So Many to Antique Memes – 358 points –

He wasn't lying.

He did so many drugs just an hour before, which is why he drank the bong water; he was too wasted to know wtf was happening.

Still the view makes me shudder. Also when he gets sober it'll be a bad surprise for his breath 😩

Nah, he'd immediately vomit and all of the other drugs would start turning against him, unless it was DMT: then he'd just go deeper.

Sadly I knew a guy who would do this when he ran out of weed. I never understood how he would do this shit, and I’m pretty damn sure it did not actually get him high

Pfft... Rookie. Everyone knows you're supposed to boof bong water.

Everyone knows you’re supposed to boof bong water

Like this??

Actually you stick the bowl part up your ass and then have someone shotgun it through the top of the bong.

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