/r/interestingasfuck forced open, lowers its standard of what qualifies as "interesting", gets flooded with adult content [NSFW within two clicks]

Iron Lynx@lemmy.world to Malicious Compliance@lemmy.world – 147 points –

I think the title speaks for itself.

EDIT: UPDATE: So apparently the former r/jailbait mod that is The CEO purged the sub’s mods and forced the sub to re-reopen under the old rules.

Mission failed! We’ll get them next time!

EDIT2: aaaaaaand the sub's archived and no longer accepts new submissions. The garbage fire keeps going....


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I really hope this leads to actual change. Subreddits are becoming meaningless to visit and frustrating for normal users, so hopefully they just stop using reddit altogether.

When your website relies on the free labour of thousands, you'd think you might want to tred carefully in hopes of not alienating too many people at once.

I already seen a bunch of comments like "why are mods doing this, it's hurting my and other users experience" and I'm sitting here like that's kind of the point haha. Reddit relies on all those mods to curate those subs and so now they're gonna to do it in a way to make the experience less appealing for them and for advertisers. Like it sucks but then again you are using a site heavily reliant on volunteers who are near universally upset by the recent changes