
4 Post – 318 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

That's still a fuck ton of people using the platform. WHY

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The ones who fucked our country don't want to admit they were wrong.

The party that's been in charge of our country has been dismantling and selling everything worthwhile for over a decade, and the only viable alternative party seems to be running on "we don't want to change anything major, but at least we're not those guys" because they're too scared to say anything after their last leader got torn apart constantly by the right-wing press.

I'm honestly worried about what we've become and how everything is just getting worse here. Nobody seems to have any hope for the future anymore, there are no positive things to look forward to, just a constant spiral of rising costs and declining health and public services.

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Almost as if they spent 163 million dollars on marketing. That's why there's so much astroturfing and constant press releases. They're paying big money to turn the reputation around.

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Can we just start calling them what they are? High heels.

And how you're tracked online. I've worked on Google ads accounts every day for a decade and I don't see you,the user, and your data.

I just click "female, 50+, likes home decor, uses a phone" and then a little business I work with bids 10% extra on you because they think you might be interested in their new autumn wreaths they're super proud of, and Google think you fit that box I ticked.

And that's advanced marketing for most businesses. Most businesses won't even get into the audience side of things and they'll stick to keywords: they'll show you an ad because you searched for "autumn home decor" and that's all.

Google take advantage of most advertisers by saying "let us be in charge of your keywords, and how much money you spend, our AI is smarter than you and you don't have time!"And most businesses just use the automatic stuff because they don't understand it, and it's true, they don't have time... so then Google takes your "autumn wreath" keyword and shows your ads to someone looking for "Christmas trees", because they're both seasons and they're both plant related, right?

And then the small business gets charged $1 by Google to show their autumnal page to someone who wasn't interested and left right away.

My job is to help these businesses actually make an advertising account that doesn't fall for all these little bear traps that Google sets all over their ads interface. They weren't there 7 years ago, but things have been getting worse and worse. Including third party sales companies like regalix, hired by Google to constantly call you and telling you to trust the automation and spend more.

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I wonder why they care so much. It's as if someone is telling/paying them all to put the Ukraine support on hold. I wonder who 🤔

I've had this multiple times.

Tried to leave a big detailed helpful negative review and it gets flagged for being suspicious, with no copy of the review attached so I have to write it all again. And then it gets removed again.

I just looked in my emails. The exact phrasing was "We have reviewed our decisions and concluded that the product you received is authentic. As a result, we removed your review specific to this product. This ensures other customers see reviews that reflect the current shopping experience."

Most recently it happened with a body trimmer, where I never questioned the inauthenticity, and then a zojirushi travel mug that I genuinely believe was a fake, and attached a lot of evidence.

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Ah, so the sims is dead, I see.

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Bro is annoyed by people quoting the joke in the video 💀

To the people who work with it, it hasn't been quiet at all. I work with Google ads every day and it's fucking disgusting the way they're rigging the system against advertisers.

They constantly recommend changes that ensure you spend more money on bad traffic.

They constantly push their "automation" which is essentially just giving Google money and trusting them to spend it where they think is best.

They make your traffic broader and target less relevant people, to get you to spend money on useless clicks.

They made it harder to opt.out of mobile app advertising because that's the most likely traffic to gain money from accidental clicks.

They stopped us seeing exactly where our money was spent.

They constantly contact people with "advisors" who are actually salespeople from the Philippines tasked with getting you to waste more money by enabling money wasting settings.

It's just been getting worse and worse in the last decade, with worse traffic and costing more.

Hey, in fact, here's a screenshot of an "advisor" contacting me today

This is meant to be an official contact from Google but it reads like a scam. This guy isn't trying to help me, he's trying to get me to spend more and enable money-wasting settings in the account.

Also I manage many accounts and he hasn't even mentioned which one he's emailing about!

Oh also, they always want a call so they can be more convincing and pushy, and so their suggestions aren't in writing. If I ask for an email with all their recommendations they usually leave me alone. (Until the next advisor 3 months later)


This was 6 days ago.

More bombs in 6 days than a year in Afghanistan. And it's been a further 6 days.

Why are they even bothering to deny they did this when they're the ones bombing Gaza over and over.

But surely that person has to appreciate that it's only happening because his country is killing and stealing the land of another and has been for 75 years, and has essentially kettled them into a literal corner with giant walls and no escape where they have to rely on aid to survive, while killing and injuring huge amounts more of their people. (20x more killed in the last 15 years)


Acting in self defence or in anger is pretty understandable given what's happened.

It's like condemning Ukraine for attacking Russia, if Russia had been attacking for almost a century. Russia also claims that Ukrainian land belongs to their country historically. Blows my mind anyone can "both sides" it, and supporting Ukraine whilst condemning Palestine is especially hypocritical. The BBC especially surprised me how blatant the hypocrisy is with their one sided reporting

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They are over here too! A mod on world news on lemmy.ml was saying that Ukraine probably bombed their own people yesterday. Then when evidence came out that it was Russia he deleted his comment and everyone's involvement with the conversation calling him out

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I've heard this somewhere before... When a Ukrainian building got blown up recently.


Or maybe they're just being bombed all the time?

You realise that more bombs have been dropped in Gaza this last week than an entire year of the war in Afghanistan?

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I run Google ads for small businesses and what blows my mind is how much money TEMU has. They throw money at advertising like it's unlimited. Every client in the e-commerce space is being outbid by TEMU at every search, and they're overlapping/appearing above them in 80-90% of all searches.

They even appear above amazon most of the time. It's insane how much they're spending.

We used to just have to put up with Amazon because they're huge and we can't compete, but now competing against two giant budgets is frustrating.

The steam controller is fucking fantastic. No other controller lets you play mouse based games the same way. With its trackpads and gyro aiming you can be way more accurate than a normal controller. If you're using it expecting it to be just a variety of a traditional console controller, you're in for a bad time.

The steam controller is more personal, you can remap any button to be anything, and any modifier to enable on any button press. (Like turn on gyro aim when you hold R2) there's a ton of aiming options, you can use the trackpads to create circular menus for weapon or skill selections.. the possibilities are endless.

But instead people just bought it, and thought 'this not as comfy as xbox, why only one joystick, why no dpad' and put it down again.

People had the chance for better but it meant learning something new.

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Ah the British plan of a greedy corrupt right wing government that refuses to invest in the future and instead takes from it. We have shit trains too. I'd imagine much worse trains.

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LOL star citizen is taking its time to vacuum up money, not develop a good game. They haven't even decided on a flight model. In a flight game. After a decade.

They haven't yet decided how they want the flight model to work.

In a game about flying.

A decade old.

They also have a moderator who told me that Ukraine probably blows up their own buildings, and deleted all comments in the conversation when evidence proved otherwise.

Sync has always been a superior UI/UX to anything else.

And I'm happy to pay $20 for the developers work. Ads would barely pay him anything anyway.

I feel like all you lemmings are getting way too hung up on the whole ads = spyware thing. It's not the app that's the issue, it's the ad platforms - and those platforms are how he makes money. Don't like it? Pay $20 for a lifetime without ads.

Sync is good because it's a full time job for the Dev. That means the guy needs money to survive. I'm more than happy to help towards that, so I can have a better experience.

I used sync for Reddit for a loooong time, $20 is nothing compared to the value I've gotten out of it.

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It's not prenounced like that in English, it's pronounced like that in American.

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I think I upvoted you

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It started with a second hand cheap machine from my grandmother as a gift for Christmas.

Then I bought a delonghi grinder for £50 and a used delonghi dedica for £60.

Then I upgraded the grinder to a baratza sette for £300.

Then I upgraded the espresso machine to a Lelit Bianca for £2000

Then I bought an EG-1 grinder for £3000

Now I'm looking to upgrade my machine soon.

Also I bought acaia scales and a puqpress and various coffee related things along the way, as well as spending essentially £10 a week on beans

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A crash will not result in cheap houses for you to buy.

A crash will result in large corporations buying a huge amount of the housing stock for cheap, and renting them out at a higher cost because they can afford to and you can't.

It'll result in banks stopping lending so you can't get a mortgage anymore.

It'll skyrocket interest rates and deposits so you'll have to save double what you did before.

A crash will fuck us all, because these days, everything does.

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if your mojito is just alcohol and water than might be a bigger issue

I have a tempur "soft" pillow and it's too high.

I used to have a beaten up old fuck feather pillow and you could mould it into any shape you needed, it was great! I miss my shitty old pillow, my futuristic pillow isn't the answer.

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No hobby or passion.

Some people just seem to work, then come home and watch whatever is shown to them on TV or scroll through their phone. And that's it, other than socialising, that's their lives.

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On sync I'm able to filter out any domain, if that's an option you're open to.

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But instead of learning stable diffusion and training their own model for better results for free, they're paying a service for 100 images that likely won't be well trained.

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create an account on that instance

I was told I could create an account anywhere on the fediverse and it wouldn't matter, I'd see everything. If I need to create an account every time I want to see some booba, that's not very seamless. Can I not just subscribe and see it on this lemmy.world account?

This is all very confusing coming from the one-account-one-site "everything just works" of reddit.

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In the UK I was given the option of German or French, but I wasn't taught very well, and could barely speak a few basic sentences after 5 years of schooling. If this is a common experience, as I believe it is, it results in a populace who speaks english only. (Obviously an issue exacerbated by the commonality of English on the internet and popular media)

It blows my mind how inefficient my school must have been. Right now, I can't imagine learning something for 5 years and retaining nothing.

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Fifty fucking minutes of cleaning for a cuppa?

I do all sorts of things at 3am too, thanks to my awful circadian rhythm. As long as it wasn't you who woke her, you can do what you want. Awake is awake, no matter the time of day. Just be mindful of your surroundings.

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It is great and I do use it, and it was super easy to export from lastpass

BUT the autofill is so unreliable in comparison, it's annoying

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It's more likely that auto manufacturers put the oldest shittest slowest chips in cars that crash constantly because they can't handle any load at all.

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I wish we had an AOC in the UK

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Well our time zone is one hour behind, so if the train is an hour late you can say "at least it's on time in the UK" and you'd be right twice, because all ours are an hour late 😅

What's going on with all these @ tags

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