1 Post – 69 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

I feel like we should put a rest to the term “breaking the internet.”

Am I the only one here completely out of the loop?

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Kristen Bell was in Assassin's Creed II and that was 14 years ago... Fuck I feel old.

But still, it's been slowly happening for quite a while

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It’s good to see Torbjørn returning home. I remember his AMA on Reddit back in like 2013 and followed him since. I still would pop in his website and check where he was at.

He used to pop in on Reddit around that time, but he had some issue with them at some point. And they didn’t let him do more AMAs anymore. Not sure what happened.

He got totally fucked by COVID, because he was in Hong Kong when it hit and was there for two years. He could’ve flown home and given up, but by that time he was 7 years into it. I remember him also having a lot of trouble crossing land borders in Central Africa because of corrupt border guards and arbitrary visa issues.

Last I checked he was in Maldives! Good to read that he made it back safe. He always seem like a nice, wholesome guy. I always wondered how’d he adapt to being back home.

As someone from Latin America. FUCK!

It’s literally what everyone uses for business, family/friends groups. Don’t know if any country around here is an exception, but we started using it because greedy telecoms were charging so much money for SMS at the time. So, it was a great way to circumvent that.

Then Facebook bought it when it was already established, so it’s improbable that people will move away from it.

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More like forced into it by these multiple “once-in-a-lifetime” economic crisis.

BofA deez nutz!

I belong to neither of these groups. But here goes it.

Europe: when ordering water, I have to specify for it not to have gas (non-carbonated). Also in places like Germany, people drink those before playing football. I don’t understand how you do it or even like it that way.

People in electric scooters are out of control. Specially in Spain. They’re the most egregious when it comes to disrespecting pedestrian crosswalks, dangerous overtaking in bike lanes and all around assholeness. You shouldn’t ride your fucking patinete in a train station crowded with people.

— —-

People from the US: Your tipping culture is out of control. It’s good for outstanding service on certain scenarios. But not for handing me takeout or pulling out a foamy beer from a cooler.

Also , don’t tell newly-aquatinted people from the south that you’re not religious. They’ll try to tell you it’s their duty to save your soul and try to make you go to their religious services, which antagonizes them if you try to set boundaries on your personal beliefs.

Btw. I still like you both.

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If it wasn’t for my photography, I’d delete instagram. Holy shit is it pay-to-play a cesspool. And I’m being targeted for ads for all kinds of ponzi schemes and crypto and FOREX scams. Probably from watching Coffeezilla videos.

We’ll see how Lemmy picks up. I’m really liking it, thus far. Right now we’re looking at Reddit like a former, toxic partner that we want to spite. Lately I was just going on the World News, Ukraine war mega thread.

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Fuckerberg should just send that Muskrat a poop emoji.

We should just start inciting for them to have a no-holds-bar, hell-in-a-cell, ladder, hardcore cage fight to the death. Then, when its over, we just don't open the cage.

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If you listen to the Knowledge Fight podcast, you’ll hear Alex Jones literally bragging about radicalizing Joe Rogan. Alex Jones claims to be constantly in contact with him. So this is just the knuckle-dragger going further deep.

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Joe “knuckle-dragger” Rogan and his political takes. He keeps in contact with Alex jones who openly brags about radicalizing him. Several episodes of the Knowledge Fight podcast have shown this.

Horny people from Lemmy, what is the Horniest thing you've....

But it's probably a matter of time.

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If I learned anything from Mugatu is that is that anything can be made runway-ready.

Also, I’m willing to bet my lunch money that this article was written by AI.

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It's just a matter of time til Dragons Fucking Cars comes around.

I haven't looked around. I don't want to run into another Space Dicks, 50-50 or Watch People Die.

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You all were hooking up?

I thought those were people pushing OF content. Or if it was happening, it was only in really big cities.

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Where’s my Xanga peeps at?

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I posted one yesterday on a major Subreddit. It did get a bit of hate. Couple of people signed up. Some of that hate seems to be bots, complaining that there’s no mobile app, and that it looks like old Reddit.

I’ll keep monitoring, to see if it gets shadow removed. I bet a lot of the major subreddits are running on skeleton crews, so they can’t get everything.

And you agent is probably like, “wtf is a lemming?”

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Are there currently any that are showing signs of imminent collapse? (Twitter, maybe?).

Or what are the signs to look for those who are untrained in this field?

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As a child in the 90s, I remember Saturday and Sunday afternoons being incredibly boring if we didn’t go out. TV was shit (still is), and on rainy afternoons you were basically locked at home.

By the late 90s, at age 10, with no internet access in my county, I was mapping ways to beat the Water Temple in Ocarina of Time. I remember scheming for hours, using Farore’s Wind to take me to the beginning of the dungeon and jumping to the platform on the 2nd floor. This way, I was not using the only key I had on the middle pillar, which is what almost everyone got stuck on.

But yeah, I remember the tail-end of this at that time and starting a whole new game to try this out. And it worked. Still proud of 10 year old me. It’s interesting but I hadn’t felt boredom in a really long time.

This and Return of the King were my jam in middle school! I’d rather kick orc ladders in Helms Deep, or save Minas Tirith as Gimly than whatever the fuck that Gollum game was.

I go there for a couple of smaller subreddits I still visit (barely starting out on Lemmy, tough). But a lot of content seems to be slowing down, like 2 day-old threads on the home tab (I only go on desktop with adblockers).

This is obviously anecdotal, and have no numbers to back it up. We'll have to see how it goes into the future. Reddit just keeps pissing off their core users time and time again.

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Yeah, for decades I’ve heard that theory too. I’ve always thought of it as an urban myth.

DragonsFuckingCars is literally crude drawings, illustrations, animations, and 3D renders of dragons having literal intercourse with cars.

Spacedicks. I don't even know if that sub still exists. I'm not even searching if it is.

But, there was like really graphic, NSFL gore and weird Porn on there. I remember one was the aftermath of a teen in Brazil that kicked a bus tire and it blew off his leg and he was just agonizing on the floor, with bone and flesh dangling from whatever was left of his shin. And that was one of the "mild" ones.

So I can tell Margot Robbie that I got a wad of 100s.

It could totally not be her, though.

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I think unlimited texting was a thing in the US since like early to mid 2000s. It was never the case down here (probably still isn’t, since nobody uses it).

In fact, by the time cell phones became ubiquitous down here, it was around the time smart phones were launching. So with regular SMS being expensive, everyone just started using WhatsApp. I think back in the day the app was $1.

It’s kind of fucked-up that Zuckerberg has so much power over people’s businesses, study groups, family communications, neighborhood watches, et al. He could put ads on WhatsApp tomorrow, and people will probably take it, because humans are stubborn and like familiarity in general. I could stop using it today, but I would not be able to participate in a lot of things in society.

You can see it now in Reddit and Twitter. They’ve been completely entshittified and people are still there. In fact, we got people on Lemmy wanting to brigade and participate in r/place and give engagement to that shit-sipper Spez, so he can use the metrics on his damn IPO.

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RIP space luge

…and I have a monster dong.

Flashbacks to being 17-18 and working retail.

Just like my totally real prescriptions.

Time wise, yes. But I engage more, instead of just lurk, because my comment won’t be buried under the sheer amount of comments. Also, the smaller communities have less activity at the moment, but it’s all good. I’m not reading as much bad content while navigating a slew of annoying crypto ads and sketchy ads for overpriced mindfulness retreats.

Only if she gets James!

I had read this in another thread, but radio was one of the first (if not first) media form to be entshittified. Decades before we even had a term for it.

In my mid 30s and I thought it was a 20s thing. But I also see my friends setting down and worrying about extra-curricular activities and other parent drama. And to me, personally, it seems so petty and depressing.

I got to travel a lot last year and will later this year and that feeling of wanting to explore has not gone away.

Yeah, my bad. Mlem is bugging out and it seemed like it didn’t post it at all.

They can stay in their habitats; no need to bring in wildlife.

If they’ve grown up in captivity, we can just do an intermission where someone throws a cardboard box in their enclosures and livestream it. It’ll be a hit!

From Latin America.

It was kind of like a blurb in the text book, basically.

But it gives context to other revolutions going on in the Americas before.

I'm about to hear a lot more of José "hongos mágicos" Rogan outside of the internet now.

Just channeling my inner anxiety!

I already knew what that was before clicking on it.

A full-back squirtle squad would be awesome!