
1 Post – 41 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

I scrolled until I gave up shame on all of you. Play Portal, solve puzzles, there is multiplayer songs and cake.

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You goddamn psycho

While most instances of WordPress you we'll find in the wild are insecure and nothing more than bloated garbage. The CMS is actually fairly secure with minimal intervention if you properly configure it on setup and maintain software updates as they continually roll out patches for vulnerabilities as they are discovered.

If you turn off comments and the ability for new users to self-register and throw it on PHP 8.2 with a WAF and enable file write protection it's actually very robust.

At least when WordPress breaks you have WP-CLI to troubleshoot it

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My team communicates through gifs and emoji only

The US has always been the number one exporter of freedom we have been number two exporter of hypocrisy for almost as long.

Those that live in glass houses should not throw stones.

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β€œThe children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise.".

Socrates. ~400BC

I also work for a WH. Yeah most idiots don't do basic maintenance which is why I just rename the dir as xxx.old make a new folder install core and then delete the blank wp-content an copy over the wp-content DB and wp-config.php from the borked install. Takes 10 min rather than 30 to update and fix. I call that the "Doctor Frankenstein" method

Stigmatize any outlets of needing support or providing support to the point that if you bring up certain topics, you will get red flagged and then have to go through the endless hurdles of an uncaring legal system. Then you end up with those who need help the most not admitting it because they're scared of losing their rights possessions community respect and what little control they have over their own life.

It's amazing to me that you're not 30 points negative already. Maybe this place really is different than Reddit.

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It's the United States of America as in there are many states united in a union and that union resides in (N) America. Blame the Italian guy who drew the map in the 1600s and stuck his name on two separate continents. I mean he could have named one of them Amerigo and one Vaspucci. Furthermore I have almost always announced myself as a Virginian to bewildered stares. Perchance maybe you all should learn that each one of our states is technically its own country. I doubt many French people have to explain that France is in Europe as I have to Explain that Virginia is the First of the 13 original East Coast Colonies the British Settled on the North American Coantinent and still be met with bewilderment.

Good luck running that in all caps

Have you ever considered that that is just an improper and wrong world view. Like literally what the fuck Are you actually out here judging people based on their jobs and or economic backgrounds and using that to decide how you interact with them. Everyone should be treated equally until they have proven they do not deserve to be treated with such a level of respect.

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You don't need a windows license if you know what slm rearm is

It's not ridiculous. It's the point. Lives are the currency. Hamas has one value Israel has another. The exchange rate is far from even.

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I haven't been on Reddit since RIF stopped working. I was on Reddit for more than 10 years

Moron: in psychology and psychiatry to denote mild intellectual disability. The term was closely tied with the American eugenics movement

Idiot: in legal and psychiatric contexts for some kinds of profound intellectual disability where the mental age is two years or less, and the person cannot guard themself against common physical dangers.

Imbecile: in psychiatrist contexts is used to denote a category of people with moderate to severe intellectual disability.

Are you really taking the high road here by using outdated terminology that's more demeaning that the more modern replacement.

Pretty sure this guy only has a YouTube

I have seen this quite a few times on Centos on virtualized systems.
Temp file system also filled 0 bytes available

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Something about no space available on disc I don't know I haven't seen that in months I was bored I was going through my notes and I found that one liner

How do I send you and the developer $5

Everything is a valid file extension in bash

Oh you sweet summer child you sweet and innocent summer child you have absolutely no idea do you. I guarantee you your mother was just as you were just as I was. We murdered every single other hominid. We butchered the Dezavonians and the Neanderthals. Then we committed to several hundred thousand years of warfare against the last remaining hominid, other homosapiens. We are the violence monkeys. As far as I'm aware we have only seen humans and certain other great apes commit to sustained generational warfare. Just because we stand up walk around and put on clothes and talk to each other doesn't mean we're not vilant unpredictable animals. It doesn't mean we've lost a capacity for violence far exceeding any dogs ability.

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Well you're a twat

Unironically a racist dog whistle...

πŸ”΄ Math 🟒 Language Arts πŸ”΅ History 🟑 Science 🟣 Art

I have been banned from ask Reddit for almost 8 years people are stupid. The thread was a thread asking for insults and definitions of those insults. Somebody called somebody else a thot among other slang terms. The person it was directed to did not understand and asked for clarification. I transcribed the sentence into English vernacular. The guy who said the f***** up s*** never got in trouble but somebody reported my comment and then a thoughtless admin read it and I've been banned for 8 years.

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Bit rich of you to ask for facts and then give an antidotal argument when you don't like my facts. But if you want antidotal evidence yes I have had to use a firearm in self-defense so because of that antidotal experience I would say that we should respect the rights of the citizenry to own firearms.

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He's trying to say that humans with unlimited time would become masters of many things

And what tools do those people who deal with the threat use to deal with the threat?

Anyways, no I was not reading your comment score I was reading the comments that you were writing and I was analyzing the grammar and syntax that you were using to try to place your age.

But if you want to go down that route firstly my account is less than a month old and yours is over 2 months old. But age does not mean much what matters is quality.

you have a score of 9959 and you have made 1196 comments this means on average each comet you make is worth 8.3 points.

I have 982 points and I've made 89 comments so each of mine is worth 11 points. So by your own chosen criteria yes I am better than you.

If you factor in the number of posts it looks even worse for you... Do you concede?

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Actual goddamn psychopath

In colloquial American English you throw away trash. You throw away garbage. You can throw away rubbish. You sort recycling or you take out the recycling. Recycling becomes a noun in this use case.

Just FYI. Ultra HD is 4k Full HD is 1080p (2k) HD is720p (1k) SD is 480p

Because if you have literally zero bytes left on the disc for the OS to write to because every single bit has been filled by an overflowing crash log then you do not have enough space to run RM as it will try to list all the files in a directory before it deletes them one by one.

Find a doesn't care it finds things and does things. This is the fuck you I'm shredding it command. You could just do find and then delete but that would be very dangerous My command allows you to exclude whatever file type you put in as the string

A string is a data type used in programming, that is used to represent text rather than numbers. A string is a sequence of characters and can contain letters, numbers, symbols and even spaces. It must be enclosed in quotation marks for it to be recognized as a string.

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Pretty hard to breed them when you spay and neuter them like a responsible owner

I think we can all realize that this man is stating that these people are slowing the progress of society and attempting to retard it's progress not disparaging the less capable en mass. I really think you should look into the etymology of some of your other suggestions.

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If you're 51 you're the most immature 51-year-old I've ever had them misfortune to meet. Reading over your comments over the last day or two I would have to say it's much more likely that you're about 24. The entirety of your nuance prose and wit boil down to "Fuck you I'm right and your small and stupid because I said so. ". Is it any wonder you're so popular in this thread and have so many supporters diving in with you.

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It's close but not the same much more of a CBD feel. Harsher and does not last as long. Also makes it harder to think than normal THC IMHO. I'd say it makes you spacey but does not have much of the body high you are looking for from my experience I'm in the same chronic pain boat. Personally I'd say dabs are more economical than pens and less likely to be boof. If it's snow white leave it look for gold. The white stuff has been "cleaned"