6 Post – 552 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

First, please define what you mean by socialism. That word encompasses a lot of very different forms of government, even when it's used "correctly", and it's typically not.

The Nazis called themselves socialists, and I'm not moving there.

When many people say socialism, what they mean is capitalist democracy with a strong social safety net, strong government regulation, and highly progressive taxation.

Edit: for the love of god, please do a little bit of reading about socialism before reinforcing my point that this word is used terribly. We won't take the wiki as ultimate truth, but please read. Be better. Read and think first. Comment later.

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If you manage professionals and can't tell how well your team is doing unless you see them in person daily, you're a terrible manager.

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💯🐴🔋(umm, staple)

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My favorite part is this:

Funding The authors have no funding to declare, and conducted this research in their spare time.

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I work with radiation. Radiation is hard for lay people to understand, and they are all afraid of it.

The technical language in this article is not helpful for lay people, but it is for me.

You get a much larger dose of a much worse kind of radiation exposure by eating a banana than drinking a liter of this seawater.

And things like Brazil nuts, your basement, living at altitude or near certain kinds of rocks, flying, smoke detectors, or dental X-rays are much, much worse.

Not to mention higher dose medical procedures (CT, PET, SPECT, and radiation therapy). Those, however, are borderline dangerous, but there's a trade-off. Your radiation therapy may lead to secondary cancer down the line, but your primary cancer is killing you right now.

These articles also need to mention that the actual experts -- the people who know what they're doing and understand this -- agree this is the best and safest course of action. I'm not that kind of person, but I know plenty of them. I assure you, they are very cautious.

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Most people suck at software engineering.

Plus, there's always the temptation to do it the shitty way and "fix it later" (which never happens).

You pay your technical debt. One way or another.

It's way worse than any gangster.

22 more...

It's really sad too.

One interpretation of the cause of this problem is that vaccines are just too effective. No one has polio, not to mention even chicken pox.

A resurgence of rabies (or, god forbid, small pox) will clear that up real quick.

Then again, too much of this planet have been fed a steady diet of propaganda for most of their adult lives.

13 more...

Definitely. Age limits are difficult. Some people lose it early. Some never do.

Two terms and you're out seems to me to mostly resolve this.

You can even make it just two consecutive terms. I think I'm largely fine with that. At least it's better than the alternative.

Also, lifetime appointment. That was designed at a different time. Scotus should be a (reasonably long) single term. Then you're done with the federal judicial system.

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There is, but banning these substances is a political process not a scientific one. It's definitely true that this should be done by experts and not politicians.

The thing is that it's impossible to set up an experiment to show that something is safe. All you can do is collect more evidence that something is not dangerous. This leads to GRAS.

There's also the additional fact that the dosage makes the poison. There is no substance for which a single molecule can harm you meaningfully.

Roundup is about as toxic as tablesalt. Caffeine is vastly more toxic than that. And Tylenol, well, that simply wouldn't be approved if it were invented today. The ratio between the therapeutic dose and the lethal dose is too small.

Then there's tradition and utility.

Plenty of herbal supplements and even foods are quite dangerous but are sold because they always were and they are "natural".

We can all agree that certain substances don't belong in food - either because they are useless or there's strong evidence they're harmful.

It's the useful ones for which there is some evidence that they may cause issues when given in extreme doses, but a vast number of substances exhibit that behavior. Caffeine and Tylenol, for example. You do not think of these as poisons, but they are. Caffeine is so dangerous that you have to go through a lot of trouble to get it in its pure form.

The fact is that those supstances are certainly more dangerous than the substances in the article, but people are not clamoring to ban them.

And all this complexity is before people's individual interests are involved.

This is why when you compare, say, us and eu food regulations you find substances that are on one list and not the other. One is not a superset of the other.

Anyway, these substances are not "toxic" in really any correct usage of the term, and it's probably very unlikely that a ban will make anyone healthier or happier, despite what you may read about when you Google these substances. Even if you go to the scientific level.

Scientists can have their own agenda. They're still people. Or they can just be bad scientists. Or they can just be churning out papers as fast as possible to increase their prestige.

It used to be that the top paper that came up (it may still be up in the list) when you search glyphosate and bees was a bad paper. It did correctly conclude that glyphosate killed the bees when they put it in the honey, but they had to put so much in there in order to see any effect at all that the concentration was high enough to actually kill aquatic weeds. Next it wasn't properly controlled. Do you know what else will kill bees if put it in their honey? Water. And most definitely caffeine. I assure you a very small amount of caffeine in honey will kill a nest.

It's just a political thing with good optics because who can argue with banning a "toxic" substance.

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I mean, I would've thought that story was false, but this makes me rethink that.

Every denial from him is a confession.

Not only do we know from early on that trump has as small penis but that he's insecure about it.

Can you imagine it? The president of the United States, arguably the most powerful and effectual person in the whole world, is so mentally unwell that he is insecure about the size of his penis?

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I'm not sure what you're looking for.

This is a composite satellite image of nighttime light sources.

I can't think of anything unifying other than "satellite image".

He just wants his name in lights. It's a personality disorder.

He doesn't want to do anything. He never has had to.

It's not talked about how just so seriously mentally ill trump is. The Goldwater rule is probably for the best, but trump is, well, just look into the DSM. Way worse than Goldwater.The wiki captures it as well.

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I've already checked. I've got enough qualifications that I can just migrate to Canada.

It'll be nice to teach them about what their summers are going to be like.

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It's called a genericized trademark. There's plenty, including aspirin and heroin.

It's also common to call these Kleenex in the US.

Definitely seems like a strange decision.

14 more...

If you don't think that dog breed is a good predictor of behavior, you have not spent enough time around dogs.

For thousands of years dogs have been bred for specific purposes. These behaviors are innate. They do not need to be taught. Sure, you can train them to be better, but the behaviors are written all over their genes

My grandparents had shepherds. The dogs had never seen sheep or been taught anything about herding, but they would attempt to herd all my cousins when they were children, then get agitated when the children wouldn't herd. Here's some puppies doing it

Here's some pointers pointing. They have not been taught this (and frankly I can't imagine even training most dog breeds to do that)

Here's a boxer dog boxing. Here's one spinning. They aren't taught this, and they all do it.

There's hounds rolling in stink. There's sight hounds and smell hounds. There's retrievers retrieving, being irresistibly drawn to water, and carrying around things very gently. There's huskies being extremely energetic and vocal.

I could go on.

Do you really think that dogs that have been bred to fight other dogs to the death and bear enormous amounts of pain (game) before giving up are not dangerous? You're mental.

Sure they're sweet to their owners. That's because people who breed animals for blood sports are not the kind of people who would have trouble immediately removing from the gene pool any of their animals that are disloyal.

It's not like it's just pitbulls. Dobermans are implicated too. They're guard dogs but for humans rather than predator animals.

People with agendas can play all kinds of statistical games to show what they want to show. In the scientific world, these kinds of tricks stand out. That's why any non-trivial summary statistic is useless without a large text explaining the methodology.

This is one of those things that is so obvious it boggles my mind that people even question it.

Of course dogs that are bred to murder are dangerous.

10 more...

Lots of correct answers here, but this is probably the best.

The real benefit of ac is dehumidifying. That's the most important part. The cooling is a side effect of that, which does also improve comfort.

There's a very good reason that people say "but it's a dry heat".

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I've actually been scuba diving in a cave (well, cavern according to the standard diving definition). Far enough, though, that I couldn't get back to air without someone sharing theirs with me.

There's also some good, terrifying documentaries that I can recommend.

But yeah, I'm not going in a cave ever again. I will go under water and even get a decompression obligation again, but nothing but the largest, safest carves ever again.

I'm too old for this shit.

8 more...

Not necessarily licking (I mean, if you do it enough...), but this is a thing

Cool story with interesting social, cultural, and scientific interactions.

It may have been discredited outside of simple iron deficiency since I last read about it, but dietary studies on humans are notoriously difficult to do.

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Seriously. I have no idea how you could be non-white and vote for these people.

I know the white working class has been fed a steady diet of fox propaganda for 30 years, but bipoc and lgptq? You're not the target audience for the propaganda, and it should be pretty obvious how much they hate you.

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If the cringiest moment of your life is pronouncing it fag-e-oli, you have had very little cringe in your life.

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Sure, but we shouldn't need a legal argument.

We only need a reasonable electorate.

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DC fast chargers. Not level 2 240v chargers.

Next, what a shit article.

You need infrastructure for fast charging so that people can travel long distances.

It takes several hours to charge my car at home. I do that twice a week or so.

That's too long when I go on a trip long enough where you'd need to get gas . If I go to the supercharger, it's 25 minutes every four hours or so. That's just the opposite of a problem for me.

The only remaining problem for me is that there's not more fast DC chargers.

I'd really like to take my EV camping, but the places where I like to go camping are far from any fast charging and don't have RV plugs. A regular 120v/15A wall plug overnight would resolve the issue, but I just can't guarantee that one's available.

That's the only "range anxiety" I have. On a daily basis, I just never have to worry about running out of juice. It's just full all the time.

It's like a phone. I charge it every night (I don't even do that for the EV). The only problem is if I'm traveling, and cars and planes have charging for me.

Once there's more infrastructure, it's just no problem.

If you will not write off a whole breed of dogs, you have not spent enough time around dogs.

Shepherds do not need to be taught to herd. Retrievers do not need to be taught to retrieve. Pointers do not need to be taught to point. Fighters do not need to be taught to fight.

These are innate behaviors. You can't stop them.

There's a reason pit bulls account for such a large fraction a dog related injuries.

And don't let the pitbull defenders get to you with their "but it's a mutt" or "they're such sweet dogs" BS.

Of course they're going to be nice to their owner. People who train and breed dogs to kill each other for entertainment are going to have no problem immediately bringing the dog that pisses them off out back and shooting them.

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Biden was the concession. Few really wanted him. The rest just knew he was white and vanilla enough to alienate as few swing voters as possible.

Anything to get trump out of office.

15 more...

The radiation levels in the two hospitalised men were at or above 4 becquerels per square centimetre, the threshold which is considered safe.

Honestly. This is journalistic malpractice.

A Becquerel (should be capitalized) is 1 decay per second. That isn't really even detectable above background, and radiation is really, really easy to detect in minute quantities.

I have spilled vastly more than that on myself and didn't even bother telling anyone.

A simple nuclear medicine scan uses something like 500 MBq.

This is at the level of rubbing yourself with a banana.

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This is going to force my dad to confront his mortality again. It's not going to be good. I remember long ago him being stressed about "a pirate looks at 40".

He's also stressed that I turn 40 next year.

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AI is not a meaningful term.

If you ask people if a piece of software that never loses at tic tac toe is AI, most will say yes. Everyone I've asked that didn't already know why I was asking said yes.

I cannot separate that piece of software from any piece of software.

I've literally had this conversation with the marketing department. It's marketing. Tell me what you want to say is AI, and I'll give you a justification.

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That's awesome, as is everything I know about fetterman.

It is very strange how much life has changed since even this extremely dated reference was made.

My kid just started kindergarten. The principal and some of his teachers have visible tattoos.

My kindergarten teacher was an ex nun who refused to let me write with my left hand.

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I can't imagine why you'd think that.

Yes. It takes a bit longer, but most people would charge at home.

You only use the fast DC chargers when you go on long trips.

There would just eventually be enough spots anyway. Supply and demand.

With my EV, you don't "go to the gas station" unless you're on a road trip. In your day to day travel, you just always have enough juice.

It's actually a lot nicer than a gas car in this respect.

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Can we just not turn this into world war 3?


What's even the point? Just trade with your neighbors and don't fight with them.

13 more...

So, it doesn't work the way you think.

It's only going that fast because it's near the sun. The same way a satellite close to Earth needs to move faster than one farther away. You can't really use that velocity to go elsewhere. It had to lose a lot of energy to get as close to the sun as it is. It would need to gain that back to get to earth.

I'm really blanking on a way to explain this concisely and I can't explain orbital mechanics in a Lemmy post.

If you play Kerbal space program, you can definitely use that to get a very intuitive understanding of this concept.

10 more...

My wife and I had a number of miscarriages before our son (starting the kindergarten process as we speak).

We did debate keeping the misoprostol (because good reasons. you do the timeline) for a while.

"Abortion" is health care. No matter what one feels about it's role as elective birth control. The alternative is too horrifying, and that seems to me to be happening.

How can they actually get jurors for this?

If the facts require the jurors to convict, there is no chance that this won't ruin their lives (if not significantly shorten them). Even before then, it's going to be a problem. His supporters have already declared and demonstrated that they are willing to use violence.

Thank you, but I'd sit in jail as long as necessary to not be on any of these juries.

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And you can reuse them, especially for something like this.

Thank you so much.

This is way more complex than it's getting credit for.

It always has been.

Anyway, I miss having a better leader. He was just so presidential. Not perfect, but no one can be.

22 more...

You know that Trump was the inspiration for Biff in Back to the Future, right?

The former president of the US was the inspiration for a classic, 80s, time travel, sci-fi villain.

I don't have anything against newsome, but I couldn't make anything worse up if I tried.

They're not so bad compared to McConnell or Feinstein.

In any case, Trump has a serious mental illness that is understated because of ethics rules. It's just not solely cognitive decline. (It's not that the 80 yo's don't have signs of decline. It's that trump has a much worse and more obvious issue).


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This doesn't appear to be anything new. Traffic engineers have been optimizing lights in large networks for decades.

They just have access to all the data they've been collecting on you, which is way more than the traffic meter cords can provide.