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Joined 12 months ago

UEFA are testing the waters by allowing Russia to compete only in the under 17 competition initially. Depending on the reaction, they may lift the ban in the senior competitions too. More countries need to boycott the U17 competition to send UEFA a clear message—if enough teams join the boycott then the competition will not be viable, leading to loss of revenue, and money talks.

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He sounds like a very troubled kid: “ The court heard that Kurtaj had been violent while in custody with dozens of reports of injury or property damage.”. He is deemed a danger to himself or others so is being placed is a secure hospital for safety, hopefully he will get treatment there. He will be released if the doctors deem he is no longer a danger.

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There is nothing scientific about homeopathy.

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To save you a click, the comparison printer ink in the article is £2.04 per ml.

The article is worth reading though.

I imagine a lot of the passengers were pissed off when the flight was cancelled because one of their fellow passengers reported some non-critical bolts were missing.

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The official UK Police term is Road Traffic Collision, or RTC, which does not imply fault or otherwise.

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That’s Cillian Murphy’s next major role sorted then.

I can understand that mods of communities like r/Military feel that they have a duty to serve their community and are worried about no longer being able to do so, unless they comply to the Reddit diktat. But there is an alternative they should embrace - come and join us on lemmy! You can build your community again, in a much safer haven.

I assume no-one, including the feddit uk admins, can access the server to copy anything off it, so it will all be lost.

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Yes, as water is pretty safe.

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When you go into a room for something and then can’t remember what it was. There is something about crossing a threshold that makes memories go poof.

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See how splayed out those toes are? That is how our feet have evolved to support walking upright in bare feet. A lot of modern shoes are too narrow, and cram toes together. If some of your toes are bent inwards, then you have shoes to thank for that.

It doesn’t have to be separate branches - you can generate different versions of the software from the same code branch, e.g. using compiler/build time switches for those bits of the code that differ between the different target platforms. Then you would have a build pipeline per platform; even here the build pipeline can share a lot of common code, and just be parameterized for the specific platform.

I wonder if his family have disowned him? What an embarrassment to have as a relative.

Maybe if she was 80, but at 16 she lost out on most of her expected life.

Legislators and regulators are targeting producers and not consumers.

Would you rather trust companies driven entirely by profit over the government?

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I wonder how many other people at the mosque secretly think the same as you? If you have children, do you think they will be less constrained than you? In which case, there is some hope that the next generation will escape the strictures of organised religion.

I am trying memmy and wefwef; so far I prefer wefwef as I find the memmy light theme to be too light - fonts are too washed out. Don’t like dark themes at all. I wish wefwef would show the current date and time though.

I have lurked on Reddit for many years, using Apollo, but never had an account. It seems that memmy does not let you browse communities without creating an account, so here I am. What I have seen so far of lemmy, it appears a lot friendlier than Reddit. This may induce me to actually contribute in future.

I started using Chrome instead of IE11, which was crap for standards, and before Edge was a thing. When Edge came along, I got really ticked off by the constant nagging to use it, which made me hate it without even trying it. I will probably carry on with Chrome for now, whist I can still turn off all the ad tracking stuff.

You may think of them as children, but they are almost old enough (18) to be conscripted to fight in Ukraine.

It goes against the usual, overly romanticised trope for Country House dramas, to be much more gritty and seedy. I like it. Lots of cameos too, a real ensemble piece.

“Protect the Kindgom [sic]”.

I live in the UK and I disagree with you. Assuming this right wing bias is true, how does it evidenced itself in the BBC’s programming and news coverage? Because I don’t see it. Especially their news, which seems very even-handed to me.

Giving it a fancy name does not hide the fact it would be much better to replace the HDD with an SSD the same size. Typical Apple - marketing over substance.

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Too much ham, no mayo or dressing, and nothing green like lettuce.

Do you live in USA? If I did, I would be worried about the government too.

But, but, it was said by a think tank.

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Easy. If I was trapped in a recently abandoned pickle factory, then I would survive on the food in the staff canteen, starting with what had just been prepared, such as pizza and sandwiches; after a day or so I would move on to see what was in the refrigerators, and finally work my way up to the frozen food. Oh, by the way, when they abandoned the factory, they forgot to turn off the power, so all the perishables are still nicely preserved.

Also, lots of things can be pickled, not just cucumbers. The word “pickles” makes me immediately think of pickled onions. There is usually quite a bit of sugar in the picking vinegar.

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Just as well that I am not in the US then.

They probably recently extracted some viable DNA from the crime scene evidence that had been kept all these years, but they are unlikely to have any DNA taken from the long deceased perpetrator - assuming he was buried, it is unlikely any viable DNA survived 40 years. But if he he still has living relatives, you can take DNA from them and compare it to the crime scene samples, and look for sufficient matches to conclude he was likely to have committed these crimes.

It is ambiguous. “Hannibal Lector, how great an actor was he?” This could mean Trump thinks the actor is called Hannibal Lector, or the “he” could refer to the guy playing Hannibal Lector, which would be Anthony Hopkins. Like a lot of stuff that comes out of Trump’s mouth, it is an inarticulate mush, with the true meaning implied rather than explicit, and not worth arguing about.