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Hi! I'm rem26_art! I'm an anime artist who's interested in vtubers and gacha games. If you want to see some of my work or are interested in commissioning me, please check out my Campsite Page

oooh the Copy Link without Site Tracking feature looks like it would be pretty useful

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I found it! The source of global warming! Contained entirely within some guys shop

man, remember when you could buy a car and it wasnt connected to the internet?

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lmao write your website better then. That popup sure looks like its working

Getting these planes from the factory with loose bolts is pretty inexcusable. Boeing's really fallen far. Kind of crazy that the airline has to go double check that the brand new plane they got from the manufacturer is actually put together properly.

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Every Thanksgiving I eat stuffing and remember:

  1. This stuff is great
  2. There is nothing stopping me from making this year round

and then i immediately forget

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Yeah I'm sad that the rise of EV's coincides with just how extra cars have become in recent years. If you sold me a mid 90s Honda Civic hatchback with an electric drivetrain, no internet connectivity, no electric door handles or touch screens, I'd be happy with it.

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I'd throw in a vote for HoloCure. It's like Vampire Survivors, and even if you know nothing about Hololive, its pretty addicting.

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theres a chance that thing cost more than a Nintendo Switch

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Man I have no clue what Intel was even talking about with that presentation. They've really gotta reevaluate how they're conducting themselves if that is what they end up producing.

Also you know you're gonna be in for a ride when GN stops what they're doing to make a video about something a company said.

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hey maybe those dogs have places to go lol

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oh our water company mentioned they were gonna come this week and replace the meter. I guess this is what thats about lol

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thats an ancient version of nginx lol

lol Yanis is def making the rounds cuz of his new book. He also talked about this on Adam Conover's podcast, Factually a few weeks ago.

iirc he's saying that we're at the point where some of the richest people have moved from owning the means to actually produce things to providing platforms for exchanging goods for money to happen on, while basically charging rent. He compares it to feudalism in that a company like Amazon or Apple with its app store are feudal lords who come in and collect money off of each transaction made by the "serfs" (people who sell and buy things on these markets), basically in exchange for being allowed to list. And increasingly, its getting harder and harder to do business without dealing with one of these tech giants. I think he mentioned how WeChat is another good example of this in China, where they're involved in like everything

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oh thats actually really useful. Glad they made a change

i like that the article mentions at the end that he bought 2 mansions and is considering buying 3 more to knock them down and then spend $200M building a different house.

If I had to come up with a comically overdone billionaire for a story, i don't think i could come up with anything like that lmao.

Everyone looked at Nintendo's Mii's and just ignored everything that made them charming

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Another vote for yt-dlp

It works with ffmpeg and you can choose the quality you want to download from Youtube. Also its nice if you want to record a livestream as its being broadcast. Its also not limited to just Youtube either, it seems to work on lots of sites.

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im glad that people are out there building the web services we truly need.

Im sure people will still be using Java 8 then, so its fine

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fr tho, MS has been on the digital assistant thing for decades at this point.

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Im always amazed at the amount of stuff Blender can do. It's just so nice to be able to have software that lets you learn a useful skill that isnt behind a paywall or crazy license

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Worst decision Boeing could have made was buying Mcdonnel Douglass, who was doing poorly, and then letting the people in charge of Mcdonnel Douglass (who, did I mention was doing poorly) run Boeing

i think emacs can probably already do that with the right plugins

I don't get why the picture in the article is of a Boeing 787, but the plane involved in the incident was an Airbus A319

New Super 64 Switch U eReader Color & Knuckles

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i just had one of those free sticks that I got from an event die on me the other day. I should pry it open and see if it's just a microSD card lmao. Didn't lose anything of worth on it cuz it was only like 128MB

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i mean you don't need to look at the room at all if you're busy playing Dark Souls

Yaya. I feel like a pretty dramatic shift in how Boeing designs, builds, and signs off on things really has to come from the top first

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idk guys something is telling me that Dr. Peepee isnt a real doctor

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this is the kind of sandwich i make while hungover, take one bite, and then go "oh god i forgot the mayo"

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naa i'll keep doing what I'm doing

The first time I read this, i thought "shouldn't all that be executable anyway?"

And then I read it again and realized, minus x

ah yes, Liux

I played it when it first came out and man that was one heck of a powerful game. I watched a vtuber do a playthrough of it the other day without knowing anything and seeing someone else come to all these realizations about the game in real time was also an experience

I've had a Galaxy Note 9 for a few years now and, at least in my use case, I rarely use the stylus. It's very convenient to have when I need to take notes in a meeting or something that I need to send a copy off somewhere, but day to day, I really only remember the stylus is there when I drop the phone and it pops out lol.

yo lemme hop in this line too. A cool 5-7 trillion dollars could maybe fix my life. maybe

instructions unclear: threw a desk on my burning colleague and now they're not moving anymore

EDIT: the desk is on fire now too


and in 2029 TikTok teens are gonna be stealing them with USB drives