Guns, Republicans and "manliness": We all suffer from the right's mental health crisis to politics – 661 points –
Guns, Republicans and "manliness": We all suffer from the right's mental health crisis

Republican men seem massively troubled about their masculinity — and that's literally causing death and suffering


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If this isn't sarcasm, what is that based on?

Maybe people on the right are less likely to seek out help from mental health professionals. People on the left have less reservations about it, and therefore see more diagnoses.

That where my mind went as well, selection bias.

I'd bet they assume anything they don't like is mental illness. Probably anyone LGBTQ is mentally ill by their definition. Anything they agree with is mental prowess though. People can hold whatever opinions they want, but some are more valid than others, and this one is not valid.

if you try "leftists (or liberals) more likely to be mentally ill" in a search engine you see things like:

American adults who identify as politically liberal have long reported lower levels of happiness and psychological well-being than conservatives, a trend that mental-health experts suspect is at least partly explained by liberals’ tendency to spend more time worrying about stress-inducing topics like racial injustice, income inequality, gun violence, and climate change.

Have you considered that the mentally ill are treated like shit by right leaning people hence they deconstruct the abuse and learn a thing or two about the abuse and it's causes in addition to naturally gravitating to people who are more compassionate? Have you considered that scapegoating is causing mental illness in the first place? Sure, it's not an inherent trait of right political views, it is, however, a trait of the majority of republicans in the us. In addition to that have you considered the stigma around mental health, perpetuated by the republicans, that forces people to not seek psychological help and consider all struggles "normal" and "everyone experiences/feels that"?

It's the truth as shown by research. If you don't like it, take it up with academia, not me.

I'm not a right-winger nor do I ascribe to their way of thinking.

In this case, they unfortunately do have facts backing up their assertion that there is greater prevalence of mental illness among the left.

Other people using it to scapegoat the left for whatever reason doesn't change that.

"Take it up with academia" while you're the one here misinterpreting the research. Great job.

You didn't even read the article, you're just mad that it even exists or that there's even factual basis for something some dumb right wingers said, and that honestly is not my problem.

Intellectual honesty is vital especially in this day and age and unless you demonstrate it by being willing to admit your enemy is right sometimes, and mitigating those issues, you're never going to succeed in anything.

No I'm not. I'm mad that people think mental illness happens just because and I'm mad that people stigmatize it and everything related to different neurological development/traits. I absolutely despise that shit. What I also hate is when people equate correlation to causation. I also hate when people ignore my points and decide to treat facts in the newly added to the conversation context like opinions while hypocritically telling the other person "you're just mad at the facts"

Ok. So I've read the article and it says the data was gathered as a selfreport survey. That means there are indeed more possible explanations of the results. It could mean liberals have more problems with mental health or that the conservatives have more problems with reporting their mental health problems. To resolve this issue, it would be necesary to assess the participants' health with some independent, more objective method.