6 Post – 58 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I used to joke with my niece that my programming job was just me staring at screens and meetings all day. She didn't believe me until she got to shadow me one day and got super bored.

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The more a building is useful, the more the surrounding area is worth. If nobody is at the office, no one will rent the store fronts in the building. No renters, lower real estate price.

I forsee a Trademark problem that many didn't expect, and Disney trying to defend their copyright by saying that they used the same version in a Mickey Mouse cartoon in 2023.

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Who else should pay them?

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When I was young, my mom told me that Dad went to work too make money. In my head, I had envisioned him going to an office and running machines that made coins. Imagine my disappointment when I got to visit him at work and there were no coin making machines.

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I used to work in a very large mortgage company in their website. The amount of tracking they do, the amount of information they have, just for mortgages, is astounding and frightening. We knew almost every detail about someone before they committed to a mortgage.

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I used to root my phone and then could use the hotspot without my provider knowing.

Is a website running on WordPress? That's a system built on failed practices and is constantly attacked. It needs a serious overhauling and possibly replacement, but the software runs a huge majority of websites.

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Check out Tailscale. They have 20 machine limit on the free plan. It runs on wireguard and is pretty secure.

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I support this project.

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Uncle Buck

Repeated discussions about problems that have no solution other than drop someone out of your life. If you aren't going to ditch the person you are complaining about, then I really don't want to hear any more about them.

Gambling has been mentioned already, but I think it's also the statistics of gambling that gets lost on people. If something has a 1 in 30 chance of a payout, it doesn't mean that in 30 tries there will be at least one payout, it means that there is a thirty percent (I don't know the percentage accuracy right now) chance of that single attempt to payout. When I worked in a liquor store and sold scratch off tickets, people would look at the odds on the back and buy so many thinking this way.

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My daily driver is Sway on Arch. I'll help shout out the glory of this setup.

John Lennon was pure asshole. He abused his first wife, who he only married because his manager didn't want one of these new starts to father and illegitimate child. And that child, he tormented and ignored. Second wife, second child, both wanted and given everything.

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When I was younger, there were some places with a club atmosphere that didn't serve. For whatever reason, no booze. They became hang out spots for teens and the like. There was also a strong coffee shop culture, and one or two that stayed open just as late as bars. But in a post-covid world, many of those places shut down and new places like that close early.

I findyself upvoteing way more on Lemmy than I ever did on Reddit.

Often when I'm working on some code, all my errors are because of something much different than what the error message is telling me. I've learned that often, most problems have a different cause and better solution.

Kevin just wanted to sleep in the bed with her.

So is it sites that are specifically lgbtq+, or any site that has content as such? If the later, that's nearly a third of the internet.

Edit: actually read the article. It's any site where the content is considered harmful to minors, including homosexual content. So how much of NetFlix, YouTube, Facebook, etc get banned under this?

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There are a few subreddits that don't have a counterpart on lemmy, or the counterpart isn't as active yet. But when I go on Reddit, I'm spammed with posts I'm not subscribed to, nor really have a want to be subscribed to. As more communities become more active on lemmy, the less I will need Reddit.

There is the wonder why hold value on office space ersus the smaller companies that are bought and dropped with no sentimental value. The big difference there is that purchasing out a company doesn't usually come with a years-long agreement to keep it in place, use the products, etc. Office space has that. A years-long agreement to use the space and pay for the use. And to drop the use before the agreement is done costs more than it's worth. And it's even worse for a company that owns property. It costs money to keep the office space usable, money that comes from leases. If someone is going to back out of a lease, the owner of a building now has to pull from other sources of money to upkeep a building.

I know developers have spent years building and growing office buildings and regions to put said office buildings, and now a massive push to work remotely makes all that effort not just for nothing, but a very costly nothing. And then there is the secondary economy around office buildings. Many stores and restaurants spring up where there are plenty of people working. If there are no people, no reason for those businesses. I used to work in a downtown area with plenty of restaurants that I would eat at. Now that I don't work there, I don't eat at those restaurants anymore.

The push and call for remote work is going to change literal landscapes in cities and industrial regions in ways we cannot predict, or prevent.

That, my dude, is an impressive stick.

I'm going to second this one. I volunteer for an air museum and it's folks from late 30s and up.

Edit: accidentally submitted before I was done typing

Didn't expect that.

When I was 18, I worked in a convenience store. I was behind the counter with my manager and some lady decided to throw a few bucks at some dollar scratch tickets. I was behind silly and put my finger on the middle one and said it would get her at least five dollars. She laughed and took them out to her car. A few minutes later she came in looking like she saw a ghost. She asked how I knew and I just told her that I guessed. She won exactly five dollars on the ticket I pointed out.

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Knowing Better Dude does amazing deep dives into topics that's we should know more about that explain things that are a bit controversial.

Back when many of these laws were created, car manufacturers were way worse than franchise dealerships for the consumer.

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Fire tablets would be way more useful if Amazon killed their app store and just went with Google and Android. Not smiling for Google, but the Amazon app store is shit and doesn't include useful things. And Amazon gets all the telemetry.

That isn't even a background check. This is just web tracking.

I don't use emoji very much. The most I use is when I'm working and sometime asks me to take on a task in Slack. There is a thumbs up all emoji that is just the skin tone shifting to all the colors. I like it because then I don't have to give a fuck about it.

I forgot, nothing is ever done for the consumer.

Like I can with Klarna, Affirm, Zip, any number of credit cards, etc.

A kissing scene for me is useless without ramp up. If I watch a movie and it's "Hi honey, let's make out!", Then it's porn. But if there is a dance, word play, two people who I know are in love, then it's an amazing scene and the kissing is my payoff.

I'm 42. I have blue hair, watch cartoons, play board games, wear novelty shirts, no I am not an adult. Until I have to be.

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Magento, WooCommerce, Big Commerce

I have so many, but today I was listening to the radio and was really getting into Elton John's "I'm Still Standing", Heart's "Crazy On You", and Peter Schilling's "Major Tom". It was truly a good day on the radio.

I've lived in the Detroit area all my life and only a couple of years ago did I realize that it was a regional style of pizza. Just always assumed square pizza was a norm. And I just don't prefer it to a standard round pizza with a thick sauce.

If the config file is well documented, you don't need to worry too much about that bus. And it isn't several user accounts, it's a computer that needs to be accessible to nearly everybody. Like said in other comments, a script to destroy everything on logout, and then add a configuration to logout on idle.

You can block communities?

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