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Joined 1 years ago

Wow, a whole $1 million. They’ll notice that for like seven seconds.

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I bought one just before the end. No ragrets. There are definitely some software quirks (the rear cross traffic alert always points the wrong direction) but overall I like it.

Yeah, I think it’s a form of the survivorship bias. Not too long ago, based on a discord voice conversation, I listened to the top 100 songs from 1977. One of the top 100 was Ariel by Dean Friedman. If you think that’s a great song, you’re higher than he was when he recorded it.

Tell me you're young without telling me you're young.

Paper towels, for most of my life (I'm old AF), were as long as they were wide. Square, they were. Bounty originated select-a-size by perforating them twice as frequently, so they were half as long as wide. Others eventually followed suit and now youngsters think that's how it's always been.

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Speaking as a 57 year old, it seems odd that they're both having cognitive problems. As you might guess, most of my friends are around my age and literally zero of them are in any kind of decline like that.

Out of curiosity, do your parents have a carbon monoxide monitor in their home? IANAD but it's my understanding that long term, low level CO poisoning can lead to symptoms like you're describing.

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alternate headline: "UBlock Origin Lite - Crippled adblocker for a google-dominated internet."

do what u/Buffalox said, stop using chrome and chromium-based browsers.

I highly recommend switching to a 3rd party app for passwords, payment info, etc. I know Bitwarden is a trusted app with a free tier that can import from chrome.

It’s more secure than chrome or Firefox “vaults” and it’s backed up online and synced between devices automatically. It also doesn’t tie you to one browser. There are apps for iOS, android, windows, macOS, and Linux plus plugins for all major browsers.

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Inmate number is most appropriate

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Honestly, for running jellyfin/emby/plex, there's nothing better. The only thing an update might get you would be higher refresh rates or maybe 8k support, but for watching video, who cares?

Once I disabled the built-in "leanback" launcher with its fucking toxic ads and replaced it with flauncher, it's been essentially perfect for watching media. flauncher is fugly as hell but it stays out of my face, unlike google's ad-focused launcher.

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They’re building their own drones, and they’re pretty good. They just need money for parts at this point.

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There are a lot of people who think, largely due to misinformed cooking shows, that you shouldn't wash mushrooms, just wipe them off.

If you want them washed, maybe say "Hey, I can help out by washing those for you."

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No, I do not like crack.

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It’s nice to see an actual technology post, instead of business news about tech and tech adjacent companies which is the usual fare here

if he wins in 2024, he’ll run in 2028, and 2032, etc. He’ll win those with 99% of the vote, just like his buddy Putin.

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They lost their minds back in the 60s/70s when women started using Ms instead of Mrs/Miss. Even into the 1990s, some conservative men were still butthurt about it. Rush Limbaugh was particularly offended over Ms Rodham-Clinton’s title and hyphen.

They lost the battle over women’s titles and the pronoun thing is their new hill to die on.

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Star Trek, Linux, and a smattering of other memes… that’s all I need!

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It sounds like you're experiencing anhedonia, which is strongly associated with depression. Ultimately life is cyclical, day to day, week to week, etc, but there should be frequent periods of happiness sprinkled in there, where you spend time doing things you like with people you like. If you can't find anything like that, maybe talk to a therapist.

Best thing is I’m retiring in 18 days, at age 58.

Worst thing is the next 18 days.

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From Serious Eats:

First off, it's true: mushrooms do absorb water when you wash them, but it's only about 2% of their total weight, or, translated to volume, that's about 1 1/2 teaspoons of water per pound, which in turn translates to an extra 15 to 30 seconds of cooking time.

"Soggy" is an exaggeration.

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I have a friend who always downloads the smallest (by file size) copy of any video he can find. He has a 75" 4k TV, 5.1 surround speakers, the whole setup but he downloads 720p in stereo almost exclusively. He says he just doesn't care about the video or audio quality. It blows my mind, but some people are just weird.

Edit: Also, Paul is just a funny movie, if you're into goofy movie references.

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Let the ammo hit the floor

Let the ammo hit the floor

Let the ammo hit the floor

Let the ammo hit the floor

Let the ammo hit the… FLOOOOOOOR

After ublock origin, this is my favorite extension. Redirecting youtube to freetube is the greatest thing ever

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Even Oracle, a company that funds OpenOffice and has its own proprietary fork of it, doesn’t use it internally. Oracle internal laptops come with libre office installed.

Agreed… doctor up, hit the gym, eat some veggies.

Seriously though OP, if they haven’t seen a doctor, try to get them to go get tested for environmental toxins and nutritional deficiencies. Some of this stuff can clear up like magic once you’ve identified the problem.

That's clearly the lesson learned from this post.

That's odd... on my TV there are no youtube ads, and no sponsor messages.

I really hate reportage like this. Every government, even seemingly incompetent ones like the current crop in the UK, have hundreds or thousands of contingency plans for things of wildly varying likelihood. This is just one of those things.

This is just as informative as those articles that say eating sugar triggers the same receptors as cocaine. Yes it's true, but there aren't that many reward mechanisms in the brain, so a lot of shit hits those same receptors.

It's data and it's true, but it's not useful information.

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My favorite quote from the interwebs about is “they call it medium because it’s rare to find anything well-done there.”

You sure they didn’t say fruit sadness?

That's funny... it looks just like your "I fkn knew it" face.

All games are pirate games if you do it right

I definitely read all your memes. Thank you for your service!

You can sorta get close with MVNOs like Tello. I have a plan that’s $6.16/month, including taxes.

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Google will cancel the project in 18 months. AT&T will take over google’s part of it and promise never to raise rates but then they’ll add a new kind of fee every 2-3 months until you’re basically buying them a new satellite every month.

AFAIK there is no known energy source that would keep a generation ship powered for the duration of an interstellar flight.

The person to whom you responded is half right. The speed of light is half of the barrier to interstellar travel. Entropy is the other half.

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It’s quite uncommon to have line splits for specific features. The only thing in a Tesla that might require a split is dual vs single motor. Heated seats would just be a station skip, where the worker or robot ignores cars without the feature. (Source: I used to write assembly line control software for this exact sort of thing)

It doesn’t save Tesla any money, except in marshaling. If they build a mix of lots of options then they have to track them all. With their simplified option list, cars are more interchangeable.

It also makes upselling possible, even after delivery, which is 98% of why they do it.

Try an old baby and sock powder

AVA/NHI: asshole vs asshole, no humans involved.

No matter who wins here, everyone loses

april fools day should die in a fire and burn to ash.

...not that I'm bitter

But 1990 was about a decade ago.