
3 Post – 184 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Many European language versions of anime and games are being localized not by translating the original Japanese, but the English.

Lots of translators also seem to use Google or DeepL, which makes the issue even worse.

The English language version often don't even translate, they write their own version, calling it "creative liberty". This leads to a completely different version than what was intended, with others, such as the German or Spanish version, being even further from the original.

That's why claims of people of having "learnt Japanese from anime" are dubious in the best of cases.

Source: Am Japanese, working in game translation in Tokyo. I'm also trilingual, which makes it even worse to watch this. Ignorance is bliss.

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Hope they catch and prosecute the doxxers.

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A presidential candidate selling his mugshots to fund his campaign. Things are getting crazier and crazier in the USA as time goes by.

This guy really doesn't know when and how to shut up.

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How are death threats legal in the USA?

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It's crazy that this is even necessary. I can't imagine the sheer amount of crap people upload every day, completely ruining it for us serious Indie writers in the process.

Now people will avoid self published books even more than before.

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Congratulations, Poland. Finally getting away from the "problematic democracy" label.

Beehaw is a Lemmy instance. However, they defederated from two huge instances, because they're open registration, and the four BH admins felt overwhelmed with the incoming traffic and unable to manually block trolls, so they decided to just separate from a large chunk of content rather than get it under control.

I'm on one of the two defederated instances, sh.itjust.works, and I can neither see what's posted there, nor can a BH user see what I post (or what's up on our server, for that matter.

The other big instance is lemmy.world.

BH has very specific rules for what's okay over there and what's not. Check them out and see if you're willing to live with the defederation for the sake of what their admins define as safety.

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I'm an indie author, and all my novels ended up on PDFdrive.

Not that I'd be mad about it. If someone pirates my books and likes them, maybe they'll support me in the future.

Just saying, I'm not wearing suits. I'm working full-time and write when I have off and got the time and energy.

For us Indies, getting eyeballs on our books is next to impossible anyways, so I already gave up on the idea that writing will ever be more than an expensive hobby.

30 more...

"dog farmers", holy shit :(

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WTF. Poor girl.

Many great reasons to not allow them to build it, zero to do it.

It's a Chinese state company, and China has a vested interest in controlling,or at least influencing Afghanistan, so Russia can't.

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Imagine Mexico having a female president in a timeline where America elects Trump again. Then imagine the overwhelming amount of cringe coming out of the White House that'll make American people look like backward hillbillies, reinforcing all the already existing stereotypes.

Jeez I need to stock up on popcorn for this.

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Good. Now someone book a flight for Putler.

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Exceedingly friendly fire.

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What devs see is "all those other devs are too lazy to make a good game".

What players mean is "all those other games are full of micro transactions and sell missing content and features as dlc", which is not the same thing.

What players want to be addressed is the bad influence investors have on the products. Publishers aren't interested in publishing good games, they only care about money.

Devs don't go about making a game only for the money. Most of them would rather do it the same way Larian does it, focus on quality and provide a good gaming experience, but their hands are tied.

So the message gamers try to get out goes to the wrong recipients, and it's obviously being taken the wrong way.

Pretty obvious and epic communication fail.

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I wonder where the boy got the idea from. Apart from being baffled by how he even did that. Maybe he's been a victim of abuse himself and mimicked it.

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More like he looked soft, like geriatric skin wobbling around the fat tissue of his neck.

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Western media wants big news on a daily basis, but that's not how war works. Nothing happens for long stretches of time, then everything at once. Which then leads to them making news out of "no news" and tacking on problems for the sake of having articles. They can't sell ads otherwise.

But people should already know this to be the case.

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I'm in Japan, playing the Steam version. No censorship there.

Lemmy was originally developed by people on the opposite spectrum, tankies. That people now assume it's a rightwing place is hilarious.

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Still on Liftoff, but I wonder if it's still being updated.

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Of course the CCP health ministry would never lie.

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Sure, but I'd rather Google spy on me to market my data for targeted ads than a country that runs literal concentration camps and is just across the Taiwan strait, basically a stone's throw from where I live.


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India is wild :(

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Slowly getting sick of that drama queen country.

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On sh.itjust.works, shit just works.

As for apps, I'm using Liftoff, which works well, but hasn't seen an update for a while, and I don't know how active the dev is. I'd rather not use Jerboa, which has been created by tankies, or any of the ad-infested ones, like Boost, because I think it's despicable to try and profit off of user-generated content on a platform that's meant to be free (could have stayed on Reddit if I wanted that).

Ending Russia would have the desired effect, too.

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Croatia is a true friend.

It's very simple actually. Russia invaded a souvereign country. The end.

I've switched to using ChatGPT for simple but weird stuff like "give me a list of verbs to describe bird behaviour" or "what part of the leg can you be hit at by a bullet and have a chance to survive for a few days, using a tourniquet" (I'm a writer, lol). Try to google that, no chance you'll come up with anything useful.

I've been on sh.itjust.works since day one of my Lemmy existence, because shit just works.

It also doesn't overdo it with defeds (beehaw) and isn't run by tankies (lemmy.ml) or nazis (exploding-heads).

So much anger, your post is hard to read. What instances' admins are you talking about, and what happened?

I've rarely seen an admin, only occasionally in sticky announcement type posts, talking about stuff like software updates and such.

People could see their reflection in the water long before they climbed down from the branches.

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Only a few years older than me. Absolutely not yet old enough to be a boomer.

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Users need more control over the kind of content they want to see. The problem Lemmy has is very similar to the main problem with the internet as a whole: the current model is that of a "regulator" who controls the flow of information for us.

What I'd like to see is giving users the tools to filter for themselves, which means the internet as a whole. Not interested in sports, let me filter it all out by myself, instead of blocking individual parts piecemeal.

The problem is that no company has an incentive to work on something like that, and I wouldn't even know where to start designing such interface tools on my own, but there is, for example, a keyword blocker for YouTube that prevents video that contain said terms from appearing on my timeline. I've used it to block everything "Trump", for example. I'd like to see more of that.

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That I actually have to ask if that was a joke is simultaneously hilarious and sad.

People are really impatient. The platform is still full of bugs and problems, moderation tools are lacklustre, and the list goes on. A number of users are already shooting from the hip, asking for defederations etc, instead of giving the system time to settle down right after an influx spike, with more to come (when 3rd party Reddit mobile apps stop working; when old.reddit and RES go poof, and so on). Just sit back, customize the experience to the degree you can control it yourself, and watch it grow and get into shape.

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