13 Post – 280 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Wow wtf. Their apology doesn't even hint at one of the biggest problems in the question, that people shouldn't be aspiring to become "better" AI-generated versions of themselves. What kind of dick asks people to even consider that?

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It's hard to believe that Annapurna leadership (and Ellison specifically) are surprised by this. It reads like Ellison is known for backing out of deals or simply not honoring them. Why should the staff believe she would honor a spinoff deal?

Hope the team is able to get something off the ground.

It sounds like things are going well for this guy and that is great and all, but how much would we honestly expect to hear if it wasn't going well?

This story is circulating all the media outlets and feels more like PR than a legit example of how this procedure is actually going to work for most people.

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What I don't get is how no company seems to have worked out a legitimately good service and maintenance model for tech products. Fairphone hasn't invented the wheel here. They're going to make money on maintenance, parts and repair.

I would think there would be lowered costs involved in not having to push out a new product every 6 months and market it to customers who just bought something less than a year ago.

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"If we expect all games to attract players indefinitely, Buckley says, 'we're just going to get more of these really soulless live service games that come out and get shut down nine months later, 12 months later, because they're not making enough money.'"

We need more developers talking like this.

Yeah, but the non-tech savvy business leaders see they can generate code with AI and think 'why do I need a developer if I have this AI?' and have no idea whether the code it produces is right or not. This stat should be shared broadly so leaders don't overestimate the capability and fire people they will desperately need.

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"they intend to re-create events not captured by camera using generative AI,"

That's going to cause all sorts of problems.

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One already has, sort of anyway. Her occupation, city of residence, and employer were shared on TV and she received phone calls right after asking if she was on the jury. Yesterday she asked to be excused out of fear for her safety.

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How in the name of hell is this not already a thing?

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  1. Force them to allow the use of hardware without an account.

This should be a rule for all products.

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Wow, this is bleak.

I read somewhere (I think the deloitte tech survey from a few years ago) that many people have replaced their pc with smartphones and use their phone as their primary tech device. Would be interesting to see if any of these low-level skill folks are actually high (or higher) on mobile skills.

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I still don't understand why they keep going after piracy when it is a symptom of the bigger problem. Movies today are expensive and often made inaccessible through BS digital services that periodically just make films and TV unavailable to save server space or avoid paying for licensing.

I would guess that the vast majority of people are not pirating content. I'd also guess that if digital providers and studios would actually try to change the distribution model that allows customers to buy content that is later turned off on a whim, they would see meaningful change in piracy activity.

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Good. I'm sick of seeing the "pet this cat" reviews at the top of the list. Hopefully this changes some of that stuff.

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He should pull an FDR and try to get the court expanded to 12.

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I don't understand the folding phone thing. It feels like tech now is all about creating ridiculous features and tech companies trying to convince us that we want them while ignoring things that would actually be worthwhile like repairable phones, headphones jacks and minimal bloatware.

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I love this news and all but let's remember that Forbes is a hot garbage web magazine that is perpetuating a lot of the corporate narrative about how wfh is dying and how businesses need to bring people back because "culture".

I think they are trying to play both sides of the issue to keep those juicy clicks rolling into their site.

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Guys, seriously. The entire Affinity Suite is $150. Paid for updates through the current version. It's solid.

Dump Adobe.

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My credit got tanked years ago for a $95 doctor visit bill I was disputing that got sent to collections. Took me years to repair my credit. I spent most of my twenties with credit well below 600 and unable to get even small increases to my credit.

I hope this goes through and others don't have to deal with this kind of crap (or worse) because of the mess that is credit reporting.

I managed a remote team for 5 years. Good managers have no problem leading teams remotely. It is a question of knowing your employees and how best to make the remote environment work for their specific skills and job requirements. People trying to get monitoring software or pushing for RTO are just trying to get butts in seats and not truly managing their people.

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He did.

They're just as ridiculous and overpriced as you'd think.

Would love to see this happen in the US. Would be a total shitshow but very entertaining to watch.

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Thr problem the AI tools are going to have is that they will have tons of things like this that they won't catch and be able to fix. Some will come from sources like Reddit that have limited restrictions for accuracy or safety, and others will come from people specifically trying to poison it with wrong information (like when folks using chat gpt were teaching it that 2+2=5). Fixing only the ones that get media attention is a losing battle. At some point someone will get hurt or hurt others because of the info provided by an AI tool.

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If people want to make computer characters date they should just save themselves the trouble and get the Sims.

This totally sucks, though I have to say I am impressed that they spelled it out so clearly. I can't believe they showed it to you like that instead of burying it in some legalese/fine print, across multiple emails or something

The one thing where I agree with cable companies about is the risk to consumers accidentally canceling all or multiple services when they intend to just cancel one. It will be hard to explain that a package price will no longer apply if one part of the package is canceled.

However- it can be addressed with a well-designed cancelation instruction screen. This is a constraint to the communication and process design; it is not an insurmountable barrier like the cable companies are suggesting.

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I am normally really protective with my data but I don't get the outrage here. If the data is all about how you use the app and the report relates to things relevant to usage that are interesting and is sent just to you,I don't see the harm. It's not broadcast to the world and isn't sharing a bunch of sensitive information (as far as I know). It just seems like a fun way to reflect on the year.

I use Pandora and I wish they did something like this. As much as pandora is all about data I would love to see a report on my music listening with some of their insights about music attributes included.

Well the funny thing is Etsy actually made a different choice originally. They claimed b-corp status, which is supposed to mean they prioritize social good in their business strategy. It's annoying that they seem to be so much more profit focused because if they were going to go to the trouble of becoming a bcorp they really should be working harder to stick to it.

Here's a bit more about benefit corporations (b-corps)

They cut thousands of jobs in the name of efficiency, then roll out an AI customer service bot to replace people in managing problems with their flashy new AI tool that is glitching out, more expensive and delivering worse results.

Surely nobody saw this coming right?

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It's an interesting way to manage the guilt of sending so many men and women to their deaths for nothing.

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Didn't they just raise prices "due to the writers strike"?

if they need to raise rates this much this often they are crap at forecasting and or (more likely) they are just full of shit and are just making up excuses to generate revenue after seeing how many people tolerated the password crackdown.

T mobiles service has been degrading since they acquired Sprint. I imagine this will only make it worse.

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Public assistance is just a crutch. It only will drive him to drugs and a life of dependency. He'll be fine once he gives up all that Starbucks and avocado toast.

The nice thing about products that improve accessibility is that they often make experiences better for everyone just by having more thought put into the design and use.

I don't have any condition that would require me to need this controller but I'd love to try it out.

I know it's not the point of the article but I need to express my annoyance at the fact that Christopher Nolan is encouraging dvd/bluray purchase so much. He explicitly designs shitty sound in his films supposedly to make them sound better for the theater (i question his success in that effort) and then doesn't adjust it for the bluray. So even then at home you have to adjust the sound up and down to hear the dialogue while not getting your eardrums blasted out by the action sequences.

Ok rant over. Otherwise I agree wholeheartedly, don't trust streaming services to keep your movies for you. Bluray is the way.

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He only owned up to it because the LA Prosecutor says they can't prosecute him for it.

I get why they'd be pissed. If they cut staff in their old AI team for 'strategic reasons' or whatever they told employees, they should stick to that reasoning and say it doesn't make sense to bring on a different AI team. Otherwise it does send the wrong message to existing employees that they will just be replaced by an acquisition. I can't imagine working at Microsoft and trusting anything that leadership team says regardless, but even the fact that they made that offer with all the cost cutting they've been doing just says that they aren't being truthful about why they are doing it.

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It should happen right before the election though so the GOP doesn't have time to find another nutjob to put in his place.

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For real. If ever there were a time to hop on an Amtrak, I think this would be a good one.

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Im working on a case study for a publishing firm about the whole API announcement and subsequent fallout so I've been watching all this really closely. The thing I'm most anxious for is the data on web traffic to reddit and it's competitors, which I can only get on a monthly basis. It dropped a lot from May to June, which you could attribute to the protest or even the summer. However, Discords traffic increased during that time, and it was the only major social platform to change in either direction. I'm hoping to get some clarity once July data comes out but I don't think we well know for sure about long term impact for a while. Reddit I'm sure knows more but definitely won't share it publicly unless necessary, like if they do go public, but I'm not sure that kind of data would be included in a filing.

(I tracked traffic on similarweb and Semrush. Lemmy is on there too, but is tracked per server, and most were tracked starting in may or June so data is pretty limited and can't really be compared.)

Interesting that so much of the creative industry is supportive of the bill, but that the MPA isn't (or at least hasn't explicitly come out in support). I'm guessing that is reflective of the production companies' interest in using AI trained on creative content to eliminate the reliance on talent.