2 Post – 114 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Is exactly what the American people should be doing

Depending on what you meant by "very easily impressed with basic factual statements" it could go either way. I'm an adult and I'm happy to admit I don't know a lot things, sometimes I've been stunned that what I believed was totally wrong and all it took was some to give me a basic fact to make me realise.

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our own points of view

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Be boring rather than arrogant. If they ask what you did this weekend or what you're doing later just say nothing really or watching TV and relaxing. Few words answers, when the conversation isn't flowing naturally they will just think you're boring and leave you alone.

Obviously this might not work for everyone but it's worked for me everytime.

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My partners best friend was dating a guy very briefly. She called it off because on day 3 of just getting to know each other he started sending her nudes and rubbing himself with inflated balloons and videos of him humping. That guy has a balloon fetish.

I don't think the balloons are what killed the short lived relationship so much as the boldness of thinking she wanted those videos/pictures.

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iirc, the reason tigers are black and orange stripey is because deers and whatever else they eat don't see orange, they see green. This blends the tiger in with the surroundings better.

Totalitarianism - A system of government that is centralized and dictatorial and requires complete subservience to the state

Centralised government - centralized government (also united government) is one in which both executive and legislative power is concentrated centrally at the higher level

Communism - a theory or system of social organization in which all property is owned by the community and each person contributes and receives according to their ability and needs

It's so easy to research and not look stupid...

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You must hate TV or film

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No good at likensubs*

I'm ashamed of my country and it only grows for each day that passes.

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If only their insurance would cover it.

Shit, you can buy a phone for £15 and I bet it's got snake on it

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If we can nut in our bladders does... does that mean... pee can be stored in the balls?

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I hate to break it to you, but capitalism in its purest form is very close to totalitarianism, it's just that instead of a centralised government calling the shots it's whoever has the fattest wallet.

Edited to remove american from before capitalism.

No need to brag to those of us whose entirety is eurgh

I'm 30 and do this easily enough when I drink.

It's definitely killing me though and the next 3 days are hell.

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I wouldn't be taking any credit for most of this. This poster would be better served if I could find Leonardo Da Vinci or something and give it to him.

"Putting electricity through quartz changes it's shapes, that's clocks" 😮 what?

"Make aerofoil go fast and you can fly, here's a vague picture of a wing." Excuse me?

I think I can pull off finding mouldy food and hot milk so I've got that, I guess.

Saying that, if I made a time machine, I imagine I would understand the things in this poster.

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I get that, I'm just curious, hence "no stupid questions" otherwise I wouldn't ask... I don't care about their usernames or instances, I'm just asking a question. Why reply without an actual answer?

Rest in poo


That makes more sense to me.

It's similar to the English word play buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo

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World? I think you mean pressurised, life-sustaining, mud, water and rock ball.

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I'm from the UK so I can vouch that the government are actively shitty to it's not rich people.

I don't believe this, have you got a reliable source?

If this was in a store at the same price as normal sauce I'd definitely buy it because my partners a huge fan and that way I could get some and it'd be a reasonable price for the nerd shelf.

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I'm not well versed in Lemmy so this might be totally incorrect but I think if you share a link, instead of the c/ you put "!" at the front so people of different instances can open them community on their own instance.

I'm basically just regurgitating what I've read and it could be wrong.

Also just for the sake of conversation, one of my favourite wholesome Reddit subs was mum for a minute where people without mother's would go for motherly support and congratulations. I haven't seen anything like it here yet.

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They do what we all did and start drinking at 14 in a park somewhere

In HVAC, I've been called out to look at the air con in an office block and person A is cold but person B right next to them is hot, there's nothing we can do to help that.

One simple solution that seems to work each and every time is the placebo effect. I say ok, give me an hour, I'll adjust the parameters and check over the system operation. I then sit in the plant room for an hour paying on my phone, come back to see if it's better and 9 times out of 10 they're both suddenly happy.

You're very judgemental for someone with mental happiness.

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It is, I didn't mean any harm, I was just playing into a joke.

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In a sealed pressurised container I'd assume fart smelling was mandatory.

You get it. It's scary that some people seem to think you can only be upset at one thing at a time.

I will say I'm British so the dates are slightly different but we're not far off the same bullshit pulled by the same ego stroking cunts.

Totally not, Jessica

"you can get insulin from dogs and pigs by tying the pancreatic duct!"

Get rid of the wing and show me where to find this bit inside a pig and I can save lives, we can just wait for the wright brothers to figure out flying again.

I used it to code small things and it worked eventually whereas if I just decided to learn coding I'd be stuck cos I don't do computers, I do hvac.

I'm not sure you understand the words "what if"

Strong disagree on people not changing, my partners brother was a heavy alcoholic at 30 and he's now 5 years sober and has children and hasn't touched a drop. He relapsed in his first week and nearly died.

People can change, they just have to want to. Of course this isn't applicable to all but generalising your situation to everyone isn't helpful to people in these positions.

On the flip side so show that I understand people not changing, her uncle has currently lost his family and maybe soon his job. Every time the kids are due to be with him he's completely shitfaced and the adult dropping them off refuses to give them to him in that condition and that still isn't enough for him to want to change. I bet he has seen his own children for over a year. He is constantly lying and we think he owes money to people because he's usually in a bit of a roughed up state. It's sad but until he wants it there's nothing anyone can do.

Her brother is still a testament to the way people can better themselves though.

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Edited as per the below comment