85 Post – 333 Comments
Joined 12 months ago


Hawk Tua

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But LLM's can copy anything.

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Will the church start paying taxes since it supports politicians?

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I have enough to last 8 months after working 45 years and having a heart attack and having to spend my life savings on medical bills.

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How about we ghost it until it becomes irrelevant instead.

Japan's current fiber-optic commercial internet connections use optical fiber transmission windows known as L and C multi-core fiber (MCF) bands to transport data long distances at record speeds. Meanwhile we (USA) have fiber back to copper and Cat3 for the last few hundred feet in most cities at best making the entire idea into a bottle neck.

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Glens falls hospital is a toilet with entire floors that are abandoned. They don't even have fans for the women in the birthing center because "people keep stealing them" according to the staff so all this horribly hot summer, women that are about to have or just had a baby have to sit in a pool of sweat with no moving air in their rooms. It cost several thousand a day to stay there, but they can't provide $20 desk fans.

Pretty bad, a little kid called me Asshole Eyes when I was 17. I am 60 and still remember.

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Texas is full of pissed of GOP's that are all hot headed and strapped. The excessive heat isn't helping much.

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A big lawsuit is necessary to set a precedence.

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I am losing Medicaid starting March 1st because I make $131 a month too much SSDI and am fully disabled. There are 40 million more Americas just like me and there is no solution.

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Nikki and Donald should have a bicycle race for 1/4 mile to declare the winner.

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Stop fucking kids.

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I'm going to teach my neighbor a lesson by flying my flag upside down. That'll show em. 😂🤣🤣😂

It helps to not be broke or ugly

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it should be strictly a federal personal matter

Russians and faulty windows.

Cannon is a

bosses aren’t doing much in return to help their young staffers adjust to corporate life

I can't recall when this was ever a thing. It has always been do or fail.

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Did the door fall off?

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From the same country that can't make a round ball bearing.

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Everyone knows you’re supposed to boof bong water

Like this??

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I was audited for $35.

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Complete lack of accessible mental health counseling enters the room.

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She is a walking waste of skin.

To Summarize:

The article discusses the efforts of reproductive rights activists to get abortion-rights amendments on ballots in various states, particularly focusing on South Dakota. Despite recent trends favoring abortion rights supporters in ballot initiatives across states, South Dakota Republicans are attempting to thwart these efforts. Governor Kristi Noem signed a bill allowing people to revoke their signatures from ballot initiative petitions, which directly impacts an abortion-rights initiative being pursued by a group called Dakotans for Health. The article highlights the tactics employed by Republicans, including claims of misleading petition signatures and the passing of a law with an emergency clause to take immediate effect. Despite criticisms of the proposed abortion-rights amendment in South Dakota for its limitations, such as only allowing abortion in the first trimester and restrictions in the second trimester, the initiative continues to gain support. However, challenges persist as Republicans attempt to undermine the initiative, raising questions about the respect for voter will and the potential impact on the success of the campaign.

As if he has a cold chance in hell.

Who let the dogs in.

Being held on suspicion of murder...

Nothing gets past these clever police officers.

This is the origin of the McRib.


I just looked up this acronym and am sorry I did.

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Meanwhile, gas prices are driving up the cost of everything. again.

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Not to leave out the Active Directory Admin password that gives God mode and everyone has it.

so that they can find new land or new ways to control this 4th space. Pretty sure that Meta was meant to be the next big market space.

I think Zuckerberg was expecting all of us to sit in a chair with VR headsets on all day and buy buy buy.

I personally feel like it's a total invasion of my privacy because it learns "me" and then tries to influence my every move a lot more intimately than cookies in a browser does.

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The outdated power grids will be next.