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Joined 1 years ago

Nah, there are still a lot protesting, they just know that if they don't do things a certain way they'll be replaced with bootlickers. Pics, gifs, aww, interestingasfuck, iOS, wellthatsucks- all are bringing attention to the admin's bullshit while technically doing as admins asked.

So the answer to your original question is yes, some instances are closed off from others, but you didn't mess anything up. Instance A can "defederate" from Instance B, which makes it so that users of either instance cannot see or interact with content or users from the other instance. This is unilateral- even if Instance B does not defederate Instance A, it is still blocked from seeing or interacting with Instance A.

However, with regards to your later questions, you didn't mess anything up. It's simply that federation is not retroactive. When the first person from Instance A subscribes to something from Instance B, the two instances are then federated, and content begins being shared from that point forward. It does not retroactively add old content from Instance B to Instance A. For now, it matters relatively heavily, as instances are being federated constantly, even though the content flow is somewhat light. As content flow increases and new instances begin to stabilize, it will matter less. As time goes on, the content "before federation" will be vastly outweighed by the content "after federation".

This is all somewhat compounded by the fact that lemmy instances are absolutely slammed right now. had to defederate entirely for a while just to keep from crashing. Give it time for the spike to stabilize and it will work more smoothly.

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I'm not on an instance with no downvotes, as I do think they have SOME purpose (though you're right that it is usually a bit of a disagree-so-shut-up button rather than anything else), but I agree with the rest. The content here is certainly slower. On reddit, I could just refresh the main page and have dozens of new posts to interact with- here, not so much. I don't think that's a bad thing, though. I still get my mindless scrolling when I'm poopin or something like that, but I'm spending a lot less time online than I did. I'm reading more, I'm working on my novels, I'm WAY more productive at work. I used RiF exclusively on my phone, and so I decided pretty soon after the API announcement that I was done. All the protest and reddit's hilariously mismanaged response has done has cemented my resolve.

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There is actually an advantage to being part of a larger instance if you want to browse everything, actually. An instance is federated with another when a user from Instance A subscribes to a community from Instance B. The more users in an instance, the more people to subscribe to other instances, federating that instance with more instances for all users.

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Every new account isn't a bot, though. We don't have real numbers to work with yet.

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The addiction rate among pain patients is low, but those patients may still be over prescribed and sell the excess. That said, I hate how controlled they are. I don't abuse or sell and it's a constant fight with my doctors to prescribe anything for kidney stone pain, which I get several of a year.

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I don't really need this, I've already swapped all my apps and home page to lemmy, but seriously, I had to applaud the name. lemmyreddirectyou... 10/10.

As far as I know, it's from when Lemmy had much less activity. The new posts would move your feed, but it would happen very slowly. With the influx of redditors fleeing that site (me included), it seems to be happening more frequently, and I know there's an open issue on github about it.

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He even claims that around a thousand subreddits went dark. It was 8,000. Hundreds are already pledging to stay dark indefinitely, including huge ones like r/aww and r/videos.

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What a fucking crazy shit show. Thanks for sharing the non-reddit link.

Mods. I know that's not really helpful, but it really is how many of us continue to enjoy it. That said, there are still things you can do to spice up your gameplay on vanilla. The biggest one is this- try a different playstyle. Archery is incredibly effective, so try making a character who absolutely refuses to use one because his whole family was slaughtered by a rogue sentient bow that laughed at him while it did it. Recruit different companions and try to keep them alive in different situations. Be an absolutely evil sonofabitch and kill everyone the game allows you to. Try Oblivion, for a similar, but distinctly different (and in my opinion, slightly superior, despite Skyrim's many advantages) experience. Or, most simply, stop trying to get blood from a stone, and put the game down until the itch actually returns, not until you feel like it should've. Best of luck to you.

As far as I know, no. Hello from someone who was trying to click a different link and this one popped up. I do know they're working on it on github.

Not that I know of without going to that instance, and possibly signing up on that instance depending on how they have it set up. Then to actually subscribe you have to manually copy the URLs into the search bar of your home instance. It's definitely an issue, and I hope they streamline subscribing to remote communities soon.

The only reason federation wasn't working was because they had to turn on CloudFlare protection just to keep the site from crashing. That interfered with federation. Assuming they're able to upgrade enough to handle the traffic, they'll federate as easily as lemmy does.

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Damn. Those reviews are way higher than I expected. Diablo might have some stiff competition when it comes to what I spend my time on in the near future...

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I replay Final Fantasy 7 in its entirety (including Gold Chocobo and both WEAPONs) every few years. Other than that, I pull out the old NES and fire up some Tecmo Bowl every once in a while, too.

You're very welcome, I'm glad it was helpful. I'm still learning about all this myself.

I don't plan to use reddit anymore if I can help it, other than to find specific answers to things. I'll no longer just browse. That said, up until now I exclusively used RiF. I refuse to touch the official app, and use old.reddit and ad blockers.

Well that was a frustrating read. I don't get it. Why are people so okay with reddit treating them like garbage?

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Holy shit. That's actually pretty huge. I have a feeling a lot of companies are going to realize how hostile reddit can be and stop officially supporting the subreddits. How much longer will /r/DestinyTheGame be supported? Ninja Kiwi only posts the full patch notes for BTD6 on the /r/BTD6 subreddit, will that go away?

At least here they're being shit on like the weak-willed idiots they are.

It's not a silly question at all, and it's one of the most unintuitive parts of the Fediverse. The most straightforward way is to go to the community you want to subscribe to (you can see a fairly comprehensive list at Copy the URL from that community. Go back to Kbin and paste that URL into the search bar. If it doesn't show up immediately, wait a few seconds then refresh, and it should.

There is some shorthand to how you can search- for example, searching "!(community name)@(instance home URL)" works as well, but Kbin in particular is a bit odd because it uses an @ for both community and instance, instead of the rest of Lemmy which uses the !. Like I said, the most straightforward way is just to copy the URL itself and figure out the shortcuts later.

Reddit, obviously. Way more content and activity. If you're just finding out about both, you don't know about the API kerfuffle and the UI isn't so terrible that someone who's just getting exposed to it would care because they have no frame of reference. There's no way the average person would choose Kbin over reddit if they really are just learning about both at the same time.

That's more than fair. I am just refusing to interact with the shop or battle pass and it's going fine so far, though I will admit, I didn't get as immediately hooked on it as I did with Diablo 3. Then again, I bought D3 years after launch, so a lot of the shittier aspects had been fixed by then.

I really hope this leads to actual change. Subreddits are becoming meaningless to visit and frustrating for normal users, so hopefully they just stop using reddit altogether.

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We don't know where the voting is going. The thread is in contest mode, so the sorting is meaningless no matter your sort method.

Looks great! How did it taste, that's the important part anyway.

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They didn't, and for attention.

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