Companies With Flexible Remote Work Policies Outperform On Revenue Growth

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Companies With Flexible Remote Work Policies Outperform On Revenue Growth: Report

Companies With Flexible Remote Work Policies Outperform On Revenue Growth::According to a new report, companies with flexible remote work policies outperform firms with more restrictive policies when it comes to revenue growth rates.


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I love this news and all but let's remember that Forbes is a hot garbage web magazine that is perpetuating a lot of the corporate narrative about how wfh is dying and how businesses need to bring people back because "culture".

I think they are trying to play both sides of the issue to keep those juicy clicks rolling into their site.

Harvard Business Review does the same thing. It’s really funny. One issue will have pro-executive+commercial real estate talking points (not backed up by data, just feelings) and then they’ll drop an online article or two talking about the power of remote work supported by actual data.

Different writers with different opinions no?

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