0 Post – 101 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

You gotta do, what you gotta do!

Thanks as always for the hard work and transparency.

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HA, I read the title and thought "what is going on? I love my seat warmers" - I completely overlooked the word subscription because it is absolutely absurd that there would be an ongoing cost to the consumer for a feature that provides no ongoing cost to the manufacturer.

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As always, appreciate both the transparency and the hard work and effort to make sure you are doing what is best for the community even if it isn't always easy! ♥️

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More bots on Reddit? Isn't this what spez was going for?

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I have done this, and the only thing I regretted is not eating more olives.

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Maybe I am just an old nostalgic fart but I have games that I own that are over 30 years old that I still have access to and regularly play and that's how I like it.

I personally don't at all see any benefit to the consumer that subscription based gaming provides. Arguably you can access more games for less money, but if video streaming is anything to go by (increased prices, less content across more and more services, ads creeping back in etc), that value proposition won't last long.

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Lots of good and relevant reading here:

I am no longer a Reddit refugee, I am a Lemmy citizen!

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If the stats are accurate then this is not necessarily due to people being unhappy and leaving as both comments and posts are still stable - indicating that the lower active count are lurkers, duplicates or otherwise non engaging accounts.

That said, you can come up with statistics to prove anything! Forfty percent of all people know that.

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This is one of the most educational and entertaining reads on the internet, if you are into that kind of thing:

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Censorship is also decentralised which means no single entity will be able to completely control the information, but that doesn't mean you can do whatever you want without consequence of all the decentralised instances agreeing that particular information should not be shared. Decentralisation does not guarantee you an audience!

Safety - pure and simple. Visibility is much poorer in reverse an you are more likely to hit someone or something you can't see - and there a lots less potential hazards like cars zooming past or an errant pedestrian (especially children) in an empty parking spot than there will be in the pathway / roadway when it comes time to leave.

A cheese room. With lots of cheese. Different kinds, different ages and from different places. But still only cheese. I fuckin' love cheese!

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LAN parties (showing my age).

It depends where you live, but my go-to was 24 hr cafes and other food places, but there are also other activities like late night fishing, long drives (or rides), night photography, etc

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Well maybe if she had shown more interest in his pull requests, he wouldn't be off forking other repos!

Brussels sprouts in the airfryer are amazing - but pretty much any vegetables go well, are quick, easy and healthy. If healthy is not your thing, anything in the frozen aisle (chips, hash browns, onion rings, chicken nuggets and fish fingers, etc) are also incredibly easy and always work.

If my router drops packets on the rug, should I rub their WAN port in it?

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Cowabunga and tubular!

80s were a good time!

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Why waste time with CI when you can save on thousands of dev hours by limiting yourself to only one giant fuck off release every year!

/Taps forehead so hard it causes brain damage

I find it hilarious that you think people who use health trackers "need" them to get fit, rather than being a source of personal data that helps improve how you manage your diet and exercise.

You could pretty much reduce any use of modern software to that kind of comment. E.g. I find it halarious that people need spellcheck to write things correctly.

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Zany theory time - NSFW is not available via API as complete removal of NSFW content is on the roadmap, and they don't want the app developers building a subscription model around something that will disappear in future.

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Random fact, but children under 16 are not eligible for Darwin Awards.

Also, I find it interesting that you are basically insulting this kid for doing something stupid while saying you did it in the same paragraph. I guess you are not stupid because it didn't kill you?

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I don't want to give Reddit any traffic BUT this might be a good opportunity to let people know of alternatives like Lemmy!

Put it this way, I still remember the drama around MrBabyMan and other power users!

There are "fancy" (and of course expensive) places that specialise in high end cuts of meat - that serve fries as a standard side option.

Devs have gotten lazy

You mean projects no longer factor in the time or prioritise this kind of optimisation, right?

One day I will try this because I love coffee and I like experimenting in the kitchen in general, but the reality is the time and effort required would not outweigh the cost, quality and consistency of a local roaster who can get coffee out to you a couple of days (at most) post roasting especially if I factor in the multiple cups a day I drink!

Maybe all this time your honey actually tasted like inexpensive cheese and you have just picked up on it?

Why not just use a QR code scanner that shows you the link before you browse to it?

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I don't know if it is lazy as much as it is a design choice - remember at one point Lemmy actually auto updated (which meant posts were pushed down while you were browsing) and it was an intentional design.

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This article has serious "not the onion" vibes!

Trains are the perfect solution to move people between hubs, but it still doesn't solve for the last mile problem - which could be solved very effectively with self driving cars (buses, bikes and scooters can work too but based on the usage it can be a mix of all).

I would love a self driving car that would drop me off at the train station, then take itself back home until I return.

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Isn't this just an expected correlation? Most people who take an ambulance to the E.R. will be seen quicker because most people who are in an ambulance have an emergency so they have a a reason to be seen quicker.

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I don't think there are that many bots here because of [reason 1], [reason 2], and [reason 3].

And I for one am certainly not a “goes against OpenAI use policy".

I don't know if I am right but I am of the opinion that Cybersecurity should be considered a mastery branch on top of basic engineering skills. But it feels like there are so many Cybersecurity experts who do not understand enough about the underlying engineering concepts to be effective in their role.

Ah yes, the sequel LGBTQ2: Electric Boogaloo

I don't necessarily agree, if one persons short term engagement results in five people's long term disengagements then it's a net gain and a good investment!

It doesn't hurt to use these opportunities to remind people of the reasons to abandon Reddit (and of course of all the various alternatives that exist).

I don't know how I feel about the move from a flat logo back to the old shaded, gradient 3D look, but I am definitely a fan of the font!

"If our F-DLC coating were adopted globally, it would noticeably curtail carbon emissions and water usage for the existing power infrastructure"

There are clearly benefits to increasing the efficiency of the steam cycle, but I feel like for 2% this is a bit of an overstatement.

Is it really that different to the vrooming of cars that we have grown accustomed to?