
0 Post – 81 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

in the Lemmy industry, some people try to accumulate meaningless points and drive "engagement" by reposting bad posts from the website that everyone here claims to hate.......and it works.

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Spoken like a true redditor. Leave that mindless stupid `manhating bullshit behind there.

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women are going to start saying they won't match with guys who aren't subscribing to this. I guarantee it.

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I got an account suspended, not banned, full site-wide suspension by the admins literally for saying I didn't like a comic. No profanity, no racism, no trolling, it was a parent level comment so not snapping back at anyone. It said something along along the lines of (paraphrasing as I don't remember the exact words) "Has anyone noticed that webcomics are never funny?" That;'s it. Site-wide account suspension .

So much victim blaming in this thread.

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A hide all onlyfans spam button. Regular porn is fine.

I keep seeing this type of argument being made, the problem is though, it's not just political differences.

These users will brigade, follow you around, harass you, post objectionable memes and content, etc if you disagree with them. If you think that it's just "political differences" and not a big deal, I suggest you spend your time preaching to the group that actually can't handle being disagreed with and not the rest of us for simply noticing and talking about how horrible that group is.

I've also seen "we're adults, so lets just move on and not defederate/ban" but the problem here is one group is not actually acting like adults so that argument doesn't work.

Misleading title by propaganda pushing "news" sub. It's funny that I can often know before checking whether or not a post is "world news" just by the title

Did they get Sidney Powell? I noticed her name suspiciously absent from this post. I took note of it, then the first comment I see is yours saying they did. Been busty at work and only read a couple of short articles, none of them mentioned her name.

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Good. Cause, fuck that lady...... in every way except the literal one.

You also have the ability to shut the fuck up. Seems like most people here would like very much for you to exercise that right immediately.

I think the problem here is often not the ideology, but the way people go about it. I'm left-wing but I basically can't stand to talk to other left-wingers about politics as they're so sanctimonious, disrespectful, and hypocritical online. So the problem isn't that a platform is left-wing, but rather that there's left-wingers on it if you follow that logic. Please note I said if you follow the logic, not if you agree with it......before I get dog-piled on for saying something non-flattering about liberals.

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use critical thinking.


As someone who used the site for almost as long (don't know the exact length) how is this just now the thing that bothers you? Reddit has been consistently declining in quality for at least 6 years now if not even longer. What year did they stop showing the upvote and downvote count? That was the first in what became a long line of quality downgrades

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They do


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Many of these women did this consenually. Read the article: it says they were told it wouldn't be posted on online. These women were more than happy to have sex on on film for money, they are just unhappy others found out about it. That is breach of contract but it isn't rape.

It says some of the women were violently abused which is totally fucked, that potentially is rape, but this suit includes both those groups and the difference is important. And the offenses are a world of difference between them.

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I would love this to be true, but when it comes down to it, I think most of that 63% will make payments as expected. This is just something they can tell a surveyor to make themselves feel better unfortunately.

You would think someone who has surely faced so much discrimination would be less of a bigot.

Leave the mindless man-bashing on reddit. Sexism should not be any more welcome welcome on Lemmy than it is in an operating room.

The correct answer is that Hamas purposely launches these attacks from city block, schools, hospitals, etc which is literally a war crime so when there is retaliation they can cry foul. Don't believe terrorist apologist.

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If a system is bad for women we blame the the system, if a system is bad for men we blame the men.

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I will. Thanks for the link.

I mean I don't care for most of the "free speech" sites because I don't care for the content that's posted to them. In addition of never heard of Squabblr. But lets not be hypocrites here, the normal line is: "It's a private company." This also applies for companies you don't like. Not just when a major platform bans people you disagree with in the name of reducing "toxicity" (a completely nebulous term that could be used to describe anything you don't like.) They can do whatever they want. If you don't like it, don't use the site. Simple as.

This is going to be a big delay tactic. He can try to insist that all of his "evidence" gets investigated before any of charges move forward thereby delaying the trial and allowing him to continue to run for president.

Also, I'm no legal expert so correct me if I'm wrong (I probably am).....but if he had such evidence, wouldn't he have been required to share it already in the form of "discovery"

The other option is that he's going to use this to try to begin a full on armed conflict between his supporters and everyone else.

My experience is the opposite. Both platforms are full of assholes tbh, but reddit is like nothing but, here you can occasionally have actual discourse, though I assume that will change before long.

Lol. I remember when Trump said he was going to ban it and everyone was like nooooo. This is so concerning for free speech. Now that it's not Trump doing it, everyone says: Great, everyone should ban it.

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This is not news. The guys is a shitbag for sure, but this particular thing ......how did this even get published?

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Strawmen don't exist, this user is asking you about situations that do exist, such as the example about the muslims, which is absolutely a real thing that you absolutely would get flack for saying in real life. So no, to ask you a why it's magically ok for you to say it about men when it's not ok to say about literally any other group, makes it by definition the very opposite of a strawman. Don't use words if you don't understand what they mean.

This also demonstrates that your point about power is wrong. If hate speech is only allowed about one single group, it suggests the opposite of: that group holds all the power.

Where I live it's largely the same though on facebook marketplace and not on instagram. Counterfeit money, weapons (which are almost completely illegal where I live, even basic non-lethal things like pepper spray and tasers) and more than anything prostitution. The thing is, these are "sponsored ads" which are all supposedly screened and approved manually. Also you can report them and Facebook won't take them down.

Before someone suggests it cause I've seen this response a couple times in this thread already: No, I am not searching those things or related products on Facebook or elsewhere on the web.

Also Met's estimate that only 1 out of every 2000 ads violates their policy is straight up laughable. There's no way they themselves believe that. I would say at least 25% of the ads I see are of this nature. Literally dozens a day.

I really couldn't care less.

I dropped reddit years ago. I'm currently on lemmy. So I didn't drop reddit for lemmy, but I did used to use reddit and am now a user here.

I've tried many of the alternatives but most of them were ended up pretty bad. Lemmy shows promise but is pretty reddit-y and I think over time it's basically going to become a big circle-jerk just like reddit. It's decent-ish for now though.

This doesn't seem different from what many if not most major platforms are already doing voluntarily. Just replace the word "depressing" with the word "toxic" and suddenly everyone will support this.

Reddit was heading downhill before that.

Maybe like 10+ years ago. Sounds to me like you must have been part of the problem if you didn't see it.

Most bigots think they have what are "really good" reasons for their bigotry

Another article that's overly sympathetic to the mods. Reddit has been bad for years, not now just suddenly with the API changes when the bulk of you finally realized. The mods were horrible and HUGE part of the problem, to the point I think the mods (and other users) being so upset is hilarious. The API changes were a bad move, but they were just the latest in a years long string of nothing BUT bad moves. You guys are way late to the party and congratulating yourselves for being so punctual. Now the standard moving on from your ex joke and my comment is finished.

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Becuase that one has 4-5x the points of this one.

......and also people complain about all the time all over Lemmy.

You said it yourself though, "recently" and the title of this is "longstanding practice" so it's not really a valid rebuttal in this case.