0 Post – 7 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

Completley agree. A bunch of comments conveying similar sentiments were deleted below (not a nice move mods!).

Why are comments being deleted? I agree with the sentiment - we should not entertain ourselves watching others die and suffer. This is not peaceful. No wonder we are being asociated with facists...

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What are you talking about? They never showed sympathy for the killing while you advocate for it. You on the other hand are distributing propaganda:

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There were no negtiations... And Ukraine was not in NATO or EU because of corruption and a lack of peoples rights. You think this is all a set up, however, it is obvious from the last two decades alone that Russia and Ukraine both cannot get their shit together.

*"murdering their workers". Corruption is not about choice. Do you think the soldiers have a choice? Putin, Zelensky and their rich friends are not going to help the people! You are brainwashed to the extreme. Last time I heard such rhetoric was from chinese soldiers talking about the japanese... You are facist scum. (Reported: call for violence).

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You think I am some kind of "armchair general"? We all know that the reason for the war is the gas transit (which was a major source of income for Ukraine), mineral resources in the eastern regions, and the expansion of NATO. These could have been mediated by trade agreements and diplomacy. Then instantiating a ceaesefire and DMZ where necessary. Additioally, you do not have to follow your corrupt leaders - it is called democracy!

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Destabilizing Putin will only fuel the ultranationalist takeover. You are delusional if you think this will end the war - it will make everything worse. You talk about genocide with no clue what it means. It is incredible how brainwashed you are by this kind of morbid propaganda. You are the victim of western war profiteering. You should know that the people you are against will reurgitate the same talking points (just replace Russsia with Ukraine). Fact is: you are "happy to see causalities". This is a very sadistic attitude!