Shopkeeper who displayed rainbow Pride flag at store shot dead to – 321 points –
Shopkeeper who displayed rainbow Pride flag at store shot dead

Laura Ann Carleton, a 66-year-old shopkeeper who owned a clothing store in Cedar Glen, California, was shot and killed after confronting a man who pulled down the rainbow Pride flag displayed outside her store. Carleton reportedly made disparaging remarks before opening fire with a handgun. He fled but was later shot dead by police. Carleton was regarded as an ally of the local LGBTQ+ community, even though she did not identify as such herself. Her death has sparked tributes from friends and activists who note rising incidents of violence and harassment targeting the LGBTQ+ community across the U.S. in recent months. Notably, over 350 such attacks have occurred from June 2022 to April 2023 alone according to recent reports.


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Why aren't they naming the killer? It's been days.

Because naming killers in situations like this encourage others to do the same.

hes just some little man who wanted attention. never ever give it to him.

To what end? The backstory will follow the same basic pattern it always does.

Probably white, almost certainty male and definitely far-right. Increasingly radicalised by online content. Bought a gun because he legally could and carried it around everywhere for 6 months, hoping for a chance to shoot somebody. Eventually lost control of his delicate little emotions and killed someone.