
2 Post – 361 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

Communism good, therefore China good, therefore West bad, therefore Israel bad, therefore dead Israelis good!

What a fucking worldview

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It's not even about graphics alone.

They're clearly building their games in an extremely inefficient way. Starfield does not have anything going on in it that other games with much lower requirements also have done.

You see evidence of this in their previous games. One of the major performance issues with Fallout 4 for example, was that instead of building their cities in performant ways, they literally plonked every building as an individual asset into the world which thrashed the CPU for no reason. Modders just had to merge them all into one model to significantly improve performance. Their games are full of things like this and Starfield will be no different.

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Funnily enough he used to be pretty left.

It's like this right wing conspiracy pipeline is a honeypot for pond scum that reveals who they really are.

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True, but also funny coming from the publisher that has run multiple huge franchises into the ground

Hey that's not fair, we also know about that time you were slaves

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How's not being woke working out for the slowly imploding Russian military?

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It was to put them in the constitution as the original inhabitants of Australia and give them the right to a mostly powerless advisory body to the Commonwealth government called "the Voice".

It was a pretty conservative idea but unfortunately the conservative opposition leader is the arch-racist piece of shit who will never win a real election, but in his desperation to make a name for himself he campaigned against the referendum, and referendums traditionally only succeed with bipartisan support. So now all that's really been accomplished is to disenfranchise our indigenous population even more.

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If streaming is the future of gaming I think I'll just stop gaming.

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Anyone who thinks China will be pleased for a more chaotic global situation doesn't really understand the Chinese strategic situation.

China borders 14 countries. Four of those states are nuclear-armed: India, North Korea, Pakistan and Russia. Of those four, only Russia and North Korea are its allies (but it remains to be seen how loyal they are, considering their subordinate status.) Three of the four, Pakistan, Russia and North Korea are one crisis away from total collapse, a nuclear nightmare scenario for China.

China shares a border with Afghanistan and Pakistan, both hotbeds for extremist activity and both teetering on the edge of chaos themselves. Further chaos in the Middle East makes this situation less predictable for China.

Russia's war in Ukraine has turned Kazakhstan and many other Central Asian powers towards the West just as China was making big inroads into those countries.

China needs the West to be stable because China does not have the consumer base to sustain its own economy, and finding new markets has been borderline impossible.

If you want to know who is responsible for the chaos, look to who it benefits: Vladimir Putin, who is losing his disastrous war in Ukraine and desperately needs the West to reduce its support; Iran who are facing unprecedented social unrest with no sign of abatement; and Benjamin Netanyahu, who has been stoking the flames of this conflagration with the desperation of a man whose only path away from prison and disgrace is a "justified" war that might get his next election over the line.

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Yeah there really needs to be a rethink of how the Fediverse works.

I don't want to have to subscribe to 8 different "Games" subs each with under 3000 users.

It really should be like "topics" more than "sublemmys" (or whatever) where every post on the Fediverse tagged "games" will appear on your feed when you subscribe to the topic.

The topics still get moderated by the local instance topic moderators and instances can defederate from troubled instances, but discoverability would improve exponentially.

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This is literally illegal in most developed countries. Only in the US and with Satan can you sign a contract that removes your rights under law.

Is it contractually obligatory for UE5 devs to blame the people buying their product for the shit performance?

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These drones are the best representation of Australia bar none.

Bastardised Nordic ideas filtered through a lens of redneck ingenuity and aggression that somehow, defying all reason, is very effective.

Death threats are the background noise of the internet, always have been. It's just part of the PR manual now.

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Chinese EVs absolutely have quality problems, but they are half the price. Tesla's are sold at luxury prices with third rate QA.

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Wealth inequality won't stop these discoveries making people's lives better, it will just ensure that the 1% live forever in perfect health and the 99% get to watch their kids and grandkids get sicker as the environment, living standards and employment situation deteriorate, until automation gets to a point where the working class are no longer required and can be safely left to starve or killed off.

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Blockchain is also good for solving the Ship of Theseus problem. You can encode the entire history of the object into the object.

Blockchain has many cool uses and none of them are currency.

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A prerequisite for enshittification is to have a non-shit product, so Epic are actually a safe bet against enshittification.

$20k isn't going to make you rich anyway

If Tesla offered me $200k over maybe I'd think about it

Physical products are the only ones that makes sense for DRM.

No, move to naquadah reactors that use goa'uld metamaterials

The free market is trying to supply renewables, they are cheaper, more flexible and simple to deploy, the free market loves that shit.

It's vested interests fighting it at every turn that's the issue.

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You seriously think it wouldn't be trivial to disable the LED?

And by the time you notice the LED you've already been filmed.

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"Planned Parenthood is political" = "I own women's bodies"

There is a golden period from about 1985 to 2000 where houses were built without asbestos but with real building materials. I only buy property built in this window.

Every property I've inspected built after 2010 that's more than 5 years old is either splitting at the seams, sinking into the ground or both. They're built from polystyrene with a coat of plaster. They're built to palm off to naive new homeowners who don't understand or landbankers who don't give a fuck and I pity anyone trying to live in one for more than a few years.

  • Owned by the Russians

  • Partnered with the CCP Tencent

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Nobody cared it was running on iCloud. People cared it was going to be running on their phones, scanning literally everything they had.

Is this whole thread a joke or have you people not heard of electrified rail

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Starting to sympathize with the employee who made the death threats

Some of the best games have come from developers stepping out of their comfort zone.

Alien Isolation and Space Marine were made by RTS developers. Last of Us was made by the Crash Bandicoot developers. Insomniac made Spyro, then FPS series Resistance, then the Spiderman games.

Expecting a developer to only make one type of game forever is probably why they inevitably turn to shit and close.

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I still can't believe they haven't just ditched the modern day stuff

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The US would be able to spend more on the military with all the money saved on socialised medicine. Private medicine is about corporations taking a cut, not saving govt money.

It's crazy.

Bethesda have owned id Software, the best graphics engineers in the business, for a decade. They now even have Microsoft money. This is still, somehow, the best they can do.

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Years of loading screens

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Also depends on the country, in Australia warranties are defined by law as essentially infinite and only constrained by the "expectations of a reasonable person."

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Dude has ruined multiple generations

What does "nigh" mean here?

Is this going to be announced in the next couple of months, or next couple of years?

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The fines start small, it's the same in the EU. Then they get bigger until you're being threatened with 40% of worldwide revenue.

Name a good game by a Microsoft studio from the last 5 years that isn't by Obsidian or someone who used to work at Obsidian

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Pro tip: if you just fast travel between Far Harbour and Nukaworld over and over you get the same experience as Starfield for free