from Step 1 and declare that it was only defeated thanks to your unwavering determination to stop the demonic leftist commie liberal socialists

It's bad comedy, but it works on the credulous when it lines up with what they already believe.