Two enemy infantry are eliminated by drone dropped grenades from the 30th OMBr. to – 52 points –
The 30th OMBr drone operators deserve metals.

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You think I am some kind of "armchair general"? We all know that the reason for the war is the gas transit (which was a major source of income for Ukraine), mineral resources in the eastern regions, and the expansion of NATO. These could have been mediated by trade agreements and diplomacy. Then instantiating a ceaesefire and DMZ where necessary. Additioally, you do not have to follow your corrupt leaders - it is called democracy!

So, you think Ukraine should surrender and abandon their people to the imperial rule of a brutal dictator. Got it.

GFY, vatnik.


  1. on NATO expansion, any country is free to apply. If Russia doesn't want a country joining, they should use diplomacy rather than brutally invade like a bunch of fucking barbarians

  2. everyone tried to negotiate with Putin. You can't negotiate with a rabid dog.

  3. Zelenskyy was elected on a platform partially consisting of rapprochement with Russia. Putin wasn't interested.

There were no negtiations... And Ukraine was not in NATO or EU because of corruption and a lack of peoples rights. You think this is all a set up, however, it is obvious from the last two decades alone that Russia and Ukraine both cannot get their shit together.

There were no negotiations because Putin was set on conquest. And all that you can do in the face of a monster like that is resist, to kill his soldiers until he stops sending them. World War 2 wasn't going to be won with flowers and peace signs and Putin wasn't going to be stopped with them either.

Kill them until they stop coming, and keep giving Ukraine what they need to defend themselves until the Russians fuck off back to their own shitholes of a country.